Fictional Characters from Movies
Name | Year | Movie | Other Names | |
Ace Ventura | 1994 | Ace Ventura: Pet Detective | |  |
Ada Gillis | 1961 | Ada | |  |
Ada McGrath | 1993 | The Piano | |  |
Agnes Devereaux | 1985 | Agnes of God | |  |
Alan Grant | 1993 | Jurassic Park | |  |
Albus Dumbledore | 2001 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | (Percival, Wulfric, Brian) |  |
Alex DeLarge | 1971 | A Clockwork Orange | |  |
Alice | 2007 | Alice's House | |  |
Alice Howland | 2014 | Still Alice | |  |
Alice Hyatt | 1974 | Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore | |  |
Alice Tate | 1990 | Alice | |  |
Amanda Tangerman | 2008 | Finding Amanda | |  |
Amber St. Clair | 1947 | Forever Amber | |  |
Amélie Poulain | 2001 | Amélie | |  |
Andy Dufresne | 1994 | The Shawshank Redemption | |  |
Andy Hardy | 1941 | Andy Hardy's Private Secretary | |  |
Anna of Arendelle | 2013 | Frozen | |  |
Annabelle | 2014 | Annabelle | |  |
Annie Hall | 1977 | Annie Hall | |  |
Annie Parker | 2013 | Decoding Annie Parker | |  |
Anton Chigurh | 2007 | No Country For Old Men | |  |
Aragorn | 2001 | The Lord of the Rings | (Elessar, Estel, Strider) |  |
Ariel | 1989 | The Little Mermaid | |  |
Ash Williams | 1981 | The Evil Dead | (Ashley) |  |
Ashley Wilkes | 1939 | Gone With the Wind | (George) |  |
Athena Mulvain | 1954 | Athena | |  |
Atticus Finch | 1962 | To Kill a Mockingbird | |  |
Aurora | 1959 | Sleeping Beauty | (Briar, Rose) |  |
Austin Powers | 1997 | Austin Powers | |  |
Axel Foley | 1984 | Beverly Hills Cop | |  |
Bambi | 1942 | Bambi | |  |
Barry B. Benson | 2007 | Bee Movie | |  |
Barry Burke | 2014 | Someone Marry Barry | |  |
Beatrice Prior | 2014 | Divergent | (Tris) |  |
Beatrix Kiddo | 2003 | Kill Bill | |  |
Becky Howard | 1996 | McLeod's Daughters | (Rebecca) |  |
Belle | 1991 | Beauty and the Beast | |  |
Ben Walton | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | (Benjamin) |  |
Benjamin Braddock | 1967 | The Graduate | |  |
Bernard Lafferty | 2006 | Bernard and Doris | |  |
Beth Slocum | 2014 | Life After Beth | |  |
Betty Boop | 1930 | Dizzy Dishes | |  |
Betty Sizemore | 2000 | Nurse Betty | |  |
Billie Carol | 1965 | Billie | |  |
Billie Jean Davy | 1985 | The Legend of Billie Jean | |  |
Billy Elliot | 2000 | Billy Elliot | |  |
Blanche DuBois | 1951 | A Streetcar Named Desire | |  |
Bob Wiley | 1991 | What About Bob? | |  |
Boba Fett | 1980 | The Empire Strikes Back | |  |
Colonel Brandon | 1995 | Sense and Sensibility | |  |
Brick Tamland | 2004 | Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy | |  |
Bruce Banner | 2003 | Hulk | (Hulk) |  |
Bruce Wayne | 1989 | Batman | |  |
Brüno Gehard | 2009 | Brüno | |  |
Buck Rogers | 1979 | Buck Rogers in the 25th Century | |  |
Buffy Summers | 1992 | Buffy the Vampire Slayer | (Anne) |  |
Bugs Bunny | 1940 | A Wild Hare | |  |
Butch Coolidge | 1994 | Pulp Fiction | |  |
Buzz Lightyear | 1995 | Toy Story | |  |
Cal | 2014 | Kelly & Cal | |  |
Cal Hockley | 1997 | Titanic | (Caledon) |  |
Carol Danvers | 2019 | Captain Marvel | |  |
Carreen O'Hara | 1939 | Gone With the Wind | (Caroline, Irene) |  |
