Name List: Female

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Abeni f I love the meaning.
Abigaia f I think it's much more beautiful than Abigail.
Abigail f Friend's name.
Acantha f Beautiful, yet with a dangerous edge.
Ada 1 f
Adara f
Adelaide f
Adhara f
Adrasteia f
Adrienne f
Aeron f / m For the people who want to name their girl Berry . . .
Afra 2 f
Aiday f Pretty and mysterious. She shines with the light of the moon.
Aikaterine f
Aina 3 f
Airi 1 f
Aisling f
Akane f I love names that have to do with the color red.
Alastríona f It sounds like the name of a princess.
Alazne f
Alecto f / m It's pretty, but I also find it a bit manly due to it's similarity to Alec.
Alice f Great Grandma's name.
Allegra f I hate that it's the name of an allergy medicine.
Amaia f
Amani f So soft and sweet.
Amarantha f
Amaterasu f
Ambrosine f
Anahera f It does look a little too much like a combination of Ana and Hera. I still like it, though.
Andraste f
Andromache f I can imagine this being the name of the only female soldier in an army.
Andromeda f
Angerona f The only thing off-putting is that it starts with "Anger".
Anjali f A long-time favorite.
Ansa f
Arabella f Please, don't call the girl "Bella".
Araceli f
Arachne f
Aretha f
Arethusa f A strange combintation of beautiful and ugly.
Ariadne f It makes me think of shy, smart girl.
Arista f
Artemis f
Aruzhan f
Ásdís f
Asha 1 f
Asherah f Beautiful, but I hate the nickname Ash.
Ashtoreth f I like it a lot, but I'd probably only use it as the name of an evil fictional character due to its similarity to "Astaroth".
Astra f
Astraea f
Asunción f I think the meaning is funny.
Atarah f
Athena f
Audra 1 f
Aurore f I strongly prefer this to "Aurora".
Aušra f Beautiful, when pronounced OW-shra.
Avani f I came across this name on another site and instantly fell in love with it.
Aveline f Pronounced with a short "A". A-ve-leen.
Ayelet f A bit too close to "eyelet", but I still think it's a pretty name.
Aysel f
Aysun f
Azucena f
Azura f
Bastet f Not the prettiest name in the world, but I still find it lovely.
Bellatrix f Bellatrix Lestrange was an awesome villianess.
Berenice f Old yet still beautiful. I love it.
Berezi f
Beverly f Great Grandma's name.
Bithiah f
Blanche f French pronunciation only.
Calanthe f A very beautiful name.
Calla f
Cara f Simple, yet still very pretty.
Carys f
Catriona f
Celestine f
Chantrea f / m
Charlotte f Beautiful! We need more Charlottes.
Charmion f
Charna f It sounds so innocent, yet it has a sort of gothic edge.
Chloris f A big improvement over "Chloe".
Chrysanthe f Chrys or Cathy would be good nicknames.
Consuela f
Cora f
Crescentia f Absolutely beautiful!
Cybele f
Cyra f
Demetria f
Desdemona f Gorgeous and dark.
Despoina f
Devorah f
Diamantina f Instead of Diamond, try this on for size.
Dinah f
Drusilla f
Effie f Nickname only.
Effrosyni f
Eha f
Eira 1 f So simple, yet so beautiful.
Eirian f / m
Eirlys f
Eithne f
Elanor f
Elda f
Elizabeth f Was always a favorite. Class, elegance, strength, what more could one ask for?
Ellen 1 f "Ellen" needs a bit more love.
Elpis f I'd strongly recommend this over "Hope".
Elspeth f
Elvira f Spunky. I wouldn't use it in real life, though, because it's too strongly associated with the Mistress of the Dark.
Emira f
Emperatriz f
Enyo f
Eos f
Éowyn f I think of Tolkien's character, and that's not a bad thing at all.
Era f
Eris f The Greek goddess isn't the best namesake, but I still love the name.
Estefanía f Very sensual and womanly.
Estrella f I find it a great improvement over "Estella" and "Estelle".
Ethelinda f
Europa f Looks too much like "Europe". Shame; it's very pretty.
Evadne f
Evangeline f Beautiful, but trendy.
Eydís f
Fiammetta f
Fiera f
Filomena f "Filo" is a nice nickname.
Fiorella f A little too frilly. Still, it's a nice name.
Gabrielle f
Gaia f
Galadriel f Tolkien has created a real jewel of a name here.
Genevieve f I would strongly consider this for a child.
Geredrudis f
Ginevra f Great name, but I'd like another nickname besides "Ginny".
Giovanna f Gogeous.
Griselda f Old, but charming.
Gwyneira f Snow White? No. Gwyneira? Yes, please!
Hala f I wonder how such a short name can have such a long and gorgeous meaning.
Harmonia f
Haruna 1 f "Runa" is a cute nickname.
Hathor f
Hecate f
Helena f I have always adored this name, and I always will.
Hera f Regal and powerful.
Hestia f Holds unique beauty.
Hikari f / m
Hila f
Hilda f Some consider it an old lady name, but I've never viewed it that way. I think it's great.
Hildegard f Same as Hilda.
Hillevi f
Hirune f
Honorine f
Idril f
Ilithyia f "Ilithyia", "Ilithyia", "Ilithyia". I just love saying it.
Imani f So pretty and soft.
Imogen f
Indrani f Something about it speaks to me, even though it's not very pretty.
Iona 1 f
Ione f
Iphigeneia f
Irati f
Iris f One of the few flower names I actually like.
