Fictional Characters from Movies

This list is comprised of some of the most recognizable names from fictional movies. If shown, the year indicates when the movie was first released.
NameYearMovieOther Names
Ace Ventura1994Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ada Gillis1961Ada
Ada McGrath1993The Piano
Agnes Devereaux1985Agnes of God
Alan Grant1993Jurassic Park
Albus Dumbledore2001Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(Percival, Wulfric, Brian)
Alex DeLarge1971A Clockwork Orange
Alice2007Alice's House
Alice Howland2014Still Alice
Alice Hyatt1974Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Alice Tate1990Alice
Amanda Tangerman2008Finding Amanda
Amber St. Clair1947Forever Amber
Amélie Poulain2001Amélie
Andy Dufresne1994The Shawshank Redemption
Andy Hardy1941Andy Hardy's Private Secretary
Anna of Arendelle2013Frozen
Annie Hall1977Annie Hall
Annie Parker2013Decoding Annie Parker
Anton Chigurh2007No Country For Old Men
Aragorn2001The Lord of the Rings(Elessar, Estel, Strider)
Ariel1989The Little Mermaid
Ash Williams1981The Evil Dead(Ashley)
Ashley Wilkes1939Gone With the Wind(George)
Athena Mulvain1954Athena
Atticus Finch1962To Kill a Mockingbird
Aurora1959Sleeping Beauty(Briar, Rose)
Austin Powers1997Austin Powers
Axel Foley1984Beverly Hills Cop
Barry B. Benson2007Bee Movie
Barry Burke2014Someone Marry Barry
Beatrice Prior2014Divergent(Tris)
Beatrix Kiddo2003Kill Bill
Becky Howard1996McLeod's Daughters(Rebecca)
Belle1991Beauty and the Beast
Ben Walton1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story(Benjamin)
Benjamin Braddock1967The Graduate
Bernard Lafferty2006Bernard and Doris
Beth Slocum2014Life After Beth
Betty Boop1930Dizzy Dishes
Betty Sizemore2000Nurse Betty
Billie Carol1965Billie
Billie Jean Davy1985The Legend of Billie Jean
Billy Elliot2000Billy Elliot
Blanche DuBois1951A Streetcar Named Desire
Bob Wiley1991What About Bob?
Boba Fett1980The Empire Strikes Back
Colonel Brandon1995Sense and Sensibility
Brick Tamland2004Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
Bruce Banner2003Hulk(Hulk)
Bruce Wayne1989Batman
Brüno Gehard2009Brüno
Buck Rogers1979Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
Buffy Summers1992Buffy the Vampire Slayer(Anne)
Bugs Bunny1940A Wild Hare
Butch Coolidge1994Pulp Fiction
Buzz Lightyear1995Toy Story
Cal2014Kelly & Cal
Cal Hockley1997Titanic(Caledon)
Carol Danvers2019Captain Marvel
Carreen O'Hara1939Gone With the Wind(Caroline, Irene)
Carrie White1976Carrie(Carietta, Carrietta)
Casper the Friendly Ghost1945The Friendly Ghost
Celeste Martin2012Celeste and Jesse Forever
Charles Foster Kane1941Citizen Kane
Charlotte Gray2001Charlotte Gray
Chewbacca1977Star Wars
Chip1943Private Pluto
Claire McLeod1996McLeod's Daughters(Louise)
Clarice Starling1991The Silence of the Lambs
Clark Kent1978Superman
Claudia1994Interview with the Vampire
Cruella de Vil1961One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Daffy Duck1937Porky's Duck Hunt
Daisy Adair2009Dead like Me: Life After Death
Daisy Duck1940Mr. Duck Steps Out
Dale1943Private Pluto
Daniel Jackson1994Stargate
Daniel Plainview2007There Will Be Blood
Danny Gilmartin1953Calamity Jane
Darby O'Gill1959Darby O'Gill and the Little People
David Bowman19682001: A Space Odyssey(Dave)
David Clemens1962David and Lisa
David Gale2003The Life of David Gale
David Goodson1994David's Mother
Désirée Clary1954Désirée
Dewey1938Donald's Nephews
Diana of Themyscira2017Wonder Woman
Dick Tracy1990Dick Tracy
Donald Duck1934The Wise Little Hen
Donnie Darko2001Donnie Darko
Dorothy Gale1939The Wizard of Oz
Dory2003Finding Nemo
Count Dracula1931Dracula
Dwayne Hicks1986Aliens
Edward Scissorhands1990Edward Scissorhands
Elisa2012Para Elisa
