sharky1973's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Adair f The rare male name I prefer on women & girls. I know it's Edgar, but it's so much more lovely than Edgar.
Adria f
Agnieszka f
Alba 1 f
Albertine f
Aleka f
Alice f
Alison 1 f this spelling only
Allegra f Even allergy medication can't ruin this name for me.
Alma 1 f
Althea f
Amália f
Amara f
Amira 2 f
Amity f
Amy f
Angela f
Angelica f
Angeliki f
Angeline f
Aniela f
Anjali f
Anna f
Annabel f
Anne 1 f
Annette f
Annie f
Anya f
Ariadne f
Astraea f
Astrid f
Audrey f
Aurora f
Aviva f
Bethan f with voiced th pronunciation only. I hate plain old Beth and its unvoiced th.
Betony f
Blythe f with voiced th pronunciation only
Bryony f
Calanthe f
Camille f
Cara f
Caridad f
Carol 1 f
Caroline f
Carrie f
Catherine f
Cecilia f
Ceridwen f
Christine f
Clara f first syllable pronounced as in the first 4 letters of Clark.
Clare f
Cleo f I don't like anything it's short for, but I love just Cleo.
Clover f
Coralie f
Cornelia f
Daphne f
Delphine f
Dorian f I know it's a male name, but I grew up watching One Life to Live, so it's female to me.
Edith f
Eleni f
Elif f
Eliora f
Elizabeth f
Elowen f
Elsie f
Esther f
Estrella f
Eve f
Faye f
Fern f
Francie f
Franziska f
Geneviève f
Genevieve f
Georgia f
Georgina f
Gilda f
Golda f
Greta f
Hallie f I only like the pronunciation that rhymes with alley.
Hana 3 f
Hannah f
Hedy f
Helen f
Hildy f
Holly f
Ianthe f
Ingrid f
Isidora f
Isobel f this spelling only
Ivy f
Jane f
Janina f
Jenny f As a full name or nickname for Genevieve. I don't like Jennifer or Jenna.
Joan 1 f
Josette f
Judith f
Julia f
Julie f
Juliet f this spelling only
June f
Justine f
Karen 1 f
Kira 1 f
Kiri f
Kitty f
Kristin f
Lane f
Laura f
Laure f
Laurel f
Leandra f
Leda f
Leocadia f
Léonie f
Leonora f
Léontine f
Líadan f
Liana f
Lila 2 f
Lilias f
Lillie f
Linden f & m
Lior m & f
Liora f
Lizzy f As a nickname for Elizabeth, Elisabeth, or Eliza.
Lo f As a nickname for Laura or similar.
Lolo f
Lorinda f
Lorraine f
Louisa f
Lucia f
Lucinda f
Lucy f
Lula 1 f
Lulu 1 f As a nickname for Lucy or Louisa, or similar names.
Lyla f
Maarit f
Maeve f
Magda f
Maggie f
Marceline f
Marcella f
Marianne f
Marie f & m
Marielle f
Mariette f
Marilena f
Marla f
Martha f
Matleena f
Mattea f
Matthea f
Maud f This spelling only.
May f
Mira 1 f
Mirabel f
Miranda f
Natalie f
Nicolette f
Nina 1 f
Odette f
Ombeline f
Otelia f
Patricia f
Rachel f
Rebecca f
Rita f
River m & f
Rosabel f
Rosaleen f
Rosalie f
Rosalind f
Rosaline f
Rosalva f
Roselyn f I prefer RO-zeh-lyn pronunciation.
Rosemary f
Rosine f
Sabrina f
Samara f
Samira 1 f
Sarai f
Shifra f
Sidonie f
Sidra f
Simone 1 f
Summer f
Susanna f
Svea f
Sylvie f
Tal m & f
Tali f
Talitha f
Tally f
Tamar f ta-MAR pronunciation only
Tamsin f
Tara 1 f
Tashi m & f
Thea f
Undine f
Ursula f
Valentina f
Vanessa f
Verity f
Veronica f
Wilhelmina f
Willa f
Xanthe f
Yael f
Ysabel f
Zara 1 f
Zareen f
Zelda 1 f
Zola 1 f
Zuzanna f
Zuzu f