Anyone thinking of naming their son Woden, go ahead and do it. This name needs to become a thing. Plus it sounds like several common modern names like Aiden, Holden, Brayden, Caden, Hayden, and Jayden but way cooler, historically rich, and powerful and ancient sounding. Another name people need to bring into common usage is Aesc (Æsc) which is the Anglo-Saxon word for ash tree and is directly related to the word and name Ash and is pronounced exactly like it. A legendary Kentish king was recorded named Aesc (Æsc) and was the son of the even more legendary Hengest. Although more than likely his original name was longer and Aesc was a nickname and it was probably closer to the Norse Askr which is the Norse name for the Ash tree and is pronounced just like Oscar in a midwestern American dialect, but still it's one of the coolest Anglo-Saxon names out there and one of the most practical in modern society. Askr is pretty cool too and a name derived from it, Ask, is still used in Scandinavia. Ask is pronounced like Aw-sk like the A in father.
The Anglo-Saxon chronicle says that Woden was a king of Angeln and he was claimed as the ancestor of many Anglian, Saxon and Jutish tribes. He was treated as a semi-legendary deified ruler by the Anglo-Saxons rather than just a god. [noted -ed]
Wednesday is named after Woden. [noted -ed]

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