Norwegian Kings and Queens

Harald Fairhair united much of Norway in the 10th century, and his relatives and descendants ruled the Kingdom of Norway for two centuries. During this time the country was torn by periods of internal unrest which were not put to an end until Håkon IV the 13th century.

In 1363 Håkon VI married Margrethe of Denmark, who became queen of both Denmark and Norway after his death. She succeeded in uniting Norway, Denmark, and Sweden in what was called the Kalmar Union. Although Sweden seceded from the union in 1523, Norway remained under of the power of the Danish monarchs until 1814, at which time it entered into personal union with Sweden. This union was dissolved in 1905, and prince Charles of Denmark was elected to be the new king of Norway (under the name Haakon VII).

Note: the kings of Denmark and Sweden who ruled Norway after the disbanding of the Union of Kalmar are included on these lists.

NameYearsOther Names
Christian I1450-1481
Christian II1513-1523
Christian III1537-1559
Christian IV1588-1648
Christian V1670-1699
Christian VI1730-1746
Christian VII1766-1808
Christian Frederick1814
Christoffer of Bavaria1442-1448(Christopher, Kristoffer)
Eirik Håkonsson1000-1012(Eric, Erik)
Eirik I Bloodaxe930-934(Eric, Erik)
Eirik II1280-1299(Eric, Erik)
Eirik III of Pomerania1389-1442(Eric, Erik)
Fredrik I1523-1533(Frederick, Frederik)
Fredrik II1559-1588(Frederick, Frederik)
Fredrik III1648-1670(Frederick, Frederik)
Fredrik IV1699-1730(Frederick, Frederik)
Fredrik V1746-1766(Frederick, Frederik)
Fredrik VI1808-1814(Frederick, Frederik)
Haakon VII1905-1957(Christian, Håkon, Frederik, Carl, Georg, Valdemar, Axel)
Håkon Eiriksson1028-1029(Haakon)
Håkon I the Good934-961(Haakon)
Håkon II Sigurdarson970-995(Haakon)
Håkon II the Broadshouldered1157-1162(Haakon)
Håkon III1202-1204(Haakon)
Håkon IV the Old1217-1263(Haakon)
Håkon V1299-1319(Haakon)
Håkon VI1343-1380(Haakon)
Harald I Fairhair872-930(Harold)
Harald II Greycloak961-970(Harold)
Harald III Hardrada1046-1066(Harold)
Harald IV Gille1130-1136(Harold)
Harald V1991-(Harold)
Inge I the Hunchback1136-1161
Inge II1204-1217
Karl I1449-1450(Carl, Charles)
Karl II1814-1818(Carl, Charles)
Karl III Johan1818-1844(Carl, Charles, Jean, Baptist, Baptiste, John, Jules, Julius)
Karl IV1859-1872(Carl, Charles, Ludvig, Eugen)
Knut the Great1028-1035(Canute, Cnut, Knud)
Magnus I the Good1035-1047
Magnus II1066-1069
Magnus III Barefoot1093-1103
Magnus VII1319-1355
Magnus IV the Blind1130-1135
Magnus V1161-1184
Magnus VI the Lawful1263-1280
Margrete1388-1412(Margaret, Margrethe)
Olav I995-1000(Olaf)
Olav II the Holy1015-1028(Olaf)
Olav III the Quiet1067-1093(Olaf)
Olav V1957-1991(Alexander, Olaf, Edward, Christian, Frederik)
Olav IV1380-1387(Olaf, Oluf)
Oskar I1844-1859(Josef, Joseph, François, Frans, Oscar)
Oskar II1872-1905(Oscar, Fredrik)
Øystein I1103-1123(Eystein)
Øystein II1142-1157(Eystein)
Sigurd I the Crusader1103-1130
Sigurd II1136-1155
Sverre the Mysterious1184-1202(Sverrir)