Name List: Male names

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Name M/F Remark
Aidan m
Andreas m
Arthur m Name of the central character in Arthurian legend, a 6th-century king of the Britons who presided over the knights of the Round Table.
Asher m "Happy, blessed." In the Old Testament was a son of Jacob and Leah's handmaid Zilpah, and the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Atticus m
Axel m
Caleb m "Dog." One of the twelve spies in the Old Testament sent by Moses into Israel. Of the Israelites who left Egypt with Moses, Caleb and Joshua were the only ones who lived to see the promised
Carl m
Cedric m
Christian m
Colin 1 m
Conor m "Wolf lover." Borne by the legendary Ulster king Conchobar mac Nessa, known for his tragic desire for Deirdre.
Crispin m 3rd-century Roman saint who was martyred with his twin brother.
Declan m 5th-century saint and missionary who practiced his ministry in Ireland.
Dexter m "One who dyes"
Dmitri m
Duncan m "Brown warrior"
Eli 1 m "Ascension, my God." High priest of Israel and the teacher of Samuel in the Old Testament.
Emmanuel m "God is with us." Foretold name of the Messiah in the Old Testament.
Emmett m
Evan m
Evander 1 m "Good man." In Roman mythology Evander was an Arcadian hero of the Trojan War who founded the city of Pallantium near the spot where Rome was later built.
Forrest m
Gabriel m "Strong man of God." One of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition.
Gavin m
Geoffrey m
Hans m
Hector m "Holding fast"
Henry m "Home ruler"
Isaac m "He laughs." Son of Abraham and the father of Esau and Jacob.
Isaiah m "Yahweh is salvation." Major prophet of the Old Testament].
Ivan m
James m Saint James the Greater, the apostle John's brother, who was beheaded under Herod Agrippa in the Book of Acts; Saint James the Lesser, son of Alphaeus; James the Just, Jesus' brother.
Jasper m "Treasurer"
Jeremy m
Jesse m "Gift." Father of King David in the Old Testament.
Jonah m "Dove." Prophet swallowed by a whale in the Old Testament, and emerged alive 3 days later.
Jude 1 m
Lazarus m Man from Bethany, the brother of Mary and Martha, who was restored to life by Jesus.
Leif m "Descendant, heir"
Levi m "Detached." Third son of Jacob and Leah, and the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of the Israelites.
Liam m
Lysander m "Release of a man." Spartan general and naval commander.
Magnus m "Great." 7th-century saint who was a missionary in Germany. Became popular in Scandinavia after the 11th-century Norwegian king Magnus I, who was said to have been named after Charlemagne.
Marcus m
Milo m
Nathaniel m
Noah 1 m "Rest, comfort." Builder of the ark which allowed him, his family, and animals of each species to survive the great Flood. Afterwards he received the sign of the rainbow as a sign from God.
Nolan m "Descendant of Nuallan"
Oliver m
Owen 1 m
Patrick m "Nobleman." 5th-century by Saint who was captured and enslaved in his youth by Irish raiders. After six years he escaped, but eventually became a bishop and went back to Ireland as a mission
Peter m "Stone"
Philip m "Friend of horses"
Roger m "Famous spear"
Simon 1 m "He has heard." Man who carried Jesus’ cross; one of Jesus' apostles, also named Peter.
Søren m
Thomas m "Twin." In the New Testament, name of the apostle who initially doubted the resurrected Jesus. According to tradition he was martyred in India.
Tristan m A knight from Celtic legend who was sent to Ireland in order to fetch Isolde, who was to be the bride of King Mark of Cornwall. Instead, they fall in love, ending in tragedy.
Trygve m "Trustworthy"
Walter m "Ruler of the army"
Zachariah m A king of Israel