Winston Ingram is a character in the Tv show Still Game.
Winston Zeddemore was Ernie Hudson's character in Ghostbusters.
Winston Payne is a character in the video game series Ace Attorney. He is a comical prosecutor.
I love this name but it feels like a better name for a dog than a boy but maybe that’s just because my schnauzer’s name is Winston. We also call him Winnie sometimes.
I think this is a lovely name, even makes me think of frogs. A royal frog, called Winston. I think that this is cool and that this is nice and everyone should like Winston.
Hmm. All I can think of are the smokes.
Churchill was a great man. I love this name, it’s cute and handsome.
I literally can only think of John Winston Lennon whenever I hear this name. It’s best suited as a surname or middle name honestly.
Despise this name!
Winston was the birth name of Peter Tosh.
A bit pretentious.
I think it’s such a cool name to pronounce. And while yes, the character of Winston Smith does immediately come to mind, it doesn’t detract from the name for me.
This name I like because it has like a cool vibe to it that is really retro without trying too hard. A definite
plus from where I'm standing.
As a young woman going to college right now, I can only say that I always have had a fondness for uncommon vintage names. Winston being included in that particular mix. It is both classy, in my humble opinion, and has a certain old fashioned charm that gives me a benign feeling of happiness. :)
Winston Churchill is a bearer of this name. Many see him as a hero, but actually he was a disgusting man. He is one of the people behind the Bengal famine of 1943, during which 3 million people died of starvation and diseases. Winston Churchill once said: "I hate Indians, they are a beastly people with a beastly religion. The famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits." And this famine is not the only horrible thing he has done. He was a horrible person.
Winston Deavor is a character in the Pixar film Incredibles 2.
This one is a legend thanks to the great Churchill.
I know a girl named Winston. Hard to believe but true. She goes by Winnie. That's no better. Her parents should be horse whipped.
An ugly and old-mannish name. Thankfully it is quite uncommon and unpopular.
Winston Duke, Tobagonian-American actor known for his role as M'Baku in Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War.
I like Winston for a boy. I like names of World War 2 figures... Winston, Delano, Truman, and such. This name does sound very British to me.
The name Winston was used for a cyclone in 2016, which became the most intense tropical cyclone in the southern hemisphere on record.
Not only does this name have a prominent history, it contains "win!" They say your name has an influence on your life; having win in there is bound to do some good.
Sounds better as a surname.
This is my dog's name. It's a good name for a sassy dog.
I think the name Winston is cool, unique and classy sounding. :)
This name is so old-fashioned it sounds a little too pompous today. But as a middle name it's great.
Winston is the dog from the show Hannibal. Winston is also one of the friends on New Girl, which is how I found this name.
This name only sounds good on dogs, in my opinion. It also has some really obvious connotations... So yeah, not a fan of this as a human name.
A famous bearer of sorts is the cigarette company "Winston". They used to sponsor NASCAR races called "the Winston Cup".
Winston McCall is the vocalist for the Australian hardcore band Parkway Drive.
John Winston Howard former Prime Minister of Australia.
The son of Bilie Piper and Laurence Fox is named Winston.
Winston Rothschild III is the owner of Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services on The Red Green Show. It's been predicted I'll grow up to work in the same business.
It sounds a bit pompous and pretentious today, even though it hasn't always been that way. The name always reminds me of the misfortunate character Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-Four, which is another reason I don't feel like using it on a potential future son.
This name sounds like it would suit someone who was either boring or a bit dim to me. But I don't think Winston Churchill was either of those things, as far as I can tell. I just really don't like the sound.
Winston Churchill was a cobat vet, painter, bon vivant, and a Tory MP.
I think a good nickname for this is Watts.
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has given its name to two brands of cigarettes.
The main character in George Orwell's book '1984' is called Winston Smith. [noted -ed]
Winston was John Lennon's given middle name at birth. He was often teased as a child though, being called Winnie, so he legally changed it and became John Ono Lennon after marrying Yoko Ono.

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