Name List: Mythology

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Name M/F Remark
Achilles m Hero
Adonis m Greek mythology
Aeneas m Son of Aphrodite
Aglaia f One of the three graces
Aidoneus m Epithet of Hades
Amalthea f Nymph
Amon-Ra m Egyptian mythology
Amphitrite f Goddess of the sea
Andromache f Means "man" and "battle"
Anthea f Epithet of Hera
Anubis m Egyptian mythology
Aphrodite f Goddess of love and beauty
Apollo m God of the sun
Arachne f Spider
Arche f Muse of origins
Ares m God of war
Ariadne f Daughter of Minos
Artemis f Goddess of the hunt
Artemisia f
Athena f Goddess of wisdom and warfare
Atlas m Titan
Aurora f Roman goddess of the morning
Bacchus m Roman equivalent of Dionysus
Bastet f Egyptian mythology
Cadmus m Brother of Europa
Calypso f Nymph
Castor m Son of Zeus
Ceres f Roman equivalent of Demeter
Charon m Ferryman of the dead
Chloris f Goddess of vegetation
Chrysanthe f Ancient Greek
Cronus m Titan
Cybele f Goddess of mountains and nature
Danaë f Mother of Perseus
Delia 1 f Epithet of Artemis
Demeter 1 f Goddess of the harvest
Despoina f Daughter of Demeter and Poseidon
Diana f Roman equivalent of Artemis
Dionysus m God of wine
Echo f Nymph
Electra f Greek mythology
Eos f Goddess of the dawn
Epimetheus m Titan
Erebus m Personification of darkness
Eris f Goddess of discord
Eros m Son of Aphrodite
Eunomia f Goddess of order and law
Euphrosyne f One of the three graces
Europa f Queen of Crete
Euryalus m Greek mythology
Eurydice f Wife of Orpheus
Euterpe f Muse of music
Euthalia f Ancient Greek
Evadne f Greek Mythology
Freya f Norse goddess of war
Gaia f Mother goddess
Hades m God of the underworld
Hathor f Egyptian mythology
Hebe f Goddess of youth
Hecate f Goddess of witchcraft and demons
Helios m Titan, sun God
Hemera f Personification of daytime
Hephaestus m God of metalworking and fire
Hera f Queen of the gods
Hercules m Hero
Hermes m Messenger of the gods
Hermione f Greek mythology
Hestia f Goddess of the hearth
Himalia f Nymph
Hyperion m Titan
Icarus m Greek mythology
Iset f Egyptian mythology
Isis f Egyptian mythology
Juno f Roman equivalent of Hera
Jupiter m Roman equivalent of Zeus
Kalliope f Muse of poetry
Kleio f Muse of history
Kore f Ancient Greek, Persephone's name
Leto f Mother of Apollo and Artemis
Lucretia f Roman Mythology
Luna f Roman goddess of the moon
Maia 1 f Mother of Hermes
Mars m Roman equivalent of Ares
Medea f Greek mythology
Medusa f Gorgon
Megaera f One of the furies
Melete f Muse of meditation
Melia f Nymph
Melpomene f Muse of tragedy
Mercury m Roman equivalent of Hermes
Metis f Titan
Minerva f Roman equivalent of Athena
Minthe f Nymph
Mneme f Muse of memory
Mnemosyne f Titan, mother of the 9 muses
Narcissus m Greek mythology
Nefertari f Egyptian
Nemesis f Personification of vengeance
Nephele f Mother of the centaurs
Neptune m Roman equivalent of Poseidon
Nereus m God of the sea, father of the Nereids
Nike f Goddess of victory
Niobe f Greek mythology
Nyx f Goddess of the night
Orion m Greek mythology
Orpheus m Poet, husband of Eurydice
Osiris m Egyptian mythology
Ourania f Muse of astrology
Palaestra f Goddess of wrestling
Pallas 1 f Athena's friend
Persephone f Queen of the underworld
Perseus m Hero that killed Medusa
Phaedra f Wife of Theseus
Phaenna f One of the three graces
Phoebus m Epithet of Apollo
Pluto m Roman equivalent of Hades
Polymnia f Muse of dance
Poseidon m God of the sea
Prometheus m Titan
Prosperina f Roman equivalent of Persephone
Psamathe f Moon of Neptune
Psyche f Maiden beloved by Eros
Rhea f Titan
Saturn m Roman god of the harvest
Seth 2 m Egyptian mythology
Styx f Titan
Terpsichore f Muse of dramatic chorus
Tethys f Titan
Thalia f Muse of comedy
Thanatos m God of death
Theia f Titan
Theseus m Hero that killed the Minotaur
Thetis f Nymph, mother of Achilles
Thisbe f Nymph
Thor m Norse god of thunder
Tisiphone f One of the furies
Valkyrie f Norse mythology
Venus f Roman equivalent of Aphrodite
Vesta f Roman equivalent of Hestia
Vulcan m Roman equivalent of Hephaestus
Xenia f Ancient Greek
Zelos m Personification of zeal
Zephyr m God of the west wind
Zeus m King of the gods