Name List: Silly names

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Dutch m All I can think of is a European language.
German m Same with Dutch but a different European language.
Hi m
Hsar m / f Looks too much like 'Hussar' on paper. XD
Iachin m
Jaxtyn m So bad, it's good. XD
Jaxxon m Possibly the lowest-rated name on this website. XD
Maacah f / m
Medusa f Name of the Day - 11/16/2022
Mimi f All I think of is a certain song from The Backyardigans. The song in question is called "A Singing Telegram".
Odd m
Okay m
Paaie f Sounds like 'pie' to me. XD
Paxton m 320th name saved into this collection.
Pilot m
Vidka f Reminds me of vodka.
You m / f