Name List: Cowpokes

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Agrafena f Russian 'wild horse'; nickname AGGIE
Aspen f English
Audie m / f Old English 'little noble strong one'
Austin m Medieval English 'venerable'
Benjamin m English 'son of the south', 'son of the right hand' from Biblical Hebrew, nickname: BEN
Booker m English 'maker of books'
Brock m Old English 'badger'
Cadence f English 'rhythm, flow'
Cassidy f Irish 'curly haired'
Cheyenne f English from the Dakota 'unintelligible speakers'
Clayton m Old English 'clay settlement', nickname: CLAY
Clinton m Old English 'settlement on the summit', nickname: CLINT
Cody m Irish Gaelic 'son of fortune'
Colton m English
Cooper m Middle English 'barrel maker'
Dale f English
Dallas m Scottish 'meadow dwelling'
Doug m Scots Gaelic 'dark river'
Dwight m English
Everett m English 'brave boar'
Frankie f English; honoring Grandma
Gage m Middle English 'measure'
Haidee f Literature 'modest, reverent' from Greek
Hale 2 m Old English 'nook, retreat'
Hank m English 'YAHWEH is gracious' from Biblical Hebrew
Heck m Scottish 'holding fast'
Howie m English 'little high guardian'
Hoyt m Middle English 'stick'
Jake m English 'may God protect' from Hebrew
Jane f English feminine form of JOHN, middle name: Clemency (English 'merciful'); nickname: Calam(ity)
Jayne f English, feminine form of JOHN
Jeb m English
Jed m Biblical 'beloved of YAHWEH'
Jethro m Biblical 'abundance'
Joella f Hebrew 'YAHWEH is God'; nickname: JO, JOEY, ELLA
Judd m English 'flow down' from Biblical Hebrew
Katey f English
Mack 1 m Gaelic 'son'
Millaray f Native American (Mapuche) 'golden flower', nicknames: MILLIE, RAY
Pace m Middle English 'peace'
Paden m diminutive of PADRAIG
Paget f English 'little page'
Parker f / m English 'keeper of the park'; Hardison Parker (nickname: Hardy)
Pete m Biblical Greek 'stone'
Sam 1 m Biblical 'God has heard'
Sawyer m English 'sawer of wood'
Tanner m English 'one who tans hides'
Tommy m English 'little twin' from the Biblical Greek
Travis m English
Trevor m Welsh 'large village'
Tucker m English
Wilder f female character in 'Young James Bond' series
Wyatt m Old English 'brave and hardy in war'