This list is comprised of some of the most recognizable names from the
literary world. Included are novelists, poets, playwrights and essayists. However, those who are primarily considered to be philosophers or academic writers can be found on the
lists of thinkers.
Name | Lifespan | Other Names | |
Abdulrazak Gurnah | 1948- | |  |
Abraham Goldfaden | 1840-1908 | (Avram, Avrum) |  |
Achmat Dangor | 1948-2020 | |  |
Adam Mickiewicz | 1798-1855 | (Bernard) |  |
Adélia Prado | 1935- | (Luzia) |  |
Adolf Brand | 1874-1945 | (Gustav, Adolph, Franz) |  |
A. de Herz | 1887-1936 | (Adolf, Edmund, George) |  |
Adolf Heyduk | 1835-1923 | |  |
Adolf Hoffmeister | 1902-1973 | |  |
Adolf Paul | 1863-1943 | (Georg) |  |
Adolf Friedrich von Schack | 1815-1894 | |  |
Adolph Green | 1914-2002 | |  |
Aeschylus | 525-456 BC | (Aischylos) |  |
Aesop | c. 620-c. 564 BC | (Aisopos) |  |
Agatha Christie | 1890-1976 | |  |
Ágota Kristóf | 1935-2011 | |  |
Aharon Appelfeld | 1932-2018 | (Ervin) |  |
Ahdaf Soueif | 1950- | |  |
Ahmad ibn Fadlan | ?-9xx | |  |
Ain Kaalep | 1926-2020 | |  |
Aksel Sandemose | 1899-1965 | (Axel) |  |
Alain Locke | 1885-1954 | (LeRoy) |  |
Alan Hollinghurst | 1954- | |  |
A. A. Milne | 1882-1956 | (Alan, Alexander) |  |
Alan Moore | 1953- | |  |
Albert Camus | 1913-1960 | |  |
Albert Mol | 1917-2004 | |  |
Alberto Moravia | 1907-1990 | |  |
Alcaeus of Mytilene | c. 625-c. 580 BC | (Alkaios) |  |
Aldous Huxley | 1894-1963 | |  |
Aleksandr Blok | 1880-1921 | (Alexander) |  |
Aleksandr Pushkin | 1799-1837 | (Alexander) |  |
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | 1918-2008 | |  |
Aleksandre Qazbegi | 1848-1893 | (Alexander) |  |
Alex Haley | 1921-1992 | (Alexander, Murray, Palmer) |  |
Alexander Pope | 1688-1744 | |  |
Alexandre Dumas | 1802-1870 | |  |
Alexandre Dumas fils | 1824-1895 | |  |
Alfred de Musset | 1810-1857 | |  |
Alfred Tennyson | 1809-1892 | |  |
Algernon Blackwood | 1869-1951 | |  |
Algernon Charles Swinburne | 1837-1909 | |  |
Abu Nuwas al-Hasan al-Hakami | c. 756-c. 814 | (Abu Nuwas) |  |
Ali Smith | 1962- | |  |
Alice Dunbar Nelson | 1875-1935 | (Ruth) |  |
Alice Munro | 1931- | (Ann) |  |
Alice Sebold | 1963- | |  |
Alice Walker | 1944- | (Malsenior, Tallulah, Kate) |  |
Ali-Shir Nava'i | 1441-1501 | (Alisher) |  |
A. L. Kennedy | 1965- | (Alison, Louise) |  |
Alison Lurie | 1926-2020 | |  |
Allen Ginsberg | 1926-1997 | |  |
Almudena Grandes | 1960-2021 | (María) |  |
Alona Kimhi | 1966- | |  |
Alphonse Daudet | 1840-1897 | |  |
Alphonse de Lamartine | 1790-1869 | |  |
Alvin Toffler | 1928-2016 | |  |
Ambrose Bierce | 1842-c. 1914 | |  |
Amélie Nothomb | 1966- | |  |
Amir Khusrau | 1253-1325 | |  |
Amos Oz | 1939-2018 | |  |
Amy Lowell | 1874-1925 | (Lawrence) |  |
Anacreon | c. 575-c. 495 BC | (Anakreon) |  |
Anaïs Nin | 1903-1977 | (Angela, Juana, Antolina, Rosa, Edelmira) |  |
Anatole France | 1844-1924 | |  |
André Breton | 1896-1966 | |  |
André Brink | 1935-2015 | (Philippus) |  |
André Gide | 1869-1951 | |  |
André Malraux | 1901-1976 | |  |
André Maurois | 1885-1967 | |  |
Andre Norton | 1912-2005 | (Alice, Mary) |  |
Andrzej Sapkowski | 1948- | |  |
Andy Razaf | 1895-1973 | (Andriamanantena, Paul) |  |
Angela Carter | 1940-1992 | (Olive) |  |
Anita Brookner | 1928-2016 | |  |
Anita Desai | 1937- | |  |
Ann Radcliffe | 1764-1823 | |  |
Anna Akhmatova | 1889-1966 | |  |
Anna Seghers | 1900-1983 | |  |
Anna Sewell | 1820-1878 | |  |
Anna Wintour | 1949- | |  |
Anne Brontë | 1820-1849 | |  |
Anne Frank | 1929-1945 | (Annelies, Marie) |  |
Anne Golon | 1921-2017 | |  |
Anne McCaffrey | 1926-2011 | (Inez) |  |
Anne Rice | 1941-2021 | (Howard, Allen, Frances) |  |
Anne Sexton | 1928-1974 | (Gray) |  |
Anne Spencer | 1882-1975 | (Bethel) |  |
Anne Tyler | 1941- | |  |
Annie Ernaux | 1940- | |  |
Annie M. G. Schmidt | 1911-1995 | (Anna, Maria, Geertruida) |  |
Ante Kovačić | 1854-1889 | |  |
Ante Tomić | 1970- | |  |
Anthony Bourdain | 1956-2018 | (Michael) |  |
Anthony Burgess | 1917-1993 | |  |
Anthony Horowitz | 1955- | |  |
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | 1900-1944 | |  |
Anton Chekhov | 1860-1904 | |  |
Anton Koolhaas | 1912-1992 | |  |
A. S. Byatt | 1936- | (Antonia, Susan) |  |
Antonin Artaud | 1896-1948 | |  |
Antun Šoljan | 1932-1993 | |  |
Apollonius of Rhodes | ?-2xx BC | |  |
Apuleius | c. 125-180 | (Lucius) |  |
Archilochus | c. 680-c. 645 BC | |  |
Aristophanes | c. 446-c. 386 BC | |  |
Arna Bontemps | 1902-1973 | (Wendell) |  |
Arnon Grunberg | 1971- | |  |
Arsen Dedić | 1938-2015 | (Arsenije) |  |
Arthur C. Clarke | 1917-2008 | (Charles) |  |
Arthur Conan Doyle | 1859-1930 | |  |
Arthur Miller | 1915-2005 | |  |
Arthur Rimbaud | 1854-1891 | |  |
Arthur Schnitzler | 1862-1931 | |  |
Arundhati Roy | 1961- | (Suzanna) |  |
Astrid Lindgren | 1907-2002 | |  |
Audre Lorde | 1934-1992 | (Audrey, Geraldine) |  |
