sarahliz95's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Ada 1 f b could sound like "along" but might work as Ada-Marie, together meaning "noble" and "beloved"
Agatha f
Alice f c internal alliteration
Annette f
Audrey f a means noble strength, classy, sounds pretty good, slight internal rhyme
Avery m & f English : Counselor
Beatrice f Latin "she who brings happiness; blessed" also she who blesses
Celeste f A Latin "of the sky, heavenly". PL association, internal alliteration
Charis f & m m middle name
Cordelia f Welsh, Heart of a lion
Daphne f a classy, unique, okay meaning
Dorothea f
Edith f
Edna f
Eleanor f b
Elizabeth f a my middle name, good meaning, lots of nicknames that actually sound okay with Long
Eloise f
Esther f Nickname Essie
Eugenia f a unique, ends with an N sound but not in a bad way, cute nickname Gena
Eunice f
Evelyn f German for desired
Felicity f b pretty, maybe slightly hard to say
Florence f & m
Genevieve f c unique but might be too cumbersome to spell and no significant meaning
Georgiana f
Gwendolen f b pretty and unique but I don't like Gwen Long
Hadassah f
Helen f
Ingrid f y unique and pretty but doesn't wound great with Long
Jane f b unique and good meaning but might need a hyphenated name to sound good
Joanna f b related to Grandma Campbell's name, wouldn't want to name a brother Edward, slight "along" sound
Junia f M middle name
Katherine f
Lavender f
Louise f b from Louis meaning "famous warrior", alliteration and slight rhyme but not bad
Lucy f b good meaning, good association, alliteration but not too bad
Magdalena f m "tower of light"
Marie f b use the meaning "beloved"
Marigold f b not a deep meaning but pretty flower, unique, only if Gage learns to say it with a soft "i"
May f b Grandma Smith's middle name, use as middle name, "greater" in Latin but derived from the name of a goddess
Mildred f
Miriam f
Naomi 1 f a good meaning, slight internal rhyme but not bad
Ophelia f m middle name
Penelope f b unique, means "weaver"
Phoebe f b unique biblical good meaning, but friends association
Priscilla f a Latin "ancient" and strong NT female leader
Rosemary f b sounds nice but not significant meaning
Sage f m middle name but it'd be hard to pair
Salome f
Sienna f
Sophia f c I've always loved this name
Susanna f a slight "along" sound but not too bad, meaning of "rose" is significant to Gage's and my first kiss
Tabitha f
Talitha f A - very positive comments, "arise daughter"
Teresa f A Greek potential meaning "to harvest" nickname Tessa
Ursula f a Gage said he liked it, unique, would have to teach her to enunciate and not run it together with Long
Winifred f Friend of peace, good comments
Winona f