Carrie White | 1976 | Carrie | (Carietta, Carrietta) |  |
Casper the Friendly Ghost | 1945 | The Friendly Ghost | |  |
Celeste Martin | 2012 | Celeste and Jesse Forever | |  |
Charles Foster Kane | 1941 | Citizen Kane | |  |
Charlotte Gray | 2001 | Charlotte Gray | |  |
Chewbacca | 1977 | Star Wars | |  |
Chip | 1943 | Private Pluto | |  |
Claire McLeod | 1996 | McLeod's Daughters | (Louise) |  |
Clarice Starling | 1991 | The Silence of the Lambs | |  |
Clark Kent | 1978 | Superman | |  |
Claudia | 1994 | Interview with the Vampire | |  |
Cruella de Vil | 1961 | One Hundred and One Dalmatians | |  |
Daffy Duck | 1937 | Porky's Duck Hunt | |  |
Daisy Adair | 2009 | Dead like Me: Life After Death | |  |
Daisy Duck | 1940 | Mr. Duck Steps Out | |  |
Dale | 1943 | Private Pluto | |  |
Daniel Jackson | 1994 | Stargate | |  |
Daniel Plainview | 2007 | There Will Be Blood | |  |
Danny Gilmartin | 1953 | Calamity Jane | |  |
Darby O'Gill | 1959 | Darby O'Gill and the Little People | |  |
David Bowman | 1968 | 2001: A Space Odyssey | (Dave) |  |
David Clemens | 1962 | David and Lisa | |  |
David Gale | 2003 | The Life of David Gale | |  |
David Goodson | 1994 | David's Mother | |  |
Désirée Clary | 1954 | Désirée | |  |
Dewey | 1938 | Donald's Nephews | |  |
Diana of Themyscira | 2017 | Wonder Woman | |  |
Dick Tracy | 1990 | Dick Tracy | |  |
Donald Duck | 1934 | The Wise Little Hen | |  |
Donnie Darko | 2001 | Donnie Darko | |  |
Dorothy Gale | 1939 | The Wizard of Oz | |  |
Dory | 2003 | Finding Nemo | |  |
Count Dracula | 1931 | Dracula | |  |
Dwayne Hicks | 1986 | Aliens | |  |
Edward Scissorhands | 1990 | Edward Scissorhands | |  |
Elisa | 2012 | Para Elisa | |  |
Elizabeth Swann | 2003 | Pirates of the Caribbean | |  |
Elizabeth Walton | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | (Tyler) |  |
Ellen Ripley | 1979 | Alien | (Louise) |  |
Ellen Taylor | 2012 | For Ellen | |  |
Ellie Sattler | 1993 | Jurassic Park | |  |
Elliott Taylor | 1982 | E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial | |  |
Ellis Redding | 1994 | The Shawshank Redemption | (Red) |  |
Elmer Fudd | 1940 | Elmer's Candid Camera | |  |
Elsa | 2013 | Frozen | |  |
Elwood Blues | 1980 | The Blues Brothers | |  |
Ely Diamond | 2015 | Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List | |  |
Emanuel | 2013 | The Truth About Emanuel | |  |
Emmett "Doc" Brown | 1985 | Back to the Future | |  |
Erin Brockovich | 2000 | Erin Brockovich | |  |
Esther "Grandma" Walton | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | |  |
Ethan Edwards | 1956 | The Searchers | |  |
Ethan Hunt | 1996 | Mission Impossible | |  |
Felicity Robinson | 1979 | Felicity | |  |
Felix the Cat | 1919 | Feline Follies | |  |
Ferris Bueller | 1986 | Ferris Bueller's Day Off | |  |
Fiona | 2001 | Shrek | |  |
Forrest Gump | 1994 | Forrest Gump | |  |
Frank Booth | 1986 | Blue Velvet | |  |
Frank Drebin | 1988 | The Naked Gun | |  |
Freddy Krueger | 1984 | A Nightmare on Elm Street | |  |
Gandalf | 2001 | The Lord of the Rings | (Mithrandir, Olórin) |  |
Gaston | 1991 | Beauty and the Beast | |  |
Geoffrey Griffin | 1976 | Griffin and Phoenix | |  |