A. L. Barker | 1918-2002 | (Audrey, Lilian) |  |
August Šenoa | 1838-1881 | |  |
August Strindberg | 1849-1912 | |  |
August Wilson | 1945-2005 | |  |
Ayn Rand | 1905-1982 | |  |
Babilina Khositashvili | 1884-1973 | |  |
Li Bai | 701-762 | (Po) |  |
Barbara Cartland | 1901-2000 | (Mary, Hamilton) |  |
Barbara Kingsolver | 1955- | |  |
Barbara Pym | 1913-1980 | (Mary, Crampton) |  |
Barry Unsworth | 1930-2012 | |  |
Matsuo Bashō | 1644-1694 | |  |
Beatrice Hastings | 1879-1943 | (Emily, Alice) |  |
Beatrix Potter | 1866-1943 | |  |
Ben Jonson | 1572-1637 | (Benjamin) |  |
Ben Okri | 1959- | |  |
Benito Pérez Galdós | 1843-1920 | |  |
Benjamin Zephaniah | 1958-2023 | (Obadiah, Iqbal) |  |
Beppe Wolgers | 1928-1986 | (John, Bertil) |  |
Bernard MacLaverty | 1942- | |  |
Bernard Malamud | 1914-1986 | |  |
Bernardine Evaristo | 1959- | (Anne, Mobolaji) |  |
Bernice Rubens | 1923-2004 | |  |
J. Bernlef | 1937-2012 | (Henk) |  |
Bertolt Brecht | 1898-1956 | |  |
Bertrice Small | 1937-2015 | |  |
Beryl Bainbridge | 1932-2010 | |  |
Bettina von Arnim | 1785-1859 | (Elisabeth) |  |
Beverly Cleary | 1916-2021 | (Atlee) |  |
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson | 1832-1910 | |  |
Blaga Dimitrova | 1922-2003 | (Nikolova) |  |
Bob Kane | 1915-1998 | (Robert) |  |
Bohumil Hrabal | 1914-1997 | |  |
Booth Tarkington | 1869-1946 | |  |
Boris Akunin | 1956- | (Grigori) |  |
Boris Pasternak | 1890-1960 | |  |
Boris Vian | 1920-1959 | (Vernon) |  |
Botho Strauß | 1944- | |  |
Boy Lornsen | 1922-1995 | |  |
Božena Němcová | 1820-1862 | |  |
Bram Stoker | 1847-1912 | (Abraham) |  |
Brand Whitlock | 1869-1934 | (Joseph) |  |
Brandon Sanderson | 1975- | |  |
Breyten Breytenbach | 1939- | |  |
Buckminster Fuller | 1895-1983 | (Richard) |  |
Burkhard Driest | 1939-2020 | |  |
Lord Byron | 1788-1824 | (George, Gordon) |  |
Callimachus | c. 310-c. 240 BC | (Kallimachos) |  |
Camilla Läckberg | 1974- | |  |
Camille Flammarion | 1842-1925 | (Nicolas) |  |
Camilo José Cela | 1916-2002 | |  |
Candace Bushnell | 1958- | |  |
Carl Sandburg | 1878-1967 | (August) |  |
Carl Spitteler | 1845-1924 | |  |
Carl Van Vechten | 1880-1964 | |  |
Carlo Collodi | 1826-1890 | |  |
Carlo Goldoni | 1707-1793 | (Osvaldo) |  |
Carlos Castaneda | 1925-1998 | |  |
Carlos Fuentes | 1928-2012 | |  |
Carol Shields | 1935-2003 | (Ann) |  |
Caroline Graham | 1931- | |  |
C. J. Cherryh | 1942- | (Carolyn, Janice) |  |
Caryl Phillips | 1958- | |  |
Cassandra Clare | 1973- | |  |
Catherine Cookson | 1906-1998 | (Ann) |  |
C. L. Moore | 1911-1987 | (Catherine, Lucille) |  |
Cato the Elder | 234-149 BC | |  |
Catullus | 84-54 BC | (Gaius) |  |
C. S. Friedman | 1957- | (Celia, S) |  |
Celine Song | 1988- | |  |
Chabua Amirejibi | 1921-2013 | (Mzechabuk) |  |
Charlaine Harris | 1951- | |  |
Charles Baudelaire | 1821-1867 | |  |
Charles Bukowski | 1920-1994 | |  |
Charles Dickens | 1812-1870 | |  |
Charles Eastman | 1858-1939 | (Hakadah, Ohíye S'a, Alexander) |  |
Charles Perrault | 1628-1703 | |  |
Charlotte Brontë | 1816-1855 | |  |
Wu Cheng'en | c. 1500-1582 | |  |
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie | 1977- | |  |
Chinghiz Aitmatov | 1928-2008 | |  |
Chinua Achebe | 1930-2013 | (Albert, Chinụalụmọgụ) |  |
Chrétien de Troyes | c. 1135-c. 1183 | |  |
Christa Wolf | 1929-2011 | |  |
Christine de Pizan | 1364-c. 1430 | |  |
Christopher Hope | 1944- | |  |
Christopher Marlowe | 1564-1593 | (Kit) |  |
Christopher Paolini | 1983- | |  |
Chuck Palahniuk | 1962- | (Charles) |  |
Claribel Alegría | 1924-2018 | (Clara, Isabel) |  |
Claude McKay | 1890-1948 | (Festus, Claudius) |  |
Claude Simon | 1913-2005 | |  |
Clive Cussler | 1931-2020 | |  |
C. S. Lewis | 1898-1963 | (Clive, Staples) |  |
Codrin Ţapu | 1973- | (Ştefan) |  |
Colette | 1873-1954 | (Sidonie, Gabrielle) |  |
Colin Dexter | 1930-2017 | (Norman) |  |
Colleen McCullough | 1937-2015 | |  |
Colm Tóibín | 1955- | |  |
Colson Whitehead | 1969- | |  |
Connie Palmen | 1955- | (Aldegonda, Petronella, Huberta, Maria) |  |
Conrad Aiken | 1889-1973 | (Potter) |  |
Constantijn Huygens | 1596-1687 | |  |
Corín Tellado | 1927-2009 | (María del Socorro) |  |
Cormac McCarthy | 1933-2023 | (Charles, Joseph) |  |
C. Buddingh' | 1918-1985 | (Cornelis, Kees) |  |
Cornelius Nepos | c. 110-c. 25 BC | |  |
Countee Cullen | 1903-1946 | (LeRoy) |  |
Cremilda de Lima | 1940- | (Maria) |  |
Cvetka Lipuš | 1966- | |  |
Cvijeta Zuzorić | c. 1552-1648 | (Flora) |  |
Cynthia Leitich Smith | 1967- | |  |
Czesław Miłosz | 1911-2004 | |  |
Dale Carnegie | 1888-1955 | (Harbison) |  |
Dalton Trumbo | 1905-1976 | (James) |  |
Damon Galgut | 1963- | |  |
Dan Brown | 1964- | (Daniel) |  |
Chief Dan George | 1899-1981 | (Geswanouth) |  |
Danai Gurira | 1978- | (Jekesai) |  |
Daniel Defoe | c. 1660-1731 | |  |
Daniel Handler | 1970- | (Lemony) |  |
