Name List: Animal Characters

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Name M/F Remark
Calliste m / f A female Deinonychus owned by my character Maximilien du Gervais.
Cosette f One of the five Compsognathus belonging to my character Camille Emilien du Fleur.
Kaiennenhawi f A wild female Lythronax who befriends some of my characters.
Lachlan m A male Inostrancevia owned by my character Letitia McAllister. He has a close relationship with Letitia's other pet, Percival the Simorhinella.
Otto m A male Mesonyx owned by my character Cecilia Darrow. He lives along with her other pet, Phoebe the Leaellynasaura.
Percival m A male Simorhinella owned by my character Letitia McAllister. He’s Titania’s sibling and shares a close relationship with Letitia’s other pet, Lachlan the Inostrancevia.
Pharamond m A male Guanlong.
Phoebe f A female Leaellynasaura owned by my character Cecilia Darrow. She lives along with Cecilia’s other pet, Otto the Mesonyx.
Rémy m A male Aquilops owned by my character Gilles du Reaux. He is sometimes given the family surname and called Remy du Reaux.
Rousseau m One of the five Compsognathus belonging to my character Camille Emilien du Fleur. His companions include Cosette, Charmant, Tachete and Madame l’Esprit.
Samir 1 m A male Sericipterus owned by my character Donatien du Rivier.
Séphora f A female Avisaurus owned by my character Claude du Picot.
Tiamat f A female Basilosaurus.
Titania f A female Simorhinella owned by my character Stanislaw Czajkowski. She is a sibling to Percival.
Vortigern m A male Hatzegopteryx.
Wilberforce m A male Gorgonops owned by my characters Lionel and Belinda Caldwell. He’s called Wilby for short.