George Bailey | 1946 | It's a Wonderful Life | |  |
George Blake | 1943 | Bell-Bottom George | |  |
George Lass | 2009 | Dead like Me: Life After Death | (Georgia) |  |
Gigi | 1958 | Gigi | (Gilberte) |  |
Godzilla | 1954 | Godzilla | (Gojira) |  |
Gollum | 2002 | The Lord of the Rings | (Sméagol, Trahald) |  |
Goofy | 1932 | The Whoopee Party | |  |
Grace Trevethyn | 2000 | Saving Grace | |  |
Han Solo | 1977 | Star Wars | |  |
Hanna Heller | 2011 | Hanna | |  |
Hannibal Lecter | 1991 | The Silence of the Lambs | |  |
Harry Burns | 1989 | When Harry Met Sally... | |  |
"Dirty" Harry Callahan | 1971 | Dirty Harry | |  |
Harry Potter | 2001 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | (James) |  |
Harry Sweeney | 2009 | Handsome Harry | |  |
Hazel Flagg | 1937 | Hazel Flagg | |  |
Henry Orient | 1964 | The World of Henry Orient | |  |
Henry Turner | 1991 | Regarding Henry | |  |
Hermione Granger | 2001 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | (Jean) |  |
Honeythorn Gump | 1985 | Legend | |  |
Huey | 1938 | Donald's Nephews | |  |
Iago | 1992 | Aladdin | |  |
Ian Malcolm | 1993 | Jurassic Park | |  |
Ilsa Lund | 1942 | Casablanca | |  |
Indiana Jones | 1981 | Raiders of the Lost Ark | (Indy) |  |
Iris | 1987 | Iris | |  |
Isaiah | 1995 | Losing Isaiah | |  |
Jack Dawson | 1997 | Titanic | |  |
Jack O'Neill | 1994 | Stargate | (Jonathan) |  |
Jack Powell | 1996 | Jack | |  |
Jack Skellington | 1993 | The Nightmare Before Christmas | |  |
Jack Sparrow | 2003 | Pirates of the Caribbean | |  |
Jack Torrance | 1980 | The Shining | |  |
Jade | 1995 | Jade | (Anna, Katrina) |  |
Jafar | 1992 | Aladdin | |  |
Jake Blues | 1980 | The Blues Brothers | |  |
James Bond | 1962 | Dr. No | |  |
Jamie Marks | 2014 | Jamie Marks Is Dead | |  |
Jane | 2000 | The Truth About Jane | |  |
Jasmine | 1992 | Aladdin | |  |
Jason Bourne | 2002 | The Bourne Identity | |  |
Jason Voorhees | 1980 | Friday the 13th | |  |
Jason Walton | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | |  |
Jeff "the Dude" Lebowski | 1998 | The Big Lebowski | |  |
Jennifer Baylor | 1978 | Jennifer | |  |
Jerry Mouse | 1941 | The Midnight Snack | |  |
Jesse Abrams | 2012 | Celeste and Jesse Forever | |  |
Jessica Rabbit | 1988 | Who Framed Roger Rabbit? | |  |
Jody Baxter | 1946 | The Yearling | |  |
Joe Gillis | 1950 | Sunset Boulevard | |  |
Joe Ransom | 2013 | Joe | |  |
Joey Evans | 1957 | Pal Joey | |  |
John Connor | 1991 | Terminator 2: Judgment Day | |  |
John McClane | 1988 | Die Hard | |  |
John Miller | 1998 | Saving Private Ryan | |  |
John "John-Boy" Walton Jr. | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | (Lee) |  |
John Walton Sr. | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | |  |
Johnny Number 5 | 1986 | Short Circuit | |  |
Johnny "Handsome" Sedley | 1989 | Johnny Handsome | (John) |  |
Jonny Vang | 2003 | Jonny Vang | |  |
Joy Lass | 2009 | Dead like Me: Life After Death | |  |
Judah Ben-Hur | 1959 | Ben-Hur | |  |
Judalon de Bornay | 1952 | The Iron Mistress | |  |
Judy Foster | 1948 | A Date with Judy | |  |
Jules Winnfield | 1994 | Pulp Fiction | |  |
