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Name M/F Remark
Alyssia f Sort of sounds like "abyss" but I still like it.
Celeste f / m Love it. End of question.
Christian m Strong, masculine
Claudia f Elegance & intellect integrated in one name. Beautiful.
Delilah f Beautiful name; horrible meaning
Elle f I adore French names.
Europa f Well, seeing as I'm European, how could I not love this name?
Evangeline f Just love it
Evelyn f / m Very feminine & delicate
Heath m Masculine.
Heidi f How could you not love this name?
Ivy f Names that are derived from nature have always captivated me.
Jacqueline f So elegant...
Julian m Caesar comes to mind
Maximilian m Sounds intelligent & handsome.
Naomi 1 f Awesome name.
Troy m Love the history of Troy
Tyler m / f Rugged.
Vanna 1 f Pleasant sounding, nice ring to it
Vivienne f Beautiful name of French origin.