I thought this was pronounced yl-vah (y being like the y in yes, a pallatisation sound with no vowel, like in the Ukrainian word йде) because I forgot how Nordic languages work. For English speakers; this name is pronounced ool-vah, but the "oo" sound being closer to the oo sound in the word "you" when an Australian or a Scottish person says it.
During my childhood, I watched a German show called "Wickie und die starken Männer" (or "Vicky the Viking").
One of the character's names is Ylva, who is the mother of Vicky.
Awesome meaning. What a badass name for a girl.
Pronounced as UYL-va.
Lovely name. I would use it for a dramatic girl in a fantasy book, even though I usually just stick to English names when I write stuff.
For English speaking people: ill-vah.
Also popular in Germany. Recent variants include Ylvi and Ylvie (popularised through the film "Wickie und die starken Männer" (2009).
Ylva is pronounced ill-vaa.
Two famous bearers: Ylva Lindberg is a Swedish hockey player, and Ylva Lööf is a Swedish actress.
Love it! I'm definitely using it one of my stories.
For English speakers, who have not learnt the Swedish Y-sound, it is best to pronounce it "ILL-vah".
The Y in Ylva is pronounced as the German "ü" or the French "u".
If the comment by Ylva is corrent, then the name 'ylva' is pronounced like 'YOOL-vah'.
No, Ylva is certainly not pronounced like "YOOL-va". The German Ü and the French U are not pronounced like "OO". Günther is not "gonter" in German, and the French Julie is not pronounced like the English Julie.

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