Name List: Peoples suggetsions

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Name M/F Remark
Avalon f because it's edgy and cute. - Lindel
Candace f - Ruben
Dahlia f because it's gorgeous and encourages mystery like "The black dahlia" - Lindel
Demi f Dami - Mariah
Evangeline f because it means "Like an Angel" - Lindel
Grace f Lila Grace? I think it sounds pretty... - Stephanie
Jessamine f First name that popped in my head XD - *artofalinea (DA)
Jesse f Jesse is a pretty name I think. :) - Beth
Jody f Lol. Charles was saying you guys should name her jody like we're naming our baby boy and they'd be best friends lol. - Alisha and Charles
Kari 1 f Kairi - ~DannyDetroit
Keiko f Because it means blessing (and yours is one for sure) - Lindel
Kyra f just because. - Lindel
Lily f - Ruben
Masha f - georgetenfour (DA)
Nicole f - Ruben
Nikki f - Armin