Submitted Names with "worship" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword worship.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abood m Arabic
From the Arabic word عَبَدَ (abada) meaning "worship"
Abudi m Arabic (Rare)
Means "devoted worshiper of God" in Arabic, ultimately from Arabic عَبَدَ (ʿabada) meaning "to worship, to venerate".
Breaca f Medieval Cornish (Latinized)
Latinized form of Breage, from Cornish bregh "brave". The 5th-century Cornish saint Breage is also known as Breaca or Bray. Breage is also probably the source of the medieval Cornish name Braya.... [more]
Chapel f & m English
Transferred use of the surname Chapel and a "subordinate place of worship added to or forming part of a large church or cathedral, separately dedicated and devoted to special services," from Old French chapele (12c., Modern French chapelle), from Medieval Latin capella, cappella "chapel, sanctuary for relics," literally "little cape," diminutive of Late Latin cappa "cape."
Dumisa m & f Tumbuka
Means "praise, worship" or "thank you" in Tumbuka.
Harbhajan m & f Indian (Sikh), Punjabi
Derived from Sanskrit हर (hara) meaning "bearing, wearing" and भजन (bhajana) meaning "sharing, distribution" or "reverence, worship".
Ibadat m & f Kazakh, Persian, Turkish, Arabic
Derived from the Turkish word ibadet, meaning "worship" (ultimately derived from Arabic ibādat). Used in Kazakh, Persian, Turkish, Arabic, Turkmen, Tajik, Uzbek, & Pashto languages.
Ibodat f Uzbek
Means "worship" in Uzbek.
Kulture f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the English word culture, from Latin cultus "till, cultivate, worship". This was used by rappers Cardi B and Offset for their daughter.
Lajariá f Romani (Caló)
Directly taken from Caló lajariá "worship, adoration", this name is used as the Caló equivalent of Adoración.
Lúta f Old Norse
Perhaps related to Old Icelandic lúta "to lout, bow down; to kneel in Christian worship; to pay homage to".
Namatai m Shona
Namatai means "Pray or praise and worship God".
Nobutaka m Japanese
From Japanese 信 (nobu) meaning "faith, truth, fidelity, trust", 延 (nobu) meaning "prolong, stretching", 修 (nobu) meaning "discipline, study", 宣 (nobu) meaning "proclaim, say, announce", 暢 (nobu) meaning "stretch", 伸 (nobu) meaning "expand, stretch, extend, lengthen, increase", 昶 (nobu) meaning "long day, clear", 順 (nobu) meaning "order, turn, obedient, docile, submissive, meek", 所 (nobu) meaning "place", 常 (nobu) meaning "usual, ordinary, normal, common, regular, continually, always, long-lasting", 多 (ta) meaning "many, frequent, much" combined with 貴 (taka) meaning "precious, value, prize, esteem, honor", 喬 (taka) meaning "high, boasting", 教 (taka) meaning "teach, faith, doctrine", 尭 (taka) meaning "high, far", 敬 (taka) meaning "respect", 賢 (taka) meaning "intelligent, wise, wisdom, cleverness", 公 (taka) meaning "public, open, formal, official, governmental", 孝 (taka) meaning "filial piety", 考 (taka) meaning "consider, think over", 高 (taka) meaning "tall, high", 尚 (taka) meaning "furthermore, still, yet, more, still more, in addition, greater, further", 尊 (taka) meaning "precious, valuable, priceless, noble, exalted, sacred", 登 (taka) meaning "ascend, climb up", 宝 (taka) meaning "treasure", 隆 (taka) meaning "noble, prosperous", 鷹 (taka) meaning "hawk", 卓 (taka) meaning "table, desk, high", 崇 (taka) meaning "adore, respect, revere, worship", 宇 (taka) meaning "eaves, roof, house, heaven", 能 (taka) meaning "ability, talent, skill, capacity", 固 (taka) meaning "harden, set, clot, curdle" or 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled"... [more]
Parastesh f Persian
Means "worship" in Persian.
Saito m Japanese
From Japanese 宰 (sai) meaning "superintend, manager, rule", 嵯 (sa) meaning "steep, craggy, rugged", 彩 (sai) meaning "colour", 才 (sai) meaning "genius, years old, cubic shaku", 沙 (sa) meaning "sand", 祭 (sa) meaning "ritual, offer prayers, celebrate, deify, enshrine, worship" or 最 (sai) meaning "utmost, most, extreme" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person", 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation, 渡 (to) meaning "transit, ford, ferry, cross, import, deliver, diameter, migrate", 登 (to) meaning "ascend, climb up", 都 (to) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 糸 (ito) meaning "thread", 仁 (to) meaning "humanity, virtue, benevolence, charity, man, kernel", 翔 (to) meaning "soar, fly", 図 (to) meaning "map, drawing, plan, extraordinary, audacious" or 和 (to) meaning "harmony, Japanese style, peace, soften, Japan"... [more]
Setayesh  f Persian
From Persian setayesh meaning "the praise, the worship".
Suna f Japanese
From Japanese 沙 (suna) or 砂 (suna) meaning "sand", 吹 (su) meaning "blow, breathe, puff, emit", 壽 (su) meaning "longevity, congratulations", 好 (su) meaning "fond, pleasing, like something", 子 (su) meaning "child", 守 (su) meaning "guard, protect, defend, obey", 寿 (su) meaning "longevity, congratulations, one's natural life", 崇 (su) meaning "adore, respect, revere, worship", 州 (su) meaning "state, province", 摩 (su) meaning "chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape", 数 (su) meaning "number, strength, fate, law, figures", 水 (su) meaning "water", 洲 (su) meaning "continent, sandbar, island, country", 清 (su) meaning "pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise", 澄 (su) meaning "lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave", 瑞 (su) meaning "congratulations", 翠 (su) meaning "green", 磨 (su) meaning "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", 穂 (su) meaning "ear of grain" or 総 (su) meaning "general, whole, all, full, total" combined with 南 (na) meaning "south", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 捺 (na) meaning "press, print, affix a seal, stamp", 成 (na) meaning "turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach", 梛 (na), type of tall evergreen tree, 為 (na) meaning "do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of", 鳴 (na) meaning "chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk", 七 (na) meaning "seven", 名 (na) meaning "name", 波 (na) meaning "waves, billows", 納 (na) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store", 莫 (na) meaning "must not, do not, be not", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 那 (na) meaning "what", 凪 (na) meaning "lull, calm", 楠 (na) meaning "camphor tree", 汀 (na) meaning "water's edge, shore, bank", 也 (na) meaning "also", 尚 (na) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet", 水 (na) meaning "water", 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 就 (na) meaning "concerning, settle, take position, depart, study", 懷 (na) meaning "pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom", 直 (na) meaning "straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair", 稔 (na) meaning "harvest, ripen" or 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Thahleel f & m Arabic (Anglicized, Rare)
"Believe in the oneness of Allah (God), believe there is none worthy of worship except Allah (God)"... [more]
Tilanjal m Nepali
Meaning "Pure Substance for Worship".
Timycha f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek τῑμή (time) meaning "honour, worship, esteem".
Vandana f Indian, Hindi, Marathi
From Sanskrit वन्दना (vandanā) meaning "praise, commendation" or "prayer, worship".