Zelda Fitzgerald is a famous bearer of the name.
A famous bearer is Zelda Williams, daughter of Robin Williams and an actress in her own right, too.
Never heard of the video games mentioned below. Most people probably haven't, as most people don't play video games. Also, I think that kind of popular usage unreasonably scares people away from using names, as even at the worst, the names will be popular for only about ten years before the popularity and association dies away. People are already naming their daughters Hermione again without concern about the Harry Potter link. Anyway, I think of only Zelda Fitzgerald when I hear the name. Sophisticated, literary, and everything that was good about the 1920s. Very nice. A cool nickname could just be the initial "Z."
So wonderful. ❤️.
Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name!
Pretty name, but now forever ruined by The Legend Of Zelda video games.
Legend of Zelda anyone?

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