Danielle Steel | 1947- | (Fernandes, Dominique) |  |
Dante Alighieri | c. 1265-1321 | (Durante) |  |
Dante Gabriel Rossetti | 1828-1882 | |  |
Daphne du Maurier | 1907-1989 | |  |
Dario Fo | 1926-2016 | |  |
Daša Drndić | 1946-2018 | |  |
Dashiell Hammett | 1894-1961 | |  |
David Baddiel | 1964- | (Lionel) |  |
D. H. Lawrence | 1885-1930 | (David, Herbert) |  |
David Malouf | 1934- | |  |
David Mitchell | 1969- | (Stephen) |  |
David Seidler | 1937- | |  |
David Storey | 1933-2017 | (Malcolm) |  |
David Foster Wallace | 1962-2008 | |  |
Dean Koontz | 1945- | (Ray) |  |
Madame de La Fayette | 1634-1693 | (Marie, Madeleine) |  |
Denis Diderot | 1713-1784 | |  |
Denis Johnson | 1949-2017 | (Hale) |  |
D. J. Enright | 1920-2002 | (Dennis, Joseph) |  |
Derek Humphry | 1930- | |  |
Derek Walcott | 1930-2017 | |  |
Derviš Sušić | 1925-1990 | |  |
Derviş Zaim | 1964- | |  |
Dhanpat Rai "Premchand" Srivastava | 1880-1936 | (Premchand) |  |
Diana Wynne Jones | 1934-2011 | |  |
Diane Duane | 1952- | |  |
Dick Bruna | 1927-2017 | (Hendrikus, Magdalenus) |  |
Diogenes Laertius | ?-2xx | |  |
Dixie Browning | 1930- | |  |
Djuna Barnes | 1892-1982 | |  |
Dodie Smith | 1896-1990 | (Dorothy, Gladys) |  |
Dolf Verroen | 1928- | (Rudolf, Johan) |  |
Domien Sleeckx | 1818-1901 | (Jan, Lambrecht, Dominicus) |  |
Don DeLillo | 1936- | (Donald, Richard) |  |
Donald Barthelme | 1931-1989 | |  |
Donna Leon | 1942- | |  |
Doris Lessing | 1919-2013 | (May) |  |
Dorothy L. Sayers | 1893-1957 | (Leigh) |  |
Dorothy West | 1907-1998 | |  |
Douglas Adams | 1952-2001 | |  |
Drew Hayden Taylor | 1962- | |  |
Dubravka Ugrešić | 1949-2023 | |  |
Dudley Randall | 1914-2000 | |  |
Dylan Thomas | 1914-1953 | |  |
Ebru Umar | 1970- | |  |
Eckhart Tolle | 1948- | (Ulrich, Leonard) |  |
Eddy C. Bertin | 1944-2018 | (Charly) |  |
Edgar Rice Burroughs | 1875-1950 | |  |
E. L. Doctorow | 1931-2015 | (Edgar, Lawrence) |  |
Edgar Allan Poe | 1809-1849 | |  |
E. Nesbit | 1858-1924 | (Edith) |  |
Edith Wharton | 1862-1937 | |  |
Edmondo De Amicis | 1846-1908 | |  |
Edmund Spenser | c. 1552-1599 | |  |
Edna Ferber | 1885-1968 | |  |
Edna St. Vincent Millay | 1892-1950 | (Nancy) |  |
E. Annie Proulx | 1935- | (Edna) |  |
Eduard Douwes Dekker "Multatuli" | 1820-1887 | |  |
Eduard Uspensky | 1937-2018 | |  |
Edward Carpenter | 1844-1929 | |  |
E. M. Forster | 1879-1970 | (Edward, Morgan) |  |
Edward Lear | 1812-1888 | |  |
Edward Said | 1935-2003 | |  |
Ela Peroci | 1922-2001 | |  |
Eleanor H. Porter | 1868-1920 | |  |
Elena Ferrante | 19xx- | |  |
Elfriede Jelinek | 1946- | |  |
Elias Canetti | 1905-1994 | |  |
Elie Wiesel | 1928-2016 | |  |
Elif Shafak | 1971- | |  |
Elinor Wylie | 1885-1928 | (Morton) |  |
Elise Cowen | 1933-1962 | (Nada) |  |
Elizabeth Barrett Browning | 1806-1861 | |  |
Elizabeth Bowen | 1899-1973 | (Dorothea) |  |
Elizabeth Gaskell | 1810-1865 | (Cleghorn) |  |
Elizabeth George | 1949- | (Susan) |  |
Elizabeth Gilbert | 1969- | |  |
Elizabeth Strout | 1956- | |  |
Elizabeth Taylor | 1912-1975 | |  |
Ellen Glasgow | 1873-1945 | (Anderson, Gholson) |  |
Ellen G. White | 1827-1915 | (Gould) |  |
Elsa Morante | 1912-1985 | |  |
E. B. White | 1899-1985 | (Elwyn, Brooks) |  |
Emil Cioran | 1911-1995 | (Mihai) |  |
Émile Zola | 1840-1902 | |  |
Emily Brontë | 1818-1848 | |  |
Emily Dickinson | 1830-1886 | |  |
E. Pauline Johnson | 1861-1913 | (Emily, Tekahionwake) |  |
Emyr Humphreys | 1919-2020 | |  |
Endre Ady | 1877-1919 | |  |
Enheduanna | ?-22xx BC | |  |
Enid Bagnold | 1889-1981 | |  |
Enid Blyton | 1897-1968 | (Mary) |  |
Enis Batur | 1952- | (Ahmet) |  |
Enn Vetemaa | 1936-2017 | |  |
Ennius | c. 239-c. 169 BC | (Quintus) |  |
Eric Knight | 1897-1943 | (Mowbray) |  |
Erich Maria Remarque | 1898-1970 | |  |
Erik Axel Karlfeldt | 1864-1931 | |  |
Ernest Hemingway | 1899-1961 | (Miller) |  |
E. T. A. Hoffmann | 1776-1822 | (Ernst, Theodor, Amadeus) |  |
Ernst Jünger | 1895-1998 | |  |
Etgar Keret | 1967- | |  |
Etheridge Knight | 1931-1991 | |  |
Etienne Leroux | 1922-1989 | |  |
Eudora Welty | 1909-2001 | |  |
Eugen Kumičić | 1850-1904 | |  |
Eugène Ionesco | 1909-1994 | |  |
Eugene O'Neill | 1888-1953 | |  |
Eugenio Montale | 1896-1981 | |  |
Euripides | c. 480-406 BC | |  |
Eyvind Johnson | 1900-1976 | |  |
Ezra Pound | 1885-1972 | (Weston, Loomis) |  |
Fan Noli | 1882-1965 | (Theofan, Stilian) |  |
Farley Mowat | 1921-2014 | (McGill) |  |
Fay Weldon | 1931-2023 | (Franklin) |  |
Federico García Lorca | 1898-1936 | |  |
Felix Timmermans | 1886-1947 | (Leopoldus, Maximilianus) |  |
F. Bordewijk | 1884-1965 | (Ferdinand) |  |
Ferdowsi | 940-1020 | |  |
Fernando Pessoa | 1888-1935 | |  |
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti | 1876-1944 | |  |
Flora Thompson | 1876-1947 | (Jane) |  |
Florjan Lipuš | 1937- | |  |
Frances Hodgson Burnett | 1849-1924 | |  |
Frances Burney | 1752-1840 | (Fanny) |  |
