Gender Masculine
Scripts कृष्ण(Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Nepali) কৃষ্ণ(Bengali) કૃષ્ણ(Gujarati) కృష్ణ(Telugu) கிருஷ்ணா(Tamil) ಕೃಷ್ಣ(Kannada) കൃഷ്ണ(Malayalam)
Pronounced Pron. /ˈkr̩ʂ.ɳɐ/(Sanskrit) /ˈkɹɪʃ.nə/(English) /ˈkɾɪʂ.ɳᵊ/(Hindi) /ˈkɾɪʂ.ɳɑː/(Hindi) /ˈkɾiʃ.no/(Bengali) /ˈkɾuʃ.ɳə/(Gujarati) /ˈkɻ̍ʂ.ɳa/(Telugu) /ˈkriʂ.ɳɐ/(Malayalam) [key·simplify]
Meaning & History
Derived from Sanskrit कृष्ण (kṛṣṇa) meaning "black, dark". This is the name of a Hindu deity believed to be an incarnation of the god Vishnu. According to the Mahabharata and the Puranas he was the youngest of King Vasudeva's eight sons by Devaki, six of whom were killed by King Kamsa because of a prophecy that a child of Vasudeva would kill Kamsa. However, Krishna and his brother Balarama were saved and he eventually fulfilled the prophecy by slaying the evil king. He then helped the Pandavas defeat the Kauravas in the Mahabharata War. His philosophical conversation with the Pandava leader Arjuna forms the text of the important Hindu scripture the Bhagavad Gita.In some Hindu traditions, Krishna is regarded as the supreme deity. He is usually depicted with blue skin. He is also known by many epithets, such as Govinda, Gopala, and the patronymic Vasūdeva.
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