Elizabeth Swann2003Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Walton1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story(Tyler)
Ellen Ripley1979Alien(Louise)
Ellen Taylor2012For Ellen
Ellie Sattler1993Jurassic Park
Elliott Taylor1982E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Ellis Redding1994The Shawshank Redemption(Red)
Elmer Fudd1940Elmer's Candid Camera
Elwood Blues1980The Blues Brothers
Ely Diamond2015Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List
Emanuel2013The Truth About Emanuel
Emmett "Doc" Brown1985Back to the Future
Erin Brockovich2000Erin Brockovich
Esther "Grandma" Walton1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story
Ethan Edwards1956The Searchers
Ethan Hunt1996Mission Impossible
Felicity Robinson1979Felicity
Felix the Cat1919Feline Follies
Ferris Bueller1986Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Forrest Gump1994Forrest Gump
Frank Booth1986Blue Velvet
Frank Drebin1988The Naked Gun
Freddy Krueger1984A Nightmare on Elm Street
Gandalf2001The Lord of the Rings(Mithrandir, Olórin)
Gaston1991Beauty and the Beast
Geoffrey Griffin1976Griffin and Phoenix
George Bailey1946It's a Wonderful Life
George Blake1943Bell-Bottom George
George Lass2009Dead like Me: Life After Death(Georgia)
Gollum2002The Lord of the Rings(Sméagol, Trahald)
Goofy1932The Whoopee Party
Grace Trevethyn2000Saving Grace
Han Solo1977Star Wars
Hanna Heller2011Hanna
Hannibal Lecter1991The Silence of the Lambs
Harry Burns1989When Harry Met Sally...
"Dirty" Harry Callahan1971Dirty Harry
Harry Potter2001Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(James)
Harry Sweeney2009Handsome Harry
Hazel Flagg1937Hazel Flagg
Henry Orient1964The World of Henry Orient
Henry Turner1991Regarding Henry
Hermione Granger2001Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(Jean)
Honeythorn Gump1985Legend
Huey1938Donald's Nephews
Ian Malcolm1993Jurassic Park
Ilsa Lund1942Casablanca
Indiana Jones1981Raiders of the Lost Ark(Indy)
Isaiah1995Losing Isaiah
Jack Dawson1997Titanic
Jack O'Neill1994Stargate(Jonathan)
Jack Powell1996Jack
Jack Skellington1993The Nightmare Before Christmas
Jack Sparrow2003Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack Torrance1980The Shining
Jade1995Jade(Anna, Katrina)
Jake Blues1980The Blues Brothers
James Bond1962Dr. No
Jamie Marks2014Jamie Marks Is Dead
Jane2000The Truth About Jane
Jason Bourne2002The Bourne Identity
Jason Voorhees1980Friday the 13th
Jason Walton1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story
Jeff "the Dude" Lebowski1998The Big Lebowski
Jennifer Baylor1978Jennifer
Jerry Mouse1941The Midnight Snack
Jesse Abrams2012Celeste and Jesse Forever
Jessica Rabbit1988Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Jody Baxter1946The Yearling
Joe Gillis1950Sunset Boulevard
Joe Ransom2013Joe
Joey Evans1957Pal Joey
John Connor1991Terminator 2: Judgment Day
John McClane1988Die Hard
John Miller1998Saving Private Ryan
John "John-Boy" Walton Jr.1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story(Lee)
John Walton Sr.1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story
Johnny Number 51986Short Circuit
Johnny "Handsome" Sedley1989Johnny Handsome(John)
Jonny Vang2003Jonny Vang
Joy Lass2009Dead like Me: Life After Death
Judah Ben-Hur1959Ben-Hur
Judalon de Bornay1952The Iron Mistress
Judy Foster1948A Date with Judy
Jules Winnfield1994Pulp Fiction
Julia Levin2010Julia's Eyes
Juno MacGuff2007Juno
Kanaalaq2003The Snow Walker
Kate Carson2002Repli-Kate
Katie Brown1953Calamity Jane
Katniss Everdeen2012The Hunger Games
Kekoa Shaw2021Malignant
Kelly2014Kelly & Cal
Kevin McCallister1990Home Alone
Keyser Söze1995The Usual Suspects
Kyle Reese1984The Terminator
Lark Ingoldsby1948Enchantment
Lassie1943Lassie Come Home
Laura2004Laura's Star
Laura Hunt1944Laura
Laura Mars1978Eyes of Laura Mars