Francine Pascal | 1938- | |  |
Francine Rivers | 1947- | (Sandra) |  |
F. Scott Fitzgerald | 1896-1940 | (Francis, Key) |  |
Francisco de Quevedo | 1580-1645 | |  |
François-Marie Arouet "Voltaire" | 1694-1778 | |  |
François-René de Chateaubriand | 1768-1848 | |  |
François de La Rochefoucauld | 1613-1680 | |  |
François Mauriac | 1885-1970 | |  |
François Rabelais | c. 1494-1553 | |  |
François Villon | c. 1431-c. 1463 | |  |
Françoise Sagan | 1935-2004 | (Delphine) |  |
Frank Herbert | 1920-1986 | (Franklin) |  |
Frank Kermode | 1919-2010 | |  |
Frank McCourt | 1930-2009 | |  |
Frank Yerby | 1916-1991 | (Garvin) |  |
Frans Eemil Sillanpää | 1888-1964 | |  |
Franz Kafka | 1883-1924 | |  |
Frédéric Mistral | 1830-1914 | |  |
Frederick Forsyth | 1938- | |  |
Friedrich Dürrenmatt | 1921-1990 | |  |
Friedrich Hölderlin | 1770-1843 | |  |
Friedrich Schiller | 1759-1805 | (Johann, Christoph) |  |
Friedrich Schlegel | 1772-1829 | |  |
Du Fu | 712-770 | |  |
Fyodor Dostoyevsky | 1821-1881 | |  |
Gabriel García Márquez | 1927-2014 | |  |
Gabriela Mistral | 1889-1957 | |  |
Gabriele D'Annunzio | 1863-1938 | |  |
Gaius Helvius Cinna | ?-44 BC | |  |
Galaktion Tabidze | 1892-1959 | |  |
Garth Ennis | 1970- | |  |
Gaspara Stampa | 1523-1554 | |  |
Gaston Leroux | 1868-1927 | |  |
Geoffrey of Monmouth | c. 1100-c. 1155 | |  |
Geoffrey Chaucer | 1343-1400 | |  |
Georg Philipp Friedrich von Hardenberg "Novalis" | 1772-1801 | (Novalis) |  |
George Eliot | 1819-1880 | (Mary) |  |
George MacDonald | 1824-1905 | |  |
George R. R. Martin | 1948- | (Raymond, Richard) |  |
George Orwell | 1903-1950 | (Eric) |  |
George Plimpton | 1927-2003 | (Ames) |  |
George Sand | 1804-1876 | (Amandine) |  |
George Saunders | 1958- | |  |
George Schuyler | 1895-1977 | (Samuel) |  |
George Bernard Shaw | 1856-1950 | |  |
Georges Bataille | 1897-1962 | |  |
Georges Simenon | 1903-1989 | |  |
Georgia Douglas Johnson | 1880-1966 | (Blanche) |  |
Gerald Vizenor | 1934- | (Robert) |  |
Geraldine Brooks | 1955- | |  |
Gerard Reve | 1923-2006 | |  |
Gerbrand Adriaenszoon Bredero | 1585-1618 | |  |
Gerhart Hauptmann | 1862-1946 | |  |
Germaine de Staël | 1766-1817 | |  |
Germaine Greer | 1939- | |  |
Gerrit Komrij | 1944-2012 | |  |
Gertrude Stein | 1874-1946 | |  |
Giacomo Casanova | 1725-1798 | |  |
Giacomo Leopardi | 1798-1837 | |  |
G. K. Chesterton | 1874-1936 | (Gilbert, Keith) |  |
Gillian Flynn | 1971- | |  |
Giorgio Vasari | 1511-1574 | |  |
Giorgos Seferis | 1900-1971 | |  |
Giosuè Carducci | 1835-1907 | |  |
Giovanni Boccaccio | 1313-1375 | |  |
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa | 1896-1957 | |  |
Goderdzi Chokheli | 1954-2007 | |  |
Godfried Bomans | 1913-1971 | |  |
Goran Tribuson | 1948- | |  |
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing | 1729-1781 | |  |
Grace Paley | 1922-2007 | |  |
Graham Greene | 1904-1991 | (Henry) |  |
Graham Swift | 1949- | (Colin) |  |
Grazia Deledda | 1871-1936 | |  |
Guillaume Apollinaire | 1880-1918 | |  |
Guillaume de Machaut | c. 1300-1377 | |  |
Guillermo Arriaga | 1958- | |  |
Gülten Akın | 1933-2015 | |  |
Günter Grass | 1927-2015 | |  |
Gustave Flaubert | 1821-1880 | |  |
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer | 1836-1870 | |  |
Guus Kuijer | 1942- | |  |
Guy de Maupassant | 1850-1893 | |  |
Guzel Yakhina | 1977- | |  |
Gwendolyn B. Bennett | 1902-1981 | |  |
Gwendolyn Brooks | 1917-2000 | (Elizabeth) |  |
Ha Jin | 1956- | (Xuěfēi) |  |
Hafez | c. 1325-1390 | (Shams-od-Din, Mohammad) |  |
Halide Edip Adıvar | 1884-1964 | |  |
Halide Nusret Zorlutuna | 1901-1984 | |  |
Halldór Laxness | 1902-1998 | (Kiljan) |  |
Hanoch Levin | 1943-1999 | |  |
Hans Christian Andersen | 1805-1875 | |  |
Hans Andreus | 1926-1977 | (Johan, Wilhelm) |  |
Harold Courlander | 1908-1996 | |  |
Harold Pinter | 1930-2008 | |  |
Harold Robbins | 1916-1997 | |  |
Harper Lee | 1926-2016 | (Nelle) |  |
Harriet Beecher Stowe | 1811-1896 | |  |
Harry Martinson | 1904-1978 | |  |
Harry Mulisch | 1927-2010 | |  |
Haruki Murakami | 1949- | |  |
Hector Malot | 1830-1907 | |  |
Hedd Wyn | 1887-1917 | (Ellis, Humphrey) |  |
Heinrich Böll | 1917-1985 | |  |
Heinrich Heine | 1797-1856 | |  |
Heinrich von Kleist | 1777-1811 | |  |
Heleen van Royen | 1965- | |  |
Helene Johnson | 1906-1995 | |  |
Hella Haasse | 1918-2011 | (Hélène) |  |
Hendrik van Veldeke | c. 1150-c. 1184 | (Heinrich) |  |
Henning Mankell | 1948-2015 | (Georg) |  |
Henri Charrière | 1906-1973 | |  |
Henrik Ibsen | 1828-1906 | |  |
Henrik Pontoppidan | 1857-1943 | |  |
O. Henry | 1862-1910 | (William, Sydney) |  |
H. Rider Haggard | 1856-1925 | (Henry) |  |
Henry James | 1843-1916 | |  |
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 1807-1882 | |  |
Henry Miller | 1891-1980 | |  |
Henry David Thoreau | 1817-1862 | |  |
Henryk Sienkiewicz | 1846-1916 | |  |
H. G. Wells | 1866-1946 | (Herbert, George) |  |
