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Vincent Fabron is a French Valorant agent better known as Chamber.
There are actually two pronunciations for Vincent in the Dutch-speaking world; which one you hear, largely depends on the area where you are. In addition to the one you have already listed, the other pronunciation is:/'vɪn.sɛnt/You can find audio clips with this pronunciation here: (in Dutch) (in Dutch; the name is said at 1:14) (in Dutch; the name is said at 0:07 and 0:27 and 0:32) [noted -ed]
Hero or villain. The former at times, the latter so much more frequently. But never, never, never a dork.
Due to Vincent van Gogh, I think of an artsy man whenever I hear this name. I also knew someone who had this as their last name as well.
Vincent also has strong roots in France. Where "Vin" means Wine and "cent" means one hundred. Combining them makes it " A hundred Wines"Saint Vincent is also the patron saint of vintners and wine workers and is celebrated on Jan. 22 with parades and other festivities. He is the symbol of good luck and prosperity for the coming vintage. The legend of this deacon martyr from Zaragoza in the 4th century is also based on the word vin" in his first name."Surprised nobody mentioned this yet.
That guy from Dead Plate 😍.
I think Vincent is a beautiful name graced with strength and elegance. I love its length, its meaning, its classiness, and its potential nicknames, “Vinny” and “Vince” (among others). As other commenters have stated, I think this name ages flawlessly, and I think it could “suit”, if you will, many different people/personalities. Overall, I think Vincent is a wonderful name.
Vincent “Vinny” Gambini (Joe Pesci) is a lawyer in the 1992 classic, “My Cousin Vinny”.
I am named Vincent, and I never thought of a better name for myself. Imagine trying to tease that name when it literally means, "to conquer?" You can't beat that!
Vincent comes from the Latin word, "Vincere" which means, "to conquer".
Reminds me of a vampire. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing, if you like vampires.
The name Vincent looks very posh, intelligent and even royal in my opinion.
Dull name.
I always think of a fictional villain or at the very least a jerk character whenever I see/hear this name and that’s why I love it, it just has a really cool and edgy vibe to it.
I think Vincent is a very stylish, attractive name.
A very handsome, sophisticated name. Will definitely use it for a son.
Vincent is a mysterious and villainous name, I think of a Vincent as a supervillain in a purple and black suit and he’s in a comic. I hate the nickname Vinnie tho.
I really like the name Vincent. It’s cute for a little boy especially with the nickname Vinnie, and it’s also a strong name for a man. It grows very well with a person.
Decent and mysterious at the same time, I like it. Vince is a nice nickname, but Vinny/Vinnie is bad. The only thing I don’t like about it tho, is that it’s slightly a little bit close to the words violence and violent.
I love it. I think Vincent is very cool, handsome and a strong name ❤❤.
Beyond the evident solidness and class of the name it is one of the rare names in which the nicknames are appealing too i.e. Vince and Vinny. You even have a choice between cool and affectionate. It's good.
This sounds like a mafia member name.
Has a steady popularity, somewhere just above average. This name is great. Definitely would recommend to anyone.
Also Flemish and French (Belgian):
There is a country in the Caribbean called Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
I do think this is a great BOY’S name.
I changed my name to this recently and it's really nice. My partner can call me Vinnie and I go by Vin or Vince.
Not my style at all. Although, Vinny is a cute nickname.
Very handsome. If I have a son, I will name him Vincent.
I think it’s a wonderful, handsome name. I love the meaning too.
VERY, VERY handsome name for a boy!
I love Vincent! It’s handsome and it ages well.
Vincent AKA Vinnie Hacker on TikTok.
Like many commenters, I agree that this name is very handsome and nice.
Sophisticated, handsome and cool. A brilliant name.
Vincent Ingala is a smooth jazz saxophonist.
Vincent is a wonderful name for a boy and also works well for a man. It will age very nicely. It is a classic name that is very masculine. I love it. I also think Vinny, Vin, and Vince are great nick names.
Matthew and Vincent are my favorite boys names at the moment. Vincent is a wonderful name.
Soo handsome!
This name reminds me of flowers and spring for some reason. I think it's pretty neat. Would like to mention Kim Vincent (aka V, lol)
Sounds quite handsome.