Laura Moore1979Laura
Laurie Strode1978Halloween
Princess Leia Organa1977Star Wars
Lili Smith1970Darling Lili
Lisa Brandt1962David and Lisa
Logan "Wolverine"2000X-Men(James)
Lois Lane1978Superman
Louden Swain1985Vision Quest
Louie1938Donald's Nephews
Lucy2002I'm with Lucy
Luke Jackson1967Cool Hand Luke(Lucas)
Luke Skywalker1977Star Wars
Lulu1990The Ages of Lulu
Malcolm Reynolds2005Serenity(Mal)
Maleficent1959Sleeping Beauty
Marge Gunderson1996Fargo
Margie MacDuff1946Margie(Marjorie)
Mariah Mundi2008The Adventurer: The Curse of the Midas Box
Marie Galante1934Marie Galante
Marie Ragghianti1985Marie
Marlin2003Finding Nemo
Marnie Edgar1964Marnie
Martin Blank1997Grosse Pointe Blank
Martin Brody1975Jaws
Martin Riggs1987Lethal Weapon
Marty McFly1985Back to the Future(Martin)
Marv2005Sin City
Marvin the Martian1948Haredevil Hare
Mary Jane Harper1977Mary Jane Harper Cried Last Night
Mary Poppins1964Mary Poppins
Mary Ellen Walton1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story
Mason2009Dead like Me: Life After Death
Mathilda Lando1994Léon: The Professional
"Mad" Max Rockatansky1979Mad Max
Maximus Decimus Meridius2000Gladiator
May Kennedy2002May
Melanie Hamilton Wilkes1939Gone With the Wind
Melissa2005Melissa P.
Mia Wallace1994Pulp Fiction
Michael Corleone1973The Godfather
Michael Myers1978Halloween
Mickey Mouse1928Steamboat Willie
Mikaela Banes2007Transformers
Millie Dillmount1967Thoroughly Modern Millie
Minnie Mouse1928Steamboat Willie
Moana of Motunui2016Moana(Vaiana)
Molly Maxwell2013Molly Maxwell
Molly McKay1999Molly
Mufasa1994The Lion King
Muriel Heslop1994Muriel's Wedding
Nala1994The Lion King
Nancy Stockwell2008Downloading Nancy
Naomi Mills2007Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List
Napoleon Dynamite2004Napoleon Dynamite
Natasha Romanova2012The Avengers
Nate Foster2022Better Nate Than Ever
Nemo2003Finding Nemo
Neo1999The Matrix
Nick O'Leary2008Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
Norah Silverberg2008Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
Norma Desmond1950Sunset Boulevard
Norman Bates1960Psycho
Obi-Wan Kenobi1977Star Wars(Ben)
Oggy2013Oggy and the Cockroaches: The Movie
Olive Oyl1933Popeye the Sailor
Oliver1988Oliver & Company
Olivia Walton1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story
Optimus Prime2007Transformers
Pascal2010Bibliothèque Pascal
Patrick Bateman2000American Psycho
Patrick Thompson1978Patrick
Pauline Marvin1914The Perils of Pauline
Pert Barlow1919Checkers
Pete1977Pete's Dragon
Peter Parker2002Spider-Man
Peter Quill2014Guardians of the Galaxy(Jason)
Peter Venkman1984Ghostbusters
Philip Marlowe1946The Big Sleep
Philomena Lee2013Philomena(Annie)
Pippa Lee2009The Private Lives of Pippa Lee
Pluto1931The Moose Hunt
Po2008Kung Fu Panda(Lotus, Xiao)
Popeye1933Popeye the Sailor
Porky Pig1935I Haven't Got a Hat
Priscilla1994The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Pumbaa1994The Lion King
Randal Graves1994Clerks
Randle McMurphy1975One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest(Patrick)
Regan MacNeil1973The Exorcist
Reggie Lass2009Dead like Me: Life After Death(Regina)
Rhett Butler1939Gone With the Wind
Rick Blaine1942Casablanca
Mrs. Robinson1967The Graduate
Rocky Balboa1976Rocky
Roger Rabbit1988Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Ron Burgundy2004Anchorman
Ron Weasley2001Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(Ronald, Bilius)
Rosaleen1984The Company of Wolves
Rosco P. Coltrane1975Moonrunners(Purvis)
Rose DeWitt Bukater1997Titanic
Rosemary Woodhouse1968Rosemary's Baby
Roxanne Kowalski1987Roxanne
Roxy Harvey2009Dead like Me: Life After Death(Roxanne)
Roy Batty1982Blade Runner
Sabrina Fairchild1954Sabrina
Sadie Thompson1928Sadie Thompson
Sally Albright1989When Harry Met Sally...