Herman Melville | 1819-1891 | |  |
Herman Wouk | 1915-2019 | |  |
Hermann Hesse | 1877-1962 | |  |
Herta Müller | 1953- | |  |
Hesiod | ?-c. 700 BC | (Hesiodos) |  |
Hilary Mantel | 1952-2022 | |  |
H. D. | 1886-1961 | (Hilda) |  |
Hisham Matar | 1970- | |  |
Hoimar von Ditfurth | 1921-1989 | (Gerhard, Friedrich, Ernst) |  |
Homer | ?-c. 700 BC | |  |
Honoré de Balzac | 1799-1850 | |  |
Horace | 65-8 BC | (Quintus) |  |
Hovik Vardoumian | 1940- | |  |
H. P. Lovecraft | 1890-1937 | (Howard, Phillips) |  |
Hrvoje Hitrec | 1943- | |  |
Hugo Claus | 1929-2008 | (Maurice, Julien) |  |
Hunter S. Thompson | 1937-2005 | (Stockton) |  |
Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar | 1864-1944 | |  |
Ian Fleming | 1908-1964 | |  |
Ian McEwan | 1948- | (Russell) |  |
Ian Rankin | 1960- | |  |
Ida Tarbell | 1857-1944 | (Minerva) |  |
Ida Vitale | 1923- | |  |
Ilya Ehrenburg | 1891-1967 | |  |
Imme Dros | 1936- | (Emmy, Theodora) |  |
Imre Kertész | 1929-2016 | |  |
Ingeborg Bachmann | 1926-1973 | |  |
Ingrid Jonker | 1933-1965 | |  |
Irena Vrkljan | 1930-2021 | |  |
Irène Némirovsky | 1903-1942 | |  |
Iris Murdoch | 1919-1999 | |  |
Isaac Asimov | 1920-1992 | |  |
Isaac Bashevis Singer | 1902-1991 | |  |
Isabel Allende | 1942- | |  |
Isabelle de Charrière | 1740-1805 | (Belle) |  |
Ishmael Reed | 1938- | (Scott) |  |
Isidore Lucien Ducasse "Comte de Lautréamont" | 1846-1870 | |  |
Ismail Kadare | 1936- | |  |
Italo Calvino | 1923-1985 | |  |
Iulia Hasdeu | 1869-1888 | |  |
Ivan Aralica | 1930- | |  |
Ivan Bunin | 1870-1953 | |  |
Ivan Franko | 1856-1916 | |  |
Ivan Gundulić | 1589-1638 | |  |
Ivan Kušan | 1933-2012 | |  |
Ivan Slamnig | 1930-2001 | |  |
Ivan Turgenev | 1818-1883 | |  |
Ivan Yefremov | 1908-1972 | |  |
Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić | 1874-1938 | |  |
Ivana Šojat | 1971- | |  |
Ivica Đikić | 1977- | |  |
Ivo Andrić | 1892-1975 | |  |
Ivo Brešan | 1936-2017 | |  |
Jacinto Benavente | 1866-1954 | |  |
Jack Higgins | 1929-2022 | (Harry, Henry) |  |
Jack Kerouac | 1922-1969 | (Jean, Louis) |  |
Jack Ketchum | 1946-2018 | (Dallas, William) |  |
Jack London | 1876-1916 | (John, Griffith) |  |
Jackie Collins | 1937-2015 | (Jacqueline, Jill) |  |
Jacob Cats | 1577-1660 | |  |
Jacob Grimm | 1785-1863 | |  |
Jacob van Maerlant | c. 1235-c. 1300 | |  |
Jacqueline Susann | 1918-1974 | |  |
Jacqueline Wilson | 1945- | |  |
Jacques Prévert | 1900-1977 | |  |
Jagoda Truhelka | 1864-1957 | |  |
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi | 1207-1273 | |  |
E. L. James | 1963- | (Erika) |  |
James Agee | 1909-1955 | (Rufus) |  |
James Baldwin | 1924-1987 | (Arthur) |  |
J. M. Barrie | 1860-1937 | (James, Matthew) |  |
James Fenimore Cooper | 1789-1851 | |  |
J. G. Farrell | 1935-1979 | (James, Gordon) |  |
James Hilton | 1900-1954 | |  |
James Weldon Johnson | 1871-1938 | |  |
James Joyce | 1882-1941 | |  |
James Kelman | 1946- | |  |
James A. Michener | 1907-1997 | (Albert) |  |
James Patterson | 1947- | |  |
James Welch | 1940-2003 | (Phillip) |  |
Jami | 1414-1492 | (Nur ad-Din, 'Abd ar-Rahman) |  |
Jamiluddin Aali | 1925-2015 | (Nawabzada, Mirza, Ahmed) |  |
Jan Terlouw | 1931- | (Cornelis) |  |
Jan Vos | 1612-1667 | |  |
Jan Wolkers | 1925-2007 | |  |
Jancis Robinson | 1950- | (Mary) |  |
Jane Austen | 1775-1817 | |  |
Jane Gardam | 1928- | |  |
Jane Smiley | 1949- | |  |
Jane Yolen | 1939- | (Hyatt) |  |
Janet Evanovich | 1943- | |  |
Janko Leskovar | 1861-1949 | |  |
Janko Polić Kamov | 1886-1910 | |  |
Janusz Korczak | 1878-1942 | (Henryk) |  |
Jappe Nilssen | 1870-1931 | (Jacob) |  |
Jaroslav Hašek | 1883-1923 | |  |
Jaroslav Seifert | 1901-1986 | |  |
Jason Miller | 1939-2001 | (John, Anthony) |  |
Jay Asher | 1975- | |  |
Jean Cocteau | 1889-1963 | |  |
Jean de La Fontaine | 1621-1695 | |  |
Jean Genet | 1910-1986 | |  |
J. M. G. Le Clézio | 1940- | (Jean, Marie, Gustave) |  |
Jean Baptiste Poquelin "Molière" | 1622-1673 | |  |
Jean Racine | 1639-1699 | |  |
Jean Rhys | 1890-1979 | (Ella, Gwendolyn) |  |
Jean-Paul Sartre | 1905-1980 | |  |
Jean Toomer | 1894-1967 | (Nathan, Pinchback) |  |
Jeaniene Frost | 1974- | |  |
Jef Nys | 1927-2009 | (Jozef) |  |
Jeffery Deaver | 1950- | |  |
Jeffrey Eugenides | 1960- | (Kent) |  |
Jennifer Egan | 1962- | |  |
Jennifer Johnston | 1930- | |  |
J. D. Salinger | 1919-2010 | (Jerome, David) |  |
Jessica Durlacher | 1961- | |  |
Jessie Redmon Fauset | 1882-1961 | (Redmona) |  |
Jhumpa Lahiri | 1967- | |  |
Jill Murphy | 1949-2021 | |  |
Jill Paton Walsh | 1937-2020 | (Gillian) |  |
Jilly Cooper | 1937- | |  |
Jo Nesbø | 1960- | |  |
Joan Didion | 1934-2021 | |  |
J. K. Rowling | 1965- | (Joanne, Kathleen) |  |
Jodi Picoult | 1966- | |  |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | 1749-1832 | |  |
Johanna Spyri | 1827-1901 | |  |
Johannes V. Jensen | 1873-1950 | (Vilhelm) |  |
