This list is comprised of Egyptian pharaohs. Also included are the Persian and Greek rulers who succeeded the pharaohs and used the title. Pharaohs whose names are not known, or only partially known, are excluded.
Name | Years | Other Names | |
Khufu | c. 2589-2566 BC | |  |
Ahmose I | c. 1550-c. 1525 BC | |  |
Amenhotep I | c. 1526-c. 1506 BC | |  |
Thutmose I | 1506-1493 BC | |  |
Thutmose II | 1493-1479 BC | |  |
Hatshepsut | c. 1479-1458 BC | (Hatchepsut) |  |
Thutmose III | 1479-1425 BC | |  |
Amenhotep II | c. 1427-c. 1401 BC | |  |
Thutmose IV | c. 1401-c. 1391 BC | |  |
Amenhotep III | c. 1391-c. 1353 BC | |  |
Akhenaten | c. 1353-c. 1336 BC | (Akhenaton, Amenhotep) |  |
Smenkhkare | c. 1335-c. 1334 BC | |  |
Neferneferuaten | c. 1334-c. 1332 BC | (Ankhkheperure) |  |
Tutankhamun | c. 1332-c. 1323 BC | (Tut, Tutankhaten) |  |
Ay | c. 1323-c. 1319 BC | (Kheperkheperure) |  |
Horemheb | 1319-1292 BC | (Djeserkheperure, Setepenre) |  |
Ramesses I | c. 1292-c. 1290 BC | (Menpehtire, Ramses) |  |
Seti I | 1290-1279 BC | (Menmaatre, Sethos) |  |
Ramesses II the Great | 1279-1213 BC | (Ozymandias, Ramses, Usermaatre, Setepenre) |  |
Merneptah | 1213-1203 BC | (Merenptah) |  |
Amenmesse | c. 1203-c. 1198 BC | (Amenmesses, Amenmose) |  |
Seti II | c. 1203-1194 BC | |  |
Siptah | c. 1197-c. 1191 BC | |  |
Twosret | c. 1191-1189 BC | (Tausret, Tawosret) |  |
Setnakhte | 1189-1186 BC | |  |
Ramesses III | 1186-1155 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Ramesses IV | 1155-1149 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Ramesses V | 1149-1145 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Ramesses VI | 1145-1137 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Ramesses VII | c. 1136-c. 1130 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Ramesses VIII | c. 1130-c. 1129 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Ramesses IX | 1129-1111 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Ramesses X | 1111-1107 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Ramesses XI | 1107-c. 1078 BC | (Ramses) |  |
Smendes | c. 1077-1052 BC | (Nesbanebdjed) |  |
Amenemnisu | c. 1052-c. 1047 BC | |  |
Psusennes I | 1047-1001 BC | (Pasibkhanu) |  |
Amenemope | 1001-992 BC | |  |
Osorkon the Elder | 992-986 BC | (Osochor) |  |
Siamun | 986-967 BC | |  |
Psusennes II | 967-943 BC | |  |
Shoshenq I | 943-922 BC | (Sheshonk, Sheshonq) |  |
Osorkon I | 922-887 BC | |  |
Shoshenq II | 887-885 BC | (Sheshonk, Sheshonq) |  |
Takelot I | 885-872 BC | |  |
Osorkon II | 872-837 BC | |  |
Shoshenq III | 837-798 BC | (Sheshonk, Sheshonq) |  |
Takelot II | c. 835-c. 815 BC | |  |
Pedubast I | c. 824-c. 800 BC | |  |
Shoshenq VI | c. 804-c. 798 BC | (Sheshonk, Sheshonq) |  |
Shoshenq IV | 798-785 BC | (Sheshonk, Sheshonq) |  |
Osorkon III | c. 798-c. 769 BC | |  |
Pami | 785-778 BC | |  |
Shoshenq V | c. 778-c. 740 BC | (Sheshonk, Sheshonq) |  |
Takelot III | c. 774-c. 759 BC | |  |
Rudamun | c. 759-c. 755 BC | |  |
Piye | 752-721 BC | (Sneferre, Usimare) |  |
Tefnakhte | c. 732-c. 725 BC | |  |
Bakenranef | c. 725-c. 720 BC | |  |
Shabaka | 721-707 BC | (Neferkare, Shabataka) |  |
Shebitku | 707-690 BC | (Djedkare, Shabatka) |  |
Taharqa | 690-664 BC | (Khunefertumre) |  |
Necho I | 672-664 BC | (Nekau) |  |
Tantamani | 664-656 BC | (Bakare, Tanwetamani) |  |
Psamtik I | 664-610 BC | (Wahibre) |  |
Necho II | 610-595 BC | (Neco, Nekau, Wehemibre) |  |
Psamtik II | 595-589 BC | (Neferibre) |  |
Apries | 589-570 BC | (Haaibre, Wahibre) |  |
Amasis II | 570-526 BC | (Ahmose, Khnemibre) |  |
Psamtik III | 526-525 BC | (Ankhkaenre) |  |
Cambyses II | 525-522 BC | (Kambujiya, Metsuire) |  |
Bardiya | 522 BC | (Smerdis) |  |
Darius I the Great | 522-486 BC | (Setutre) |  |
Xerxes I the Great | 486-465 BC | (Khshayarsha) |  |
Artaxerxes I | 465-424 BC | |  |
Xerxes II | 424 BC | |  |
Sogdianus | 424-423 BC | |  |
Darius II | 423-404 BC | |  |
Amyrtaeus | 404-399 BC | (Amenirdisu) |  |
Nepherites I | 398-393 BC | (Nefaarud) |  |
Psammuthes | c. 393-c. 392 BC | |  |
Hakor | c. 392-c. 380 BC | (Akoris) |  |
Nepherites II | c. 380 BC | |  |
Nectanebo I | 380-362 BC | (Nekhtnebef) |  |
Teos | c. 362-c. 360 BC | (Djedhor, Tachos) |  |
Nectanebo II | 360-343 BC | (Nakhthorheb, Senedjemibre) |  |
Artaxerxes III | 343-338 BC | |  |
Artaxerxes IV | 338-336 BC | (Arses) |  |
Darius III Codomannus | 336-332 BC | |  |
Alexander the Great | 332-323 BC | |  |
Philip III Arrhidaeus | 323-317 BC | |  |
Alexander IV | 323-311 BC | |  |
Ptolemy I Soter | 305-283 BC | |  |
Ptolemy II Philadelphus | 283-246 BC | |  |
Ptolemy III Euergetes | 246-222 BC | |  |
Ptolemy IV Philopator | 221-204 BC | |  |
Ptolemy V Epiphanes | 204-181 BC | |  |
Ptolemy VI Philometor | 180-145 BC | |  |
Ptolemy VIII Physcon | 169-163 BC; 144-131 BC; 127-116 BC | |  |
Cleopatra II | 131-127 BC | |  |
Cleopatra III | 116-101 BC | |  |
Ptolemy IX Lathyros | 116-110 BC; 109-107 BC; 88-81 BC | |  |
Ptolemy X Alexander | 110-109 BC; 107-88 BC | |  |
Berenice III | 81-80 BC | |  |
Ptolemy XI Alexander | 80 BC | |  |
Ptolemy XII Auletes | 80-58 BC; 55-51 BC | |  |
Cleopatra V Tryphaena | 58-57 BC | |  |
Berenice IV Epiphaneia | 58-55 BC | |  |
Cleopatra VII Philopator | 51-30 BC | |  |