Yam or yum, naming your child after a sweet potato can only happen when you're hungry or just watching too much TV as couch potatoes do.
A famous bearer of this name is the vegetable! Yam!
Also means sea in Hebrew (modern & biblical). In Israel it's a name for both boys and girls.
A yam is a vegetable. Not a name.
Since "Yam" is also a food, it looks ridiculous as a name.
In Hebrew it means sea, but it's pronounced Yhum. I think it's a nice name (if it's not pronounced as Yam!) but too short.
If you live in an English-speaking country, do your future children a favor: don't name them Yam.
A yam is a kind of vegetable related to a potato.
Yam is sea/ocean in Hebrew too, I know both girl and boy named Yam.
Do not name your child this! It's a food, for god's sake!

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