Željko Dimitrijević (b. 1971) is a Serbian Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Zeljko Joksimovic is a Serbian singer and producer who represented his country in 2004 and 2012 Eurovisions. His song in 2004 was "Lane Moje" and his song in 2012 was "Nije Ljubav Stvar". He qualified both times and cracked the Top 10 both times as well. He also hosted the 2008 contest with now wife Jovana Joksimovic (nee Jankovic).
Željko Joksimović, often credited as Zeljko Joksimovic, is a Serbian singer, composer songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer. He plays 12 different musical instruments including accordion, piano, guitar, and drums.
Željko Ražnatović, known as Arkan, was a Serbian career criminal and commander of a paramilitary force in the Yugoslav Wars, called the Serb Volunteer Guard.
Željko is also Slovene and Serbian name.
Zeljko Joksimovic is a famous Serbian singer/songwriter who is popular all around the Balkans. He represented Serbia and Montenegro in the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest and co-hosted the 2008 contest.
A famous bearer is Slovene actor Željko Ivanek. He was born 15 August 1957 Ljubljana, Slovenia (Slovinsko).

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