John Arden | 1930-2012 | |  |
John Banville | 1945- | |  |
John Berger | 1926-2017 | |  |
John Cheever | 1912-1982 | (William) |  |
J. M. Coetzee | 1940- | (John, Maxwell) |  |
John Galsworthy | 1867-1933 | |  |
John Green | 1977- | |  |
John Grisham | 1955- | |  |
John Hersey | 1914-1993 | (Richard) |  |
John Irving | 1942- | |  |
John Jakes | 1932-2023 | (Jay, William) |  |
John Keats | 1795-1821 | |  |
John le Carré | 1931-2020 | (David, Moore) |  |
John McGahern | 1934-2006 | |  |
John Milton | 1608-1674 | |  |
John Phillips Marquand | 1893-1960 | |  |
John Reed | 1887-1920 | (Jack, Silas) |  |
John Rollin Ridge | 1827-1867 | (Cheesquatalawny, Yellow Bird) |  |
John Ruskin | 1819-1900 | |  |
John Steinbeck | 1902-1968 | (Ernst) |  |
J. R. R. Tolkien | 1892-1973 | (John, Ronald, Reuel) |  |
John Kennedy Toole | 1937-1969 | |  |
John Trudell | 1946-2015 | |  |
John Updike | 1932-2009 | (Hoyer) |  |
John Edgar Wideman | 1941- | |  |
Jon Fosse | 1959- | |  |
Jon Krakauer | 1954- | |  |
Jonathan Safran Foer | 1977- | |  |
Jonathan Franzen | 1959- | (Earl) |  |
Jonathan Stroud | 1970- | |  |
Jonathan Swift | 1667-1745 | |  |
Joost van den Vondel | 1587-1679 | |  |
Joost Zwagerman | 1963-2015 | (Johannes, Jacobus, Willebrordus) |  |
Jordan Peterson | 1962- | (Bernt) |  |
Jorge Amado | 1912-2001 | |  |
Jorge Luis Borges | 1899-1986 | |  |
Joris-Karl Huysmans | 1848-1907 | (Charles, Marie, Georges) |  |
José Echegaray | 1832-1916 | |  |
José Saramago | 1922-2010 | |  |
Joseph Boyden | 1966- | |  |
Joseph Brodsky | 1940-1996 | |  |
Joseph Conrad | 1857-1924 | |  |
Joseph Heller | 1923-1999 | |  |
Joseph Roth | 1894-1939 | |  |
Josephine Hart | 1942-2011 | |  |
Josh Malerman | 19xx- | |  |
Josip Kozarac | 1858-1906 | |  |
Jostein Gaarder | 1952- | |  |
Jovica Tasevski-Eternijan | 1976- | |  |
Joy Harjo | 1951- | |  |
Joyce Carol Oates | 1938- | |  |
Juan Ramón Jiménez | 1881-1958 | |  |
Juana Inés de la Cruz | 1648-1695 | |  |
Jude Deveraux | 1947- | |  |
Judith Krantz | 1928-2019 | (Bluma, Gittel) |  |
Judy Blume | 1938- | (Judith) |  |
Jules Deelder | 1944-2019 | (Anton) |  |
Jules Verne | 1828-1905 | |  |
Julia Quinn | 1970- | (Julie) |  |
Julian Barnes | 1946- | (Patrick) |  |
Julijana Matanović | 1959- | |  |
Julio Cortázar | 1914-1984 | |  |
Juliusz Słowacki | 1809-1849 | |  |
Junot Díaz | 1968- | |  |
Jurica Pavičić | 1965- | |  |
Juš Kozak | 1892-1964 | |  |
Justin Cartwright | 1945-2018 | (James) |  |
Juvenal | ?-1xx | (Decimus) |  |
Kalidasa | ?-4xx | |  |
Karel Čapek | 1890-1938 | |  |
Karen Blixen | 1885-1962 | (Isak, Tania) |  |
Karl Adolph Gjellerup | 1857-1919 | |  |
Karl May | 1842-1912 | |  |
Kate Grenville | 1950- | (Catherine, Elizabeth) |  |
Kate Saunders | 1960-2023 | (Katharine) |  |
Kate Summerscale | 1965- | |  |
Katharine Kerr | 1944- | |  |
Katherine Applegate | 1956- | (Alice) |  |
Katherine Mansfield | 1888-1923 | (Kathleen) |  |
Katherine Paterson | 1932- | |  |
Katherine Anne Porter | 1890-1980 | |  |
Kathleen E. Woodiwiss | 1939-2007 | (Erin) |  |
Kathy Reichs | 1948- | (Kathleen, Joan) |  |
Kazuo Ishiguro | 1954- | |  |
Kees van Kooten | 1941- | (Cornelis, Reinier) |  |
Ken Follett | 1949- | (Kenneth) |  |
Kenneth Grahame | 1859-1932 | |  |
Kenneth Rexroth | 1905-1982 | (Charles, Marion) |  |
Ōe Kenzaburō | 1935-2023 | |  |
Keri Hulme | 1947-2021 | |  |
Kevin Henkes | 1960- | |  |
Khaled Hosseini | 1965- | |  |
Khalil Gibran | 1883-1931 | (Kahlil) |  |
Kingsley Amis | 1922-1995 | |  |
Kiran Desai | 1971- | |  |
Kjartan Fløgstad | 1944- | |  |
Knut Hamsun | 1859-1952 | |  |
Kolau Nadiradze | 1895-1990 | (Nikoloz) |  |
Konstantine Gamsakhurdia | 1893-1975 | |  |
Konstantinos Petrou Kavafis | 1863-1933 | (Constantine) |  |
Korney Chukovsky | 1882-1969 | |  |
Kristina Lugn | 1948-2020 | (Gunhild, Bricken) |  |
Kurt Vonnegut | 1922-2007 | |  |
Lada Žigo | 1970- | |  |
Lado Asatiani | 1917-1943 | (Vladimir) |  |
L. Ron Hubbard | 1911-1986 | (Lafayette, Ronald) |  |
Langston Hughes | 1901-1967 | (James, Mercer) |  |
Larry McMurtry | 1936-2021 | (Jeff) |  |
Laura Ingalls Wilder | 1867-1957 | |  |
Laura Lippman | 1959- | |  |
Lavrenti Ardaziani | 1815-1870 | |  |
LaVyrle Spencer | 1943- | |  |
Lawrence Durrell | 1912-1990 | |  |
Lee Maracle | 1950-2021 | |  |
Leigh Bardugo | 1975- | |  |
Leo Tolstoy | 1828-1910 | (Lev) |  |
Leon de Winter | 1954- | |  |
Leon Uris | 1924-2003 | |  |
Leonida Lari | 1949-2011 | |  |
Leonie Ossowski | 1925-2019 | (Jo, Jolanthe) |  |
Leonora Carrington | 1917-2011 | |  |
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch | 1836-1895 | |  |
Leslie Marmon Silko | 1948- | |  |
Lesya Ukrainka | 1871-1913 | (Larysa) |  |
Lewis Carroll | 1832-1898 | |  |
Lilith Saintcrow | 1976- | |  |
Lin-Manuel Miranda | 1980- | |  |
Linda Hogan | 1947- | |  |
L. J. Smith | c. 1960- | (Lisa, Jane) |  |
Liza Cody | 1944- | |  |