Julia Levin | 2010 | Julia's Eyes | |  |
Juno MacGuff | 2007 | Juno | |  |
Kanaalaq | 2003 | The Snow Walker | |  |
Kate Carson | 2002 | Repli-Kate | |  |
Katie Brown | 1953 | Calamity Jane | |  |
Katniss Everdeen | 2012 | The Hunger Games | |  |
Kekoa Shaw | 2021 | Malignant | |  |
Kelly | 2014 | Kelly & Cal | |  |
Kevin McCallister | 1990 | Home Alone | |  |
Keyser Söze | 1995 | The Usual Suspects | |  |
Kyle Reese | 1984 | The Terminator | |  |
Lark Ingoldsby | 1948 | Enchantment | |  |
Lassie | 1943 | Lassie Come Home | |  |
Laura | 2004 | Laura's Star | |  |
Laura Hunt | 1944 | Laura | |  |
Laura Mars | 1978 | Eyes of Laura Mars | |  |
Laura Moore | 1979 | Laura | |  |
Laurie Strode | 1978 | Halloween | |  |
Princess Leia Organa | 1977 | Star Wars | |  |
Lili Smith | 1970 | Darling Lili | |  |
Lisa Brandt | 1962 | David and Lisa | |  |
Logan "Wolverine" | 2000 | X-Men | (James) |  |
Lois Lane | 1978 | Superman | |  |
Louden Swain | 1985 | Vision Quest | |  |
Louie | 1938 | Donald's Nephews | |  |
Lucy | 2002 | I'm with Lucy | |  |
Luke Jackson | 1967 | Cool Hand Luke | (Lucas) |  |
Luke Skywalker | 1977 | Star Wars | |  |
Lulu | 1990 | The Ages of Lulu | |  |
Malcolm Reynolds | 2005 | Serenity | (Mal) |  |
Maleficent | 1959 | Sleeping Beauty | |  |
Marge Gunderson | 1996 | Fargo | |  |
Margie MacDuff | 1946 | Margie | (Marjorie) |  |
Mariah Mundi | 2008 | The Adventurer: The Curse of the Midas Box | |  |
Marie Galante | 1934 | Marie Galante | |  |
Marie Ragghianti | 1985 | Marie | |  |
Marius | 1931 | Marius | |  |
Marlin | 2003 | Finding Nemo | |  |
Marnie Edgar | 1964 | Marnie | |  |
Martin Blank | 1997 | Grosse Pointe Blank | |  |
Martin Brody | 1975 | Jaws | |  |
Martin Riggs | 1987 | Lethal Weapon | |  |
Marty McFly | 1985 | Back to the Future | (Martin) |  |
Marv | 2005 | Sin City | |  |
Marvin the Martian | 1948 | Haredevil Hare | |  |
Mary Jane Harper | 1977 | Mary Jane Harper Cried Last Night | |  |
Mary Poppins | 1964 | Mary Poppins | |  |
Mary Ellen Walton | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | |  |
Mason | 2009 | Dead like Me: Life After Death | |  |
Mathilda Lando | 1994 | Léon: The Professional | |  |
"Mad" Max Rockatansky | 1979 | Mad Max | |  |
Maximus Decimus Meridius | 2000 | Gladiator | |  |
May Kennedy | 2002 | May | |  |
Melanie Hamilton Wilkes | 1939 | Gone With the Wind | |  |
Melissa | 2005 | Melissa P. | |  |
Merida | 2012 | Brave | |  |
Mia Wallace | 1994 | Pulp Fiction | |  |
Michael Corleone | 1973 | The Godfather | |  |
Michael Myers | 1978 | Halloween | |  |
Mickey Mouse | 1928 | Steamboat Willie | |  |
Mikaela Banes | 2007 | Transformers | |  |
Millie Dillmount | 1967 | Thoroughly Modern Millie | |  |
Minnie Mouse | 1928 | Steamboat Willie | |  |
Moana of Motunui | 2016 | Moana | (Vaiana) |  |
Molly Maxwell | 2013 | Molly Maxwell | |  |
Molly McKay | 1999 | Molly | |  |
Mufasa | 1994 | The Lion King | |  |
Mulan | 1998 | Mulan | |  |
Muriel Heslop | 1994 | Muriel's Wedding | |  |
Mushu | 1998 | Mulan | |  |
Nala | 1994 | The Lion King | |  |
Nancy Stockwell | 2008 | Downloading Nancy | |  |