Sally Bird1933Aunt Sally
Yosemite Sam1945Hare Trigger
Sam Spade1941The Maltese Falcon
Sam Witwicky2007Transformers
Sarah Connor1984The Terminator(Jeanette)
Sarah Phoenix1976Griffin and Phoenix
Scar1994The Lion King
Scarlett O'Hara1939Gone With the Wind(Katie)
Scott Lang2015Ant-Man
Scott Pilgrim2010Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Sidney Prescott1996Scream
Simba1994The Lion King
Agent Smith1999The Matrix
Snake Plissken1981Escape from New York
Sonny Bosco2011Searching for Sonny
Sophie Zawistowski1982Sophie's Choice(Zophia)
Spencer2001According to Spencer
Stanley Kowalski1951A Streetcar Named Desire
Stella 2008Stella
Stella Dallas1937; 1990Stella Dallas; Stella
Stella Payne1998How Stella Got Her Groove Back
Stephen Strange2016Doctor Strange(Vincent)
Steve Rogers2011Captain America: The First Avenger
Suellen O'Hara1939Gone With the Wind(Susan, Elinor)
Sugar "Kane" Kowalczyk1959Some Like It Hot
Sylvester1945Life with Feathers
Tammy Banks2014Tammy
T'Challa2018Black Panther
Tess McLeod1996McLeod's Daughters(Teresa, Charlotte)
Thomasina1963The Three Lives of Thomasina
Thomasine1974Thomasine & Bushrod
Tiana2009The Princess and the Frog
Timon1994The Lion King
Timothy Green2012The Odd Life of Timothy Green
Tom Cat1941The Midnight Snack
Tommy DeVito1990Goodfellas
Tommy Walker1975Tommy
Tony Montana1983Scarface(Antonio)
Tony Stark2008Iron Man(Anthony)
Travis Bickle1976Taxi Driver
Trinity1999The Matrix
Tweety Bird1942A Tale of Two Kitties
Tyler Durden1999Fight Club
Ursula1989The Little Mermaid
Darth Vader1977Star Wars(Anakin)
Velvet Brown1944National Velvet
Vera Drake2004Vera Drake
Vic Vega1992Reservoir Dogs(Victor)
Victoria Grant1982Victor/Victoria
Vincent MacKenna2014St. Vincent
Vincent Vega1994Pulp Fiction
Vincenzo Coccotti1993True Romance
Vito Corleone1972The Godfather
Lord Voldemort2001Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(Tom, Marvolo)
Wallace1989A Grand Day Out
Walter Kurtz1979Apocalypse Now
Walter Sobchak1998The Big Lebowski
Wanda Gershwitz1988A Fish Called Wanda
Wayne Campbell1992Wayne's World
White Goodman2004Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
Will Turner2003Pirates of the Caribbean(William)
Willow Ufgood1988Willow
Wilson "Rocket" Rodriguez2002City of God
Woody Pride1995Toy Story
Woody Woodpecker1940Knock Knock
Yoda1980The Empire Strikes Back
Zeb "Grandpa" Walton1971The Homecoming: A Christmas Story(Zebb, Zebulon)