Lloyd C. Douglas | 1877-1951 | (Cassel) |  |
Lois Lowry | 1937- | |  |
Lola Ridge | 1873-1941 | (Rose, Emily) |  |
Lope de Vega | 1562-1635 | |  |
Lorenzo Valla | c. 1407-1457 | |  |
Lorraine Hansberry | 1930-1965 | (Vivian) |  |
Lou Andreas-Salomé | 1861-1937 | |  |
Louis Aragon | 1897-1982 | |  |
Louis Bromfield | 1896-1956 | |  |
Louis-Ferdinand Céline | 1894-1961 | (Auguste) |  |
Louis Couperus | 1863-1923 | |  |
Louisa May Alcott | 1832-1888 | |  |
Louise Bogan | 1897-1970 | |  |
Louise Erdrich | 1954- | (Karen) |  |
Louise Glück | 1943- | |  |
Lucan | 39-65 | (Marcus) |  |
Lucebert | 1924-1994 | (Lubertus, Jacobus) |  |
Lucian of Samosata | c. 125-c. 180 | |  |
Lucille Clifton | 1936-2010 | (Thelma) |  |
Lucille Fletcher | 1912-2000 | (Violet) |  |
Lucinda Riley | 1965-2021 | (Kate) |  |
Lucius Livius Andronicus | c. 284-c. 204 BC | |  |
Lucy Maud Montgomery | 1874-1942 | |  |
Ludovic Halévy | 1834-1908 | |  |
Ludovico Ariosto | 1474-1533 | |  |
Luigi Pirandello | 1867-1936 | |  |
Luigi Pulci | 1432-1484 | |  |
Luís de Camões | c. 1524-1580 | |  |
Lydia Chukovskaya | 1907-1996 | |  |
L. Frank Baum | 1856-1919 | (Lyman) |  |
Lytton Strachey | 1880-1932 | (Giles) |  |
Maarten 't Hart | 1944- | |  |
Madeleine L'Engle | 1918-2007 | |  |
Madelon Szekely-Lulofs | 1899-1958 | |  |
Magnus Mills | 1954- | |  |
Mahmut Makal | 1930-2018 | |  |
Máirtín Ó Cadhain | 1906-1970 | |  |
Máirtín Ó Direáin | 1910-1988 | |  |
Malcolm Bradbury | 1932-2000 | (Stanley) |  |
Malcolm Cowley | 1898-1989 | |  |
Malcolm Gladwell | 1963- | |  |
Manly Wade Wellman | 1903-1986 | |  |
Mansur al-Hallaj | c. 858-922 | (Mansour) |  |
Marcel Proust | 1871-1922 | |  |
Marcia Muller | 1944- | |  |
Marcus Terentius Varro | 116-27 BC | |  |
Marente de Moor | 1972- | |  |
Marga Minco | 1920-2023 | (Sara) |  |
Margaret Atwood | 1939- | (Eleanor) |  |
Margaret Mitchell | 1900-1949 | (Munnerlyn) |  |
Margaret Walker | 1915-1998 | (Abigail) |  |
Margaret Weis | 1948- | (Edith) |  |
Margery Allingham | 1904-1966 | (Louise) |  |
Marguerite Duras | 1914-1996 | (Germaine, Marie) |  |
Marguerite Yourcenar | 1903-1987 | |  |
M. J. Hyland | 1968- | (Maria, Joan) |  |
Marianne Moore | 1887-1972 | (Craig) |  |
Marica Bodrožić | 1973- | |  |
Marie de France | 11xx-c. 1215 | |  |
Marie de Rabutin-Chantal | 1626-1696 | |  |
Marija Jurić Zagorka | 1873-1957 | |  |
Marilynne Robinson | 1943- | |  |
Marina Tsvetaeva | 1892-1941 | |  |
Marina Warner | 1946- | |  |
Mario Puzo | 1920-1999 | |  |
Mario Vargas Llosa | 1936- | |  |
Marion Zimmer Bradley | 1930-1999 | |  |
Marita Bonner | 1899-1971 | (Marieta) |  |
Màrius Serra | 1963- | |  |
Marius von Mayenburg | 1972- | |  |
Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings | 1896-1953 | |  |
Mark Twain | 1835-1910 | (Samuel) |  |
Markus Zusak | 1975- | |  |
Marlon James | 1970- | |  |
Marten Toonder | 1912-2005 | |  |
Martial | 40-102 | (Marcus) |  |
Martin Amis | 1949-2023 | (Louis) |  |
Martin Caidin | 1927-1997 | |  |
Martin Walser | 1927-2023 | (Johannes) |  |
Mary Elizabeth Braddon | 1835-1915 | |  |
Mary Higgins Clark | 1927-2020 | (Theresa, Eleanor) |  |
Mary Oliver | 1935-2019 | (Jane) |  |
Mary Renault | 1905-1983 | (Eileen) |  |
Mary Roberts Rinehart | 1876-1958 | (Ella) |  |
Mary Shelley | 1797-1851 | |  |
Mary Webb | 1881-1927 | (Gladys) |  |
Mate Balota | 1898-1963 | (Mijo) |  |
Matilde Camus | 1919-2012 | |  |
Mato Lovrak | 1899-1974 | |  |
Maureen Jennings | 1939- | |  |
Maurice Leblanc | 1864-1941 | |  |
Maurice Maeterlinck | 1862-1949 | |  |
Maurice Sendak | 1928-2012 | |  |
Max Brod | 1884-1968 | |  |
Maxim Gorky | 1868-1936 | (Alexei) |  |
May Miller | 1899-1995 | |  |
Maya Angelou | 1928-2014 | |  |
Melanie Rawn | 1954- | |  |
Melinda Metz | 1962- | |  |
Menander | 342-291 BC | |  |
Mensje van Keulen | 1946- | (Josien, Francina) |  |
Mercedes Lackey | 1950- | |  |
Meša Selimović | 1910-1982 | (Mehmed) |  |
Michael Chabon | 1963- | |  |
Michael Crichton | 1942-2008 | |  |
Michael Cunningham | 1952- | |  |
Michael Dorris | 1945-1997 | (Milou, Anthony) |  |
Michael Ende | 1929-1995 | |  |
Michael V. Gazzo | 1923-1995 | (Vincenzo) |  |
Michael Ignatieff | 1947- | (Grant) |  |
Michael Moorcock | 1939- | (John) |  |
Michael Ondaatje | 1943- | |  |
Michael Scott Rohan | 1951-2018 | |  |
Michel de Nostredame | 1503-1566 | (Nostradamus) |  |
Michel Houellebecq | 1956- | |  |
Michel de Montaigne | 1533-1592 | |  |
Michèle Roberts | 1949- | (Brigitte) |  |
Mick Jackson | 1960- | |  |
Mickey Spillane | 1918-2006 | (Frank, Morrison) |  |
Miguel Ángel Asturias | 1899-1974 | |  |
Miguel de Cervantes | 1547-1616 | |  |
Mihai Eminescu | 1850-1889 | |  |
Mihály Vörösmarty | 1800-1855 | |  |
Mika Waltari | 1908-1979 | |  |
Mikhail Bulgakov | 1891-1940 | |  |
Mikhail Lermontov | 1814-1841 | |  |
Mikha'il Na'ima | 1889-1988 | |  |
Mikhail Sholokhov | 1905-1984 | |  |
Milan Kundera | 1929-2023 | |  |
