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Name M/F Remark Rating
Adrasteia f
Aella f
Aisling f
Andromeda f
Angharad f Means "more love" in Welsh. In the Mabinogion, a collection of tales from Welsh myth, Angharad Golden-hand is the lover of Peredur.
Ara m Meaning unknown, possibly of Sumerian origin. In Armenian legend this was the name of an Armenian king who was so handsome that the Assyrian queen Semiramis went to war to capture him.
Ara f
Ara f
Aranrhod f Possibly means "silver wheel" or "round wheel" in Welsh. In Welsh myth Arianrhod was the mother of the twin brothers Dylan and Lleu Llaw Gyffes. In earlier myths she was a goddess of the moon.
Arethousa f
Arethusa f From the Greek Αρεθουσα (Arethousa), which possibly meant "to become excellent". This was the name of a wood nymph in Greek myth
Aria 1 f Means "song", "melody". In Italian literally means "air". Been in use since the 20th century.
Ariadne f
Arianrhod f Possibly means "silver wheel" or "round wheel" in Welsh. In Welsh myth Arianrhod was the mother of the twin brothers Dylan and Lleu Llaw Gyffes. In earlier myths she was a goddess of the moon.
Aruna m Means "reddish brown" in Sanskrit. The Hindu god Aruna is the charioteer who drives the sun god Surya across the sky.
Astraea f Greek Mythology. Latinized form of the Greek (Astraia), derived from Greek (aster) meaning "star". Astraea was a Greek goddess of justice and innocence. Became the constellation Virgo.
Astraia f Greek Mythology. Derived from Greek (aster) meaning "star". Greek goddess of justice and innocence. Became the constellation Virgo.
Aurora f
Aurore f
Bébhinn f
Bébhionn f
Bébinn f
Caoimhe f
Céibhfhionn f
Ceridwen f
Cerridwen f
Cerridwyn f
Ciannait f
Circe f
Delfina f
Delphia f
Delphina f
Delphine f
Dove f
Dreama f
Drema f
Eileithyia f
Eira 2 f
Eluned f
Ériu f
Fîa f
Fia f
Fianna f
Genovefa f
Haven f / m
Ilithyia f
Isolde f
Kalliope f
Katka f
Keavy f
Keeva f
Kiira f
Kira 1 f Russian: KEE-rah; Russian feminine form of CYRUS-From (Kyros), the Greek form of the Persian name Kūrush, which may mean "far sighted" or "young". Also associated with Greek (Kyrios) "lord".
Kira 2 f English: KEE-rə; Variant of CIARA (1)-Irish: KEER-a, KEE-ar-a; Feminine form of CIAR. Saint Ciara was an Irish nun who established a monastery at Kilkeary in the 7th century. Kiera (Irish)
Kynthia f
Kyra f
Laoise f Irish: LEE-sha; Possibly a newer form of LUIGSECH. It is also used as an Irish form of Louise.
Lasairfhíona f
Lore 2 m Basque meaning "flower".
Luigsech f Ancient Irish: Derived from the name of the Irish god LUGH. OTHERS: Luíseach, Laoise (Irish)
Luíseach f Irish: Modern form of LUIGSECH. VARIANT: Laoise
Lumi f Finnish: Loo-mee. Meaning "snow".
Luna f
Luned f
Lunete f
Lyra f Astronomy: The name of the constellation in the northern sky containing the star Vega. It is said to be shaped after the lyre of Orpheus.
Maev f
Maeve f
Mave f
Méabh f
Meadhbh f
Meave f
Medb f
Melusine f
Mithra m
Mneme f
Morna f
Morrígan f
Mórríghan f
Mór-Ríoghain f
Naenia f
Naia f
Nea f
Neas f
Neasa f
Neassa f
Nere f
Nerea f
Nereida f
Nerida f
Nerina f
Nerissa f
Ness 1 f
Nessa 3 f
Nev m
Neva f
Nevaeh f
Neve f
Nevena f
Nevenka f
Nia 1 f
Nia 2 f
Niamh f Irish, Irish Mythology: NEEV; Means "bright" in Irish. She was the daughter of the sea god in Irish legends. She fell in love with the poet Oisín, son of Fio
Nimue f
Nimuë f
Nova f
Nyah f
Persefoni f
Persephone f
Rhiannon f
Rhianon f
Ríghnach f
Ríoghnach f
Ríona f
Ríonach f
Rúna f Old Norse meaning "secret lore". Ancient Scandinavian usage.
Runa f Old Norse meaning "secret lore". Danish, Norwegian, Swedish usage.
Rune m Old Norse meaning "secret lore". Danish, Norwegian, Swedish usage.
Rusalka f
Saoirse f Irish: SEER-sha; Means "freedom" in Irish Gaelic.
Síofra f Irish: Means "elf, sprite" in Irish Gaelic
Swan m