Cute nickname for Vladimir.
Cool asf.
Handsome and badass.
I like this name because of Vlad Plasmius (antagonist of Danny Phantom). Although I liken myself to Danny, I liken my father to Vlad (well, I once lied about being from Russia but I'm not), and I like Vlad too.
It's an independent name in Romania. In other countries, it's often short for Vladimir or Vladislav.
Actually Bram Stoker used castle Dracula as the setting because he liked how cool it was. He used the name Dracula also because of coolness. Bram loved how the castle looked and pulled the coolest name from the history of it.
Added bonus, I named my son Dracul. Try finding that on a monogram anything.
Okay, for the people who say Dracula means son of the Devil, and that Dracul means Devil, you are right, but when referring to Vlad, you are wrong because he came from a time when Dracul meant Dragon and Dracula meant son of the Dragon. The reason for the confusion is because the influence of the bible led to come changes in the language, with Dracula being one of them, since the Devil is associated with Dragons in some religions. There is also the fact that language changes over time.
Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia was a member of the House of Drăculești, a branch of the House of Basarab, also known as Vlad Drăculea or Vlad Dracula. The name means 'Dragon' or 'Devil'. Trust me... my grandmother was born in Transylvania.
This is a REALLY cool, badass & interesting name! It makes me imagine a mysterious person.
Vlad Miriţă - Romanian singer. Born 2 August 1981, he represented Romania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 with Nicoleta Matei (Nico).
I can't help but grin when I say it. I think Vlad is perfectly rad.
Vlad the Impaler was called a lot of things by his enemies, but he did not drink people's blood like many people think today. That was propaganda on the part of his enemies. It was true that he impaled thousands and thousands of people and that as a warrior he was incredibly brutal. However, he was no different than anyone other king of his day and he was far from the only one who impaled people. His enemies were no less cruel and brutal, most especially the Ottoman Turks. He was in a real sense the father of Romania today and much of his building projects can be found today, including the city of Bucharest. While the rest of Europe did nothing, he was one of the few who did anything to oppose the Ottoman's attempts to invade Europe and for that he deserves to be regarded as a national hero.
Tepes comes from Slavic of Serbia "tepati" (hit, smash) "tepaš" ([you are] hitting) which is almost phonetically identical to the pronunciation of Tepes. That is probably where his surname comes from since Romanian is full of Slavic words.
It can also be a short form of Vladislav.
Vlad is a very masculine name for someone of Slavic origin. Has an air of authority about it, perhaps that is something do to with the use of the name for Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Vlad is the name of the main character in the hit movie Camp. He is a stud muffin.
A famous bearer of this name is Russian pop singer Vlad Topalov, from the band SMASH!.
Vlad is nickname of name Vladimir.
Vlad III the Impaler (Vlad Ţepeş IPA: ['tsepeʃ] in common Romanian reference; also known as Vlad Dracula or Vlad Drăculea and Kazıklı Bey in Turkish; November or December, 1431 – December 1476) was Prince (voivode) of Wallachia, a former polity which is now part of Romania. His three reigns were in 1448, 1456–62, and 1476. In the English-speaking world, Vlad is best known for the legends of the exceedingly cruel punishments he imposed during his reign, and serving as the primary inspiration for the vampire main character in Bram Stoker's popular Dracula novel.As Prince, he led an independent policy in relation to the Ottoman Empire, and in Romania he is viewed by many as a prince with a deep sense of justice[1] and a defender of Wallachia against Ottoman expansionism.Visit:
The name comes from Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad Dracul or Vlad Puiul de Drac.
The name is pronounced like Vlad Tzepesh. He is known for jabbing the corpses of thieves into poles. That is why he was called "Tepes" which comes from "teapa" meaning "spike". "Dracul" wich comes from "drac" meaning "devil" ("Dracul" means "The Devil"). Trust me, I'm from Romania, and I live in the side of Romania called Wallachia wich in Romanian is called "Valahia". And he wasn't actually a prince. In Romania existed no prince, princess, king or queen. They were called "domnitori" wich comes from " a domni" wich means "to rule".
Vlada (vlay-dah) is a feminine form.
Vlad is the name of a character in the cartoon series Danny Phantom. Like the main character, Danny, Vlad is part-ghost.
While I enjoy both Dracula and Vlad Tepes, I find the name Vlad awkward to pronounce. I would not advise naming a child this in an English-speaking country.
I have a friend from Iasi (Iaºi), which is in Romania, and she had this to say:
The name "Dracula" is actually an honorary title meaning: "Son of the Dragon". Vlad II, Drac's dad, was a member of the Order of the Dragon, holy knights pledged to defend Christianity against the invading Turks. Hence - dragon.
So, Vlad Tepes was the son of an Order of the Dragon knight, hence, Son of the Dragon. 'Draculea' turned into Dracula in modern days. Now, old Drac and his dad had some enemies, and the word dracul has a DOUBLE meaning. 'Dracul' also means 'Devil'. Enemies of Vlad III began to use this meaning that he was the "son of the Devil", but the actual original meaning is 'Son of the dragon'.As for the 'Romanian' person, I have this to say; why would you debase an early crusader for Romanian independance in such a way? It is true that Dracul has two meanings, but the appropriate meaning in the Romanian mindset is 'dragon' - 'devil' is an insult. Therefore you are insulting a national insult. It's true that Vlad Tepes was not the nicest of guys, but without him Romania would probably not have achieved independance, nor would they have control over Transylvania. In addition, I like this name. It has a nice history, if you view Vlad as a path-blazer for Romania and neither a vampire nor a 'son of the devil' evil type. Either way, I guess it's cool.
Vlad is only thought to be Bram Stoker's inspiration for Dracula. It is unknown for sure but it is a possibility.
Indeed, it is unknown whether Vlad Dracula was the actual inspiration for Stoker. It has been argued that it was the name rather then the actual historical person that inspired the author. Stoker had, indeed, very few resources on Vlad Tepes, so that may explain any difficulty he had. However, there is one huge mistake which leads historians to leap on the idea that it was merely the name that inspired Stoker: his Count is a Szekely, a people believed to be descended from the Huns. Vlad Tepes was a Wallachian.
In addition, Stoker's Dracula was spending his time mostly in Wallachia or later, a prison in Hungary. He was born in Transylvania, and was a lord of Transylvania but was then prince of Wallachia and only visited his birth place to impale a few thousand people and then leave. So the bond between him and Transylvania is very weak - him being historically a Wallachian and spending very little time in Transylvania.
More accurately, Vlad III; Dracule meant "Son of the Dragon", added because his father belonged to the Order of the Dragon. He also carried the apellation "Tepec" (pronounced Tshepesh) which means Impaler.
Actually, Vlad's last name was Dracula. His father's last name, Dracul, means "the devil", not "the dragon". Trust me, I'm Romanian. Drac means "devil", and dracul means "the devil".
The crown prince of Wallachia, a region in Romania, named Vlad III Dracula, better known as Vlad the Impaler, who lived from 1431-1476.

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