fallen-avengers's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark
Adeline f Blood Saint Adeline
Adella f Sister Adella
Alfred m Alfred the Executioner
Alvina f Alvina of Darkroot Basin [Dark Souls]
Amelia f Vicar Amelia
Andre m Andre the Blacksmith [Dark Souls]
Annalise f Annalise, Queen of Cainhurst
Anri m & f Anri of Astora [Dark Souls]
Antal m Antal the Defector
Arianna f Arianna, Woman of the Night
Arthur m Artorias of the Abyss | likely where Artorias comes from [Dark Souls]
Blaidd m Blaidd the Half-Wolf [Elden Ring]
Broddr m Bardor | closest to Brador [Bloodborne]
Caryl m & f closest to Caryll | Runesmith Caryll
Ciarán f Ciaran ?, Lord's Blade [Dark Souls]
Creighton m Creighton the Wanderer [Dark Souls]
Darian m & f D, Hunter of the Dead
Devin m & f D, Beholder of Death
Djuro m closest to Djura | Retired Hunter Djura
Edgar m Edgar, Castle Morne
Eileen f Eileen the Crow
Gideon m Gideon Ofnir
Gilbert m Gilbert, Sickly Man
Godwyn m Godwyn the Golden [Elden Ring]
Gratia f Gratia, Simple [Bloodborne]
Guinevere f Closest to Gwynevere | Princess Gwynevere
Gwendolen m & f Gwyndolin, Dark Moon, Prince | Closest to Gwyndolin [Dark Souls]
Gwyn m Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight [Dark Souls]
Gwyndolen m & f Gwyndolin, Dark Moon, Prince | Closest to Gwyndolin [Dark Souls]
Gwynevere f Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight [Dark Souls]
Havel m Havel the Rock [Dark Souls]
Hawkeye m & f Hawkeye Gough [Dark Souls]
Henriett f Henriett, Old Hunter [Bloodborne]
Henryk m Henryk the Old Hunter [Bloodborne]
Horace m Horace [Dark Souls]
Hugh m closest to Hewg | Blacksmith Hewg
Hugo m closest to Hewg | Blacksmith Hewg
Irina f Irina, Castle Morne
István m Istvan, Knight
Josef f Closest to Iosefka | Doctor Iosefka
Juno f Juno, Knight of Blood
Laurence 1 m Laurence the First Vicar
Ludwig m Ludwig the Holy Blade / the Accursed
Margit m Margit, the Fell Omen
Maria f Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
Marika f Queen Marika
Melania f closest to Malenia | Malenia, Blade of Miquella
Melina f Finger Maiden Melina
Mikuláš m closest to Micolash | Micolash, Host of the Nightmare
Ornstein Ornstein, Commander [Dark Souls]
Oscar m Oscar, Knight of Astora [Dark Souls]
Paris 1 m & f Pharis, Black Archer | likely where Pharis comes from [Dark Souls]
Pate m Pate, Mild-Mannered [Dark Souls]
Radan m Radahn, Starscourge | closest to Radahn [Elden Ring]
Rani 1 f Ranni, Lunar Princess | closest to Ranni [Elden Ring]
Renna f Renna the Witch [Elden Ring]
Ricard m Ricard, Prince of Astora [Dark Souls]
Roderick f closest to Roderika | Spirit Tuner Roderika
Roderik f closest to Roderika | Spirit Tuner Roderika
Rogier m Spellsword Rogier
Rom f Rom, the Vacuous Spider
Shiva 1 m Shiva of Darkroot Basin [Dark Souls]
Simon 1 m Simon the Harrowed
Tanith f Tanith of the Volcano Manor
Yura m Finger Hunter Yura