Gender Masculine
Pronounced Pron. /ˈkɹɪs.t͡ʃən/(English) /ˈkɹɪʃ.t͡ʃən/(English) /kʁis.tjɑ̃/(French) /ˈkʁɪ /ˈkrɪs.tɪ.an/(Swedish) /ˈkɾɪs.tɪ.ɑn/(Norwegian) /ˈkʁɛs.djan/(Danish) [key·simplify]
Meaning & History
From the medieval Latin name Christianus meaning "a Christian" (see Christos 1 for further etymology). In England it has been in use since the Middle Ages, during which time it was used by both males and females, but it did not become common until the 17th century. In Denmark the name has been borne by ten kings since the 15th century.This was a top-ten name in France for most of the 1940s and 50s, while in Germany it was the most popular name for several years in the 1970s and 80s. In the United States it peaked in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Famous bearers include Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), the Danish author of such fairy tales as The Ugly Duckling and The Emperor's New Clothes, and the French fashion designer Christian Dior (1905-1957).
Related Names
VariantsChrétien(French) Christer, Kristian(Swedish) Kristian, Christen, Karsten, Kristen(Norwegian) Kresten, Kristian, Carsten, Christen, Karsten, Kristen(Danish)
Feminine FormsChristiana, Christina, Kristina, Krystina(English) Christiane, Christine(French) Christiane, Christina, Christine, Kristiane, Kristina, Kristine(German) Christina, Christine, Kristina, Kristine(Swedish) Christina, Christine, Kristina, Kristine(Norwegian) Christina, Christine, Kirstine, Kristina, Kristine(Danish)
Other Languages & CulturesHristiyan, Kristian, Kristiyan, Hristo(Bulgarian) Kristijan, Krsto(Croatian) Kristián(Czech) Christiaan, Chris(Dutch) Kristjan, Kristo, Risto(Estonian) Kristian, Risto(Finnish) Kris(Flemish) Krisztián(Hungarian) Kristján(Icelandic) Cristiano(Italian) Christianus(Late Roman) Krišjānis, Kristiāns, Krišs, Kristers(Latvian) Kristijonas(Lithuanian) Carsten, Karsten(Low German) Hristijan, Kristijan, Hristo(Macedonian) Krystian, Krystyn(Polish) Cristiano(Portuguese) Cristian, Cristi(Romanian) Kristijan, Krsto(Serbian) Kristián(Slovak) Kristijan, Kristjan(Slovene) Kito(Sorbian) Cristián, Cristian(Spanish)
Surname DescendantsChristiansen(Danish) Christian, Christians, Christianson, Christinsen(English) Christian(French) Christian(German) Christiansen(Norwegian)
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