Naomi Mills | 2007 | Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List | |  |
Napoleon Dynamite | 2004 | Napoleon Dynamite | |  |
Natasha Romanova | 2012 | The Avengers | |  |
Nate Foster | 2022 | Better Nate Than Ever | |  |
Nemo | 2003 | Finding Nemo | |  |
Neo | 1999 | The Matrix | |  |
Nick O'Leary | 2008 | Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist | |  |
Norah Silverberg | 2008 | Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist | |  |
Norma Desmond | 1950 | Sunset Boulevard | |  |
Norman Bates | 1960 | Psycho | |  |
Obi-Wan Kenobi | 1977 | Star Wars | (Ben) |  |
Oggy | 2013 | Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie | |  |
Olaf | 2013 | Frozen | |  |
Olive Oyl | 1933 | Popeye the Sailor | |  |
Oliver | 1988 | Oliver & Company | |  |
Olivia Walton | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | |  |
Optimus Prime | 2007 | Transformers | |  |
Pascal | 2010 | Bibliothèque Pascal | |  |
Patrick Bateman | 2000 | American Psycho | |  |
Patrick Thompson | 1978 | Patrick | |  |
Pauline Marvin | 1914 | The Perils of Pauline | |  |
Pert Barlow | 1919 | Checkers | |  |
Pete | 1977 | Pete's Dragon | |  |
Peter Parker | 2002 | Spider-Man | |  |
Peter Quill | 2014 | Guardians of the Galaxy | (Jason) |  |
Peter Venkman | 1984 | Ghostbusters | |  |
Philip Marlowe | 1946 | The Big Sleep | |  |
Philomena Lee | 2013 | Philomena | (Annie) |  |
Pinocchio | 1940 | Pinocchio | |  |
Pippa Lee | 2009 | The Private Lives of Pippa Lee | |  |
Pluto | 1931 | The Moose Hunt | |  |
Po | 2008 | Kung Fu Panda | (Lotus, Xiao) |  |
Popeye | 1933 | Popeye the Sailor | |  |
Porky Pig | 1935 | I Haven't Got a Hat | |  |
Priscilla | 1994 | The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert | |  |
Pumbaa | 1994 | The Lion King | |  |
Randal Graves | 1994 | Clerks | |  |
Randle McMurphy | 1975 | One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | (Patrick) |  |
Regan MacNeil | 1973 | The Exorcist | |  |
Reggie Lass | 2009 | Dead like Me: Life After Death | (Regina) |  |
Rhett Butler | 1939 | Gone With the Wind | |  |
Rick Blaine | 1942 | Casablanca | |  |
Mrs. Robinson | 1967 | The Graduate | |  |
Rocky Balboa | 1976 | Rocky | |  |
Roger Rabbit | 1988 | Who Framed Roger Rabbit? | |  |
Ron Burgundy | 2004 | Anchorman | |  |
Ron Weasley | 2001 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | (Ronald, Bilius) |  |
Rosaleen | 1984 | The Company of Wolves | |  |
Rosco P. Coltrane | 1975 | Moonrunners | (Purvis) |  |
Rose DeWitt Bukater | 1997 | Titanic | |  |
Rosemary Woodhouse | 1968 | Rosemary's Baby | |  |
Roxanne Kowalski | 1987 | Roxanne | |  |
Roxy Harvey | 2009 | Dead like Me: Life After Death | (Roxanne) |  |
Roy Batty | 1982 | Blade Runner | |  |
Sabrina Fairchild | 1954 | Sabrina | |  |
Sadie Thompson | 1928 | Sadie Thompson | |  |
Sally Albright | 1989 | When Harry Met Sally... | |  |
Sally Bird | 1933 | Aunt Sally | |  |
Yosemite Sam | 1945 | Hare Trigger | |  |
Sam Spade | 1941 | The Maltese Falcon | |  |
Sam Witwicky | 2007 | Transformers | |  |
Sarah | 1982 | Sarah | |  |
Sarah Connor | 1984 | The Terminator | (Jeanette) |  |
Sarah Phoenix | 1976 | Griffin and Phoenix | |  |