Isidora f So beautiful and charming.
Isis f Reminds me of ice.
Iskra f
Isolde f
Isra f I loved this name since I first saw it.
Ivory f I'd never use it, but I think it's very pretty.
Izar f Lovely. Maybe a sister to "Isra"?
Joan 1 f Pronounced with a long "O".
Judith f Classically gorgeous.
Juno f Spunky, much better than "June".
Kara 1 f
Kari 1 f Nickname only.
Katarine f This is what I would use "Kari" as a nickname for.
Kerensa f I wouldn't use it, but I think it's cute.
Kreine f
Lamia 1 f
Lavra f
Lena f
Leocadia f
Lerato f / m
Lestari f It sounds so graceful.
Líadan f
Libitina f It sounds like the name of a powerful and threatening villianess.
Liên f
Lilavati f
Lilian f I'm not at all sure why I like this name so much, but I do.
Lilith f A long time favorite. Dark, seductive, strong.
Linda f Past teacher's name.
Llewela f I think of a doctor when I hear this name, though I'm not sure why.
Loviatar f
Lucasta f Sounds like the name of a sorceress in a fantasy story.
Lucia f No nicknames. Though there's nothing wrong with "Lucy", I find "Lucia" much more beautiful.
Lucretia f It's beautiful. I can imagine a "Lucretia" being a sister to "Lysandra" or "Lysistrata".
Luminița f Gorgeous!
Luna f More Harry Potter refrences. Luna Lovegood was my favorite character.
Lusine f
Lyra f It's a perfect nickname for "Lysandra" or "Lysistrata", though it also functions perfectly well as a full name.
Lysandra f
Lysistrata f
Madara f
Maria f Classic, yet not too old-fashioned, and it works on any race or age. I love this name!
Melantha f I don't care for "Melanie", so this is a decent alternative. I love the meaning, too.
Melusine f
Minali f
Morana f
Morgana f Such a better name for a girl than Morgan.
Morrígan f I could see myself naming a fictional queen this.
Nadra f
Naiara f I want to know the exact meaning!
Naira f
Nālani f I'm usually not too big on Hawaiian names, but "Nalani" is sweet.
Nasrin f I love the sound and meaning.
Natsuki f
Nefertari f I find "Tari" a nice nickname.
Opal f I wouldn't use this, but it's a guilty pleasure.
Ophelia f
Persephone f I tend to not like names beginning with "P", but I find "Persephone" beautiful. The meaning is a bit of a turn off, though.
Philomel f
Rajani f / m
Raziela f Breathtaking.
Rhea f
Rosalba f
Rosaline f Simple, but very lovely.
Rosaria f
Rose f Nickname or full name, it's beautiful and classic.
Runa f Something about it is oddly alluring, despite it being so simple.
Ruth 1 f I'd definately name my kid this. It's due for a comeback.
Sabah f / m
Sabella f
Sabrina f Another long-time favorite.
Sacnite f
Safira f I hear it's assosciated with "Eragon". I haven't read the books, though, so it's not something that often comes to mind.
Saga f
Salacia f
Salvatrice f I saw it and was stunned. It's so pretty.
Saoirse f Pretty, but I can see problems with the pronunciation.
Sarai f
Sarangerel f My username on another site. Beautiful.
Sariah f I greatly prefer this to "Sarah".
Sasithorn f
Savitri f I always picture an extremely wise and calm woman that loves the summer sun.
Scarlett f I think of a girl who is beautiful, fiesty, and passionate.
Seffora f
Senka f
Seraphina f
Séraphine f
Seren f Great alternative to "Serenity".
Sethunya f
Shachar f / m
Shani 1 f / m Hebrew usage only. In English, it looks trendy.
Sharon f Great Aunt's name.
Sherah f
Shira f Lyrical and pretty.
Shiri f
Shirin f
Silvestra f I don't like the masculine "Sylvester", but I like this.
Simcha f / m
Siobhán f
Síofra f I picture a spritely young girl.
Sora f / m
Sorcha f
Stella 1 f Great Grandma's name.
Sterre f
Suzanne f Past teacher's name.
Svetlana f
Swanhild f
Tabby f Nickname only.
Taika f
Takara m / f
Tanith f
Temperance f And again with Bones.
Terra f
Tesni f
Themis f
Theodora f Lovely and underused.
Tinúviel f Beautiful name with a great namesake. If only "Luthien" was in the database, too.
Tirzah f
Tisiphone f She's strong and courageous, but has a lust for vengence. Perfect for an anti-heroine in a story.
Tondra f
Úna f Makes me think of a shy, sweet girl that spends a lot of her time picking flowers. Pretty, but too delicate.
Ursa f
Usagi f Undeniably cute.
Utari f
Valdís f
Valencia f It sounds so beautiful and powerful, which matches its meaning: "Power".
Valerie f I love this name, but hate its popularity.
Valkyrie f I think of a female viking.
Vashti f
Vérène f Don't really like "Verena", but I do like "Verene".`
Vesna f
Vespera f I find myself really liking the meaning.
Viatrix f Nice, but there are no good nicknames.
Virginie f French pronunciation only.
Xanthe f
Xena f Shame it originated from a TV show, even if it is a good show.
Ylva f
Yuuna f Preferably spelt "Yuna".
Zelda 2 f Never to be used in real life. The asscociations with the games are too strong.
Ziva f Ziva David! :)
Zoraida f
Zornitsa f