Name List: French names (F)

Standard view
Name M/F Remark Rating
Abigaëlle f
Adélaïde f On the shortlist
Adèle f On the shortlist
Adélie f
Adeline f
Agathe f
Aglaé f
Agnès f
Aliénor f
Alix f / m
Alizée f
Ambre f
Amélie f
Anaëlle f
Anaïs f On the shortlist
Angélique f
Annick f
Anouk f
Arabelle f
Ariane f
Ariel m / f
Astrid f On the shortlist
Aude f
Aurélie f On the shortlist
Azélie f
Béatrice f On the shortlist
Blanche f
Camélia f
Camille f / m
Cassandre f
Cassiopée f  
Céleste f / m On the shortlist 
Charlène f
Charlotte f On the shortlist
Claire f
Clara f
Claude m / f
Clémence f
Clémentine f
Cléo f
Constance f On the shortlist
Coralie f
Corinne f
Delphine f
Dorothée f
Edwige f
Eléonore f On the shortlist
Élisabeth f On the shortlist
Élise f
Élodie f On the shortlist 
Emmanuelle f
Estelle f
Esther f On the shortlist
Eugénie f On the shortlist
Eulalie f On the shortlist
Evangeline f
Évelyne f On the shortlist
Fanny f
Félicité f
Flavie f
Florence f / m
Françoise f On the shortlist
Geneviève f
Gisèle f
Guenièvre f
Gwenaëlle f
Hélène f
Héloïse f
Hortense f On the shortlist
Inès f On the shortlist 
Ingrid f
Iseult f On the shortlist
Jacinthe f
Jannick f
Jeanne f
Joséphine f
Judith f
Juliette f On the shortlist
Kateri f
Laeticia f
Laurence 2 f
Léanne f
Leila f
Léonie f
Louise f On the shortlist
Ludivine f
Lysandre m / f On the shortlist
Madeleine f On the shortlist
Maïté f
Manon f
Marceline f
Marcelle f
Margot f On the shortlist
Marguerite f On the shortlist
Marianne f On the shortlist
Marie f / m
Marielle f
Marilou f
Marilyne f
Marion 1 f On the shortlist
Marjolaine f
Marjorie f On the shortlist
Mathilde f On the shortlist
Maude f
Mélisande f
Mélodie f
Myriam f On the shortlist 
Nadège f
Odile f
Olympe f
Ophélie f On the shortlist
Oriane f
Philomène f
Rachel f
Raphaëlle f
Renée f
Rosalie f
Roseline f On the shortlist
Safia f
Salomé f
Sayen f
Séphora f
Séréna f
Sibylle f
Simone 1 f
Solange f
Stella 1 f
Suzanne f
Thérèse f
Valentine 2 f
Victoire f
Violette f
Virginie f
Viviane f
Yaël f
Zénaïde f
Zénobie f