Scar | 1994 | The Lion King | |  |
Scarlett O'Hara | 1939 | Gone With the Wind | (Katie) |  |
Scott Lang | 2015 | Ant-Man | |  |
Scott Pilgrim | 2010 | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World | |  |
Sheena | 1984 | Sheena | |  |
Shrek | 2001 | Shrek | |  |
Sidney Prescott | 1996 | Scream | |  |
Simba | 1994 | The Lion King | |  |
Agent Smith | 1999 | The Matrix | |  |
Snake Plissken | 1981 | Escape from New York | |  |
Sonny | 2002 | Sonny | |  |
Sonny Bosco | 2011 | Searching for Sonny | |  |
Sophie Zawistowski | 1982 | Sophie's Choice | (Zophia) |  |
Spencer | 2001 | According to Spencer | |  |
Stanley Kowalski | 1951 | A Streetcar Named Desire | |  |
Stella | 1955 | Stella | |  |
Stella | 2008 | Stella | |  |
Stella Dallas | 1937; 1990 | Stella Dallas; Stella | |  |
Stella Payne | 1998 | How Stella Got Her Groove Back | |  |
Stephen Strange | 2016 | Doctor Strange | (Vincent) |  |
Steve Rogers | 2011 | Captain America: The First Avenger | |  |
Suellen O'Hara | 1939 | Gone With the Wind | (Susan, Elinor) |  |
Sugar "Kane" Kowalczyk | 1959 | Some Like It Hot | |  |
Sylvester | 1945 | Life with Feathers | |  |
Tammy Banks | 2014 | Tammy | |  |
T'Challa | 2018 | Black Panther | |  |
Tess McLeod | 1996 | McLeod's Daughters | (Teresa, Charlotte) |  |
Thomasina | 1963 | The Three Lives of Thomasina | |  |
Thomasine | 1974 | Thomasine & Bushrod | |  |
Tiana | 2009 | The Princess and the Frog | |  |
Timon | 1994 | The Lion King | |  |
Timothy Green | 2012 | The Odd Life of Timothy Green | |  |
Tom Cat | 1941 | The Midnight Snack | |  |
Tommy DeVito | 1990 | Goodfellas | |  |
Tommy Walker | 1975 | Tommy | |  |
Tony Montana | 1983 | Scarface | (Antonio) |  |
Tony Stark | 2008 | Iron Man | (Anthony) |  |
Travis Bickle | 1976 | Taxi Driver | |  |
Trinity | 1999 | The Matrix | |  |
Tweety Bird | 1942 | A Tale of Two Kitties | |  |
Tyler Durden | 1999 | Fight Club | |  |
Ursula | 1989 | The Little Mermaid | |  |
Darth Vader | 1977 | Star Wars | (Anakin) |  |
Velvet Brown | 1944 | National Velvet | |  |
Vera Drake | 2004 | Vera Drake | |  |
Vic Vega | 1992 | Reservoir Dogs | (Victor) |  |
Victoria Grant | 1982 | Victor/Victoria | |  |
Vincent MacKenna | 2014 | St. Vincent | |  |
Vincent Vega | 1994 | Pulp Fiction | |  |
Vincenzo Coccotti | 1993 | True Romance | |  |
Vito Corleone | 1972 | The Godfather | |  |
Lord Voldemort | 2001 | Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone | (Tom, Marvolo) |  |
Wallace | 1989 | A Grand Day Out | |  |
Walter Kurtz | 1979 | Apocalypse Now | |  |
Walter Sobchak | 1998 | The Big Lebowski | |  |
Wanda Gershwitz | 1988 | A Fish Called Wanda | |  |
Wayne Campbell | 1992 | Wayne's World | |  |
White Goodman | 2004 | Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story | |  |
Will Turner | 2003 | Pirates of the Caribbean | (William) |  |
Willow Ufgood | 1988 | Willow | |  |
Wilson "Rocket" Rodriguez | 2002 | City of God | |  |
Woody Pride | 1995 | Toy Story | |  |
Woody Woodpecker | 1940 | Knock Knock | |  |
Yoda | 1980 | The Empire Strikes Back | |  |
Zeb "Grandpa" Walton | 1971 | The Homecoming: A Christmas Story | (Zebb, Zebulon) |  |