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Gender Masculine
Pronounced Pron. /ˈtɹɪs.tən/(English) /tʁis.tɑ̃/(French)  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Probably from the Celtic name Drustan, a diminutive of Drust, which occurs as Drystan in a few Welsh sources. As Tristan, it first appears in 12th-century French tales, probably altered by association with Old French triste "sad". According to the tales Tristan was sent to Ireland by his uncle King Mark of Cornwall in order to fetch Iseult, who was to be the king's bride. On the way back, Tristan and Iseult accidentally drink a potion that makes them fall in love. Later versions of the tale make Tristan one of King Arthur's knights. His tragic story was very popular in the Middle Ages, and the name has occasionally been used since then.

Related Names

VariantsTristen, Tristin, Triston(English) Tristram(English (British))
Feminine FormTrista(English)
Other Languages & CulturesDrust, Drustan, Drest(Pictish) Tristão(Portuguese) Tristán(Spanish) Drystan, Trystan(Welsh)
Same SpellingTristán


People think this name is

classic   formal   upper class   natural   wholesome   strong   refined   strange   serious  


Tristan and Isolde by John William Waterhouse (1916)Tristan and Isolde by John William Waterhouse (1916)
Tristan and Isolde in a painting by Edmund Leighton (1902)Tristan and Isolde in a painting by Edmund Leighton (1902)


Entry updated December 7, 2022