This is my name! I love it!
I use Nonie for short. (I use to like Wendy as a child but that was short lived.)My parents found it in my family tree, a great (great great) aunt was named Wenonah. Yes with this spelling!
It's quite odd!
I am actually Australian and my family is all of European/Scandinavian descent. That particular branch of the tree is from the UK. So we aren't sure why or how they chose the name!Bonus: I am indeed a first born daughter. I am the only born daughter! My mother was only able to have the one childAlso I want to add:
It has been a weird experience growing up with this name honestly. For YEARS it felt like NOONE could say or spell it correctly. Even family members took 20+ years to spell it right in Christmas cards. All my school years I had to correct teachers and deal with bullying because of my weird name. It was fine because I loved my name :)
Oh and if they did know the name people said,
"Oh like Winona Ryder!"Now the strange part; it has been the late millennials (like me) and the Gen Zs that have been able to read my name, say it right on the first try, and not react weirdly to it.
Just something I noticed!
This spelling is prettier than Winona, but it looks too long, so I prefer Wenona. Wendy is an adorable nickname.
Beautiful name. A good nickname can be Wendy.
This isn't a "modern" spelling - it's a city in New Jersey and Illinois. The name has history. [noted -ed]

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