VEEN-tsehnt in Slovak.
Quite handsome. I don’t like the nickname Vinn(y, ie) but I think Vince would be nice.
In my past comment I put that I didn't like the nickname Vinny, but I actually love it so much now. This name is great.
The only reason I came here is because my name is Vincent, and I always thought it was a weird name to give me cause I'm black and I thought it would it show some black people with the same name as me.
This name is quite common in France.
This name is just so edgy and sexy and I love it. It's my favourite name ever.
It becomes even better if the surname is Valentine but you know I'm just a fangirl.
I think this is a beautiful name with a nice edge. It might be because of Vincent Price, but I do think it sounds a bit dark and mysterious, but in a good way.
Surprisingly, no one has mentioned this yet. Vincent is the name Rebornica, comic artist, named Purple Guy/William Afton from the game/book series Five Nights at Freddy's before we knew his real name. Now it is used as like the name that the fangirls call him. You know, the whole Sans fangirl thing? It's like that, but less extreme. Also used by people who aren't true fans and somehow don't know his canon name.(He's a child murderer)
I love the whole vibe this name exudes. Vincent. It's very regal sounding, but it also sounds surprisingly casual. It's a fitting name for a guy of any age. It's as powerful as it is charming.
Vincent is one of those names that has a soft phonetic sound at the beginning and middle, but then concludes with an abrupt “t” that contributes to the masculine identity. This name is a classic that is not prodigious to make the deductions for it being considered “common” and might offer an air of sophistication to a potential parent of a son named Vincent.
Vincent sounds hypocritical.
In 2018, 47 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Vincent who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 217th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
A very nice name, so dignified and masculine. I'm glad that it isn't very common. Hopefully the "kre8yve" idiots won't ever ruin the name with dumb spellings, or by thinking it's fine for girls (it's not.)
One of my favorite boy names.. So handsome.
I love the sound of this name! I could not use it because of how Christian its history is, but I always picture something positive when I think of a Vincent, though Vince and Vinnie ruin it.
My impression is a careful one. While looking at the top of the page I noticed ITALIAN is not mentioned. In fact, it is the MOST popular to Italians out of all the ethnicities listed. One must be careful when listing the origins of the name. Most people in America, including myself (Vincent Mascaro), are Italian that use this name. One of the many misconceptions is that articles like this forget that, while most names are anglicized. That being said, stating "Vincent" origin as the listed ethnicities is not necessarily correct.My parents are examples of naming me VINCENT instead of VINCENZO, which is the same exact name. My parents chose not to use VINCENZO (because I live in America not Italy), but this would have fooled you into thinking I must be something else. I have researched this countless times in my life and this is one of the only interpretations to leave out the ethnicity that uses the name the most, Italians.
Vincent Schiavelli, most known for Ghost (1990), Batman (1989) and One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975), was another famous actor with the name.
It's a lovely name, although there's nothing Italian about it. The Italian form is Vincenzo.
Vincent Philip D'Onofrio is an American actor, producer, and singer. He is known for his roles as Private Leonard Lawrence in Stanley Kubrick's war film Full Metal Jacket, Wilson Fisk in the Netflix series Daredevil, Det. Robert Goren in Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Edgar the Bug in Men in Black, and Vic Hoskins in Jurassic World. Among other honors, D'Onofrio is a Saturn Award winner and an Emmy Award nominee.
Vincent "Vince" Teagues is a character from the television series, Haven. He is portrayed by Canadian actor, Richard Donat.
Vincent Lecavalier is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player who most recently played for the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League.
Vincent Ibrahimović is the son of Swedish professional footballer Zlatan Ibrahimović. He was born March 6, 2008.
Vincent Auriol (1884-1966) was the 16th President of France from 1947 to 1954.
Love this name, this was my godfather's name. He passed away last year. This is genuinely a cool name! I like how it's old-fashioned and not common anymore. It's a very common name for Italians as well. I'm part Italian and there are a lot of Vincents on that side.
Vincent Piazza is a famous bearer. Best known for his portrayal of mobster Lucky Luciano in the HBO tv series Boardwalk Empire and his portrayal of musician Tommy DeVito in the film adaptation of Jersey Boys.
Even though it's dated I still think Vincent is a cool name.