Miljenko Jergović | 1966- | |  |
Milovan Vitezović | 1944-2022 | |  |
Mina Loy | 1882-1966 | (Gertrude) |  |
Mirabai | 1498-1547 | (Meera, Meerabai) |  |
Mirjam Oldenhave | 1960- | |  |
Mirko Kovač | 1938-2013 | |  |
Miro Gavran | 1961- | |  |
Miroslav Krleža | 1893-1981 | |  |
Moderata Fonte | 1555-1592 | (Modesta) |  |
Molly Keane | 1904-1996 | (Mary, Nesta) |  |
Monica Ali | 1967- | |  |
M. R. James | 1862-1936 | (Montague, Rhodes) |  |
Mordecai Richler | 1931-2001 | |  |
Muhammad "Fuzuli" bin Suleyman | 1483-1556 | (Fuzuli) |  |
Muhammad Iqbal | 1877-1938 | |  |
Muhsin al-Ramli | 1967- | |  |
Murasaki Shikibu | c. 973-c. 1014 | |  |
Muriel Spark | 1918-2006 | |  |
Mykola Khvylovy | 1893-1933 | (Stefan, Yuliya) |  |
Nadine Gordimer | 1923-2014 | |  |
Naguib Mahfouz | 1911-2006 | |  |
Nalini Singh | 1977- | |  |
Naomi Klein | 1970- | |  |
Nasir al-Din al-Tusi | 1201-1274 | |  |
Natalia Ginzburg | 1916-1991 | |  |
Natalie Diaz | 1978- | |  |
Natasha Walter | 1967- | |  |
Nathaniel Hawthorne | 1804-1864 | |  |
N. Scott Momaday | 1934- | (Navarre) |  |
Nazım Hikmet | 1902-1963 | |  |
Neale Donald Walsch | 1943- | |  |
Nedim Gürsel | 1951- | |  |
Neil Gaiman | 1960- | |  |
Neil Simon | 1927-2018 | (Marvin) |  |
Nélida Piñon | 1937-2022 | |  |
Nella Larsen | 1891-1964 | (Nellallitea, Nellie) |  |
Nelly Sachs | 1891-1970 | |  |
Ngaio Marsh | 1895-1982 | (Edith) |  |
Nicasio Álvarez de Cienfuegos | 1764-1809 | |  |
Nicholas Sparks | 1965- | |  |
Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux | 1636-1711 | |  |
Nikki Giovanni | 1943- | (Yolande, Cornelia) |  |
Nikolai Gogol | 1809-1852 | (Mykola) |  |
Nikos Kazantzakis | 1883-1957 | |  |
Nina Bawden | 1925-2012 | |  |
Nizami Ganjavi | c. 1141-1209 | (Nezami) |  |
Noël Coward | 1899-1973 | (Peirce) |  |
Noel Streatfeild | 1895-1986 | (Mary) |  |
Nora Roberts | 1950- | (Eleanor, Jill, Sarah, Marie) |  |
Norman Mailer | 1923-2007 | (Kingsley) |  |
Octave Mirbeau | 1848-1917 | |  |
Octavia E. Butler | 1947-2006 | (Estelle) |  |
Octavio Paz | 1914-1998 | |  |
Odysseas Elytis | 1911-1996 | |  |
Ogden Nash | 1902-1971 | |  |
Olen Steinhauer | 1970- | |  |
Olga Tokarczuk | 1962- | (Nawoja) |  |
Oliver Goldsmith | 1728-1774 | |  |
Olivia Goldsmith | 1949-2004 | (Justine, Randy) |  |
Olja Savičević | 1974- | |  |
Omar Khayyám | 1048-1131 | (Umar) |  |
Baroness Orczy | 1865-1947 | (Emma, Emmuska, Magdolna, Rozália, Mária, Jozefa, Borbála) |  |
Orhan Pamuk | 1952- | (Ferit) |  |
Osamu Dazai | 1909-1948 | (Shūji) |  |
Oscar Hijuelos | 1951-2013 | (Jerome) |  |
Oscar Wilde | 1854-1900 | |  |
Otokar Březina | 1868-1929 | (Otakar, Václav) |  |
Ovid | 43 BC-17 | (Publius) |  |
Pablo Neruda | 1904-1973 | |  |
Pádraic Ó Conaire | 1882-1928 | |  |
P. L. Travers | 1899-1996 | (Helen, Pamela, Lyndon) |  |
Paolo Iashvili | 1894-1937 | (Pavle) |  |
Pär Lagerkvist | 1891-1974 | |  |
Pat Barker | 1943- | (Patricia, Mary) |  |
Patricia Cornwell | 1956- | |  |
Patricia Highsmith | 1921-1995 | (Mary) |  |
Patrick McCabe | 1955- | |  |
Patrick Modiano | 1945- | |  |
Patrick Rothfuss | 1973- | (James) |  |
Patrick Süskind | 1949- | |  |
Patrick White | 1912-1990 | |  |
Paul Auster | 1947- | |  |
Paul Biegel | 1925-2006 | |  |
Paul Celan | 1920-1970 | |  |
Paul Laurence Dunbar | 1872-1906 | |  |
Paul Éluard | 1895-1952 | |  |
Paul Heyse | 1830-1914 | |  |
Paul Scott | 1920-1978 | |  |
Paul Valéry | 1871-1945 | (Ambroise, Toussaint, Jules) |  |
Paul van Loon | 1955- | |  |
Paul Verlaine | 1844-1896 | |  |
Paula Gunn Allen | 1939-2008 | (Marie) |  |
Paulo Coelho | 1947- | |  |
Pavao Pavličić | 1946- | |  |
Pearl S. Buck | 1892-1973 | (Sai, Sydenstricker, Zhenzhu) |  |
Pedro Calderón de la Barca | 1600-1681 | |  |
P. G. Wodehouse | 1881-1975 | (Pelham, Grenville) |  |
Penelope Fitzgerald | 1916-2000 | |  |
Penelope Lively | 1933- | (Margaret) |  |
P. H. Newby | 1918-1997 | (Percy, Howard) |  |
Percy Bysshe Shelley | 1792-1822 | |  |
Peretz Hirschbein | 1880-1948 | |  |
Peretz Markish | 1895-1952 | (Davidovich) |  |
Perez Hilton | 1978- | |  |
Petar Šegedin | 1909-1998 | |  |
Petar Zoranić | 1508-1569 | |  |
Peter Benchley | 1940-2006 | |  |
Peter Carey | 1943- | (Philip) |  |
Peter Handke | 1942- | |  |
Peter van Gestel | 1937-2019 | |  |
Petrarch | 1304-1374 | (Francesco) |  |
Petronius | c. 27-66 | (Gaius) |  |
Philip K. Dick | 1928-1982 | (Kindred) |  |
Philip Kerr | 1956-2018 | (Ballantyne) |  |
Philip Pullman | 1946- | |  |
Philip Reeve | 1966- | |  |
Philip Roth | 1933-2018 | (Milton) |  |
Philip Sidney | 1554-1586 | |  |
Phoebe Waller-Bridge | 1985- | |  |
P. C. Cast | 1960- | (Phyllis, Christine) |  |
P. D. James | 1920-2014 | (Phyllis, Dorothy) |  |
Pia Juul | 1962-2020 | |  |
DBC Pierre | 1961- | (Peter, Warren) |  |
Pierre Beaumarchais | 1732-1799 | |  |
Pierre Corneille | 1606-1684 | |  |
Pierrette Fleutiaux | 1941-2019 | |  |