This sounds like the name of stoic, tough, dark-haired guys in young adulthood or late teens.
I would love to marry someone or name my child Vincent. Vincent Nigel-Murray from Bones, may he rest in peace...
My son is Vincent Christopher and it suits him perfectly. Sweet, strong, thoughtful and creative. I love this name and the fact that people know how to say it when they read it and spell it when they hear it, but that it's not too popular.
I love Vincent. It makes me think of a really cool Italian guy. And plus, it's the real name of my idol Alice Cooper.
I think this name is underrated. It sounds great and has the cool nickname Vince, which sounds like a sporty jock type :) It's ripe for reintroduction and in my opinion it's a classic, cool, smart name.
This reminds me of an Italian guy.
I love this name, Vince for short. Also Vince from The Mighty Boosh, played by Noel Fielding.
Also Croatian.
A lot of the Italian boys at my school are named some variant of Vincent, so I hear it a lot. I like it- not a lot or anything, but it's a masculine, classic name. Most of the Vincents I know go by Vinnie. There's one Vincent I know who goes by Vince, Vinnie and Vin. I like Vin the best, so I call him Vin.
A strong, classy and handsome name! :)
In Italian-American Families, a common nick-name for Vincent is "Jimmy".
Vincent Lacoste is a French actor. He's not very well-known outside of France, though. He's really handsome!
In the book 18, Pete's youngest son is named Vincent. He has a twin sister named Vera and is sometimes, but rarely, called Vinnie.
Vincent Cassel, a French actor, is a famous bearer.
Sgt. Vincent Carter is a main character from the show Gomer Pyle--USMC. He is played by Frank Sutton.
I don't know anyone with the first name Vincent, but it's my cousin's middle name. I like it, it's very classic sounding but masculine at the same time. I like Vinnie, Vince, and even Vin as a nickname :)
My boyfriend's name is Vincent Francis. I love the name Vince or Vincent in it's full form. I don't like when people add "y" to nice masculine names. Michael, Vince, Joseph are so nice in full and sound much better than Mikey, Vinny or Joey. Yikes! Vincent is strong, dark and handsome. Love strong names on men. I think the full name conjures up more respect, especially when they get older.
Vincent (usually called Vince or Vinnie in the show) is one of the main characters from a horror ARG series called EverymanHYBRID.
Prince Vincent Frederik Minik Alexander of Denmark was born on January 8, 2011 and christened April 14, 2011. He is the son of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark.
I have bad associations with the name Vincent. Especially those who go by Vince for short. Vincent just sounds to me like a conceited jerk.
Vincent Nwajiobi a writer, motivational speaker and a pharmacist.
This is probably one of my favorite names and has been since I was twelve. I would love to one day give this name to a son.
Vincent Nigel-Murray is the British squintern who appears frequently on the TV show "Bones."
Vincent is Walt's golden retriever on the show LOST. Vincent comforts Jack right before his death on the Island.
I've always found Vincent an attractive name. Some people find it sinister, largely in part, I assume, because of actor Vincent Price. In the old 1940's movie, Mrs. Miniver, her oldest son is Vincent, called Vin. I really like Vin as a nickname. Of course now people would think of Vin Diesel, Vincent is his last name.
A famous actor in Europe is Vincent Perez. He is Swedish and was in the movies Queen of the Damned and The Crow City of Angels.
Vincent Perez is not Swiss by ethnicity. His mother was German and his Father was Spanish. Holds citizenship in Spain. He is listed as German and Spanish.
I don't really care for this name. It strikes me as a stereotypical Italian-American name the same way that Anthony and Joseph do. The nickname Vinny is also very boring and always goes to the mobster in movies. Plus, it sounds rather like an old man name.
Vincent Di Luna, a gentleman thief, is one of the main characters in "The Obsidian Key" by Eleanor J. Cramphorn. But he mostly gets called Vinnie.
Vincent van Gogh is a great reason to name your son Vincent, but to me the name sounds thin and ugly. The -in and the -en sound with v and c sound weird. Just a villianous name.
Vincent Law from the anime Ergo Proxy also goes by the nickname Vince.
Vincent has such a strong, handsome look and sound. It's a classy name that will age well but also suits a child just fine. I don't see this as an 'old man' name at all; I know three Vincents under the age of 12.
I like the name Vincent. It seems as if it would flow nicely with any name you wanted to use as a middle name. I wish I'd thought of this before I named my two sons, and we might have named them Vincent!
Vincent is not a stuffy name! This is my friend's name, and it suits him. For your information, I can't imagine Vincent as an old man, but surley it fits a yound person!
Just so you know, 'Vincent' went out of style LONG ago. It's one of those stuffy names that never fit any young person. I mean, picture a five year old going around as Vincent? bleh!
Vincent Crabbe is one of Draco Malfoy's friends/sidekicks in the Harry Potter series.
I love this name. It is a strong name that will never go out of style. Strong. Loyal. Steadfast. Very classic name. This was my Grandfather's name. My Grandmother's nickname for him was Vin. I hope to use it for my child one day.
The American lyrical poet Edna St. Vincent Millay was called Vincent by family and friends. She was the first woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry. Vincent "Vince" Gill is a popular American country musician and songwriter.
VIN means WIN, here, but also Vine. You could say Vincent means a hundred wins, making him VICTORIOUS. Other names with the same meaning are Nicholas, Nicole, Victoria.
Vincent is a wonderful name for a boy - it has a front vowel sound that some studies have shown makes a man more attractive to women, which could be a big reason for its allure.
The first time I heard it about ten years ago I fell instantly in love with it and decided that this would be my son's name. Now when I think about it, it sounds mysterious since so many dark characters in books, games, and movies have been given this name.
Slovak nickname is Vinco. :)
There are some girls called Vincent as well.
To the user Lemonana who said “there are also little girls named Vincent on 6/25/2007, I know what you mean. I think this name can be used for girls despite no historical feminine usage and it might have a feminine form. I think this would be a unique name for a girl. But traditionally, I think it would be better for a boy. I’m not claiming boy names on girls, it’s these users who inspire me with their unisex spirit. If I ever did name a girl Vincent, it would be cute, but I would go with a feminine middle name so she’s a girl. Teen moms inspired me to like boy names on girls, but I still love feminine names too!
I always imagine a handsome goth boy when I hear this name. I think it comes from the darkness of Vincent Price's work and the coolness of Vincent Valentine.
Vincent´s pet forms are Vinnie, Vince, Vincentek, Vincenzo, Čeněk.
Actor Vince Vaughn's real name is Vincent Anthony Vaughn.
I love this name! I think it sounds very masculine, strong and mature.
I like the nickname Vinny for Vincent. It's cute. :]
This name sounds like a knight in medieval times.
I love this name. It conjures up images of "tall, dark, and handsome" for me.
Vincent Price! The master of horror! Been in such movies as The Fly, Return of the Fly, The Abominable Dr. Phibes, and the Edgar Allan Poe movies (the other Master of Horror).
For any football fans out there, Vincent Young, Jr. is the former University of Texas Quarterback, originally from Houston, and now plays for the Tennesse Titans. Vince Young, or "VY" is a big hero in Texas. He doesn't let his team lose.
I love this name. It's a wonderful name!
Listen to the German pronunciation of Vincent here:
I like this name, it's very strong and masculine.
The name is outrageous.
Man, wouldn't I like to know why this name's outrageous?! It's a wonderful name.
The character 'Vincent' in the late 80's CBS show "Beauty and the Beast" is still beloved by devoted fans of the show. There are even mailing lists devoted to the character and the actor who played him, Ron Perlman.
Vincent Valentine from Final Fantasy 7, by SquareEnix, is a very famous character amongst RPG gamers (meaning a whole lot of us)
Vincent VanGogh is my favorite artist. Though he suffered he was also an extremely beautiful person, unlike anyone, a "stranger on the earth". I would feel honored to name my son after him.
Vincent D'Onofrio stars in Law & Order : CI as Robert Goren.
The main character in the film "Gattaca" is called Vincent. (played by Ethan Hawke)
Director Vincente Minelli, father of Liza Minelli, was a famous bearer.
Vincent is rock star Alice Cooper's given name.
Famous bearer, soap actor Vincent Irizarry.
St Vincent - Patron saint of charities
Vincent Price - Actor
Vincent Van Gogh - Painter

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