Veronika Vadovičová (b. 1983) is a Slovak Paralympic shooter who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Veronika Guirenko (b. 1998) is an Israeli Paralympic swimmer who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
My name is Veronika. My parents wanted to honour both sides of my heritage (I'm half Polish and half Ukrainian) so they chose a Polish name with a Ukrainian spelling as they like to explain it to me :) My name often gets spelt like 'Wiktoria', 'Victoria', 'Weronika' and 'Veronica'... I still love my name and its meaning to me so I wouldn't change it for the world! Even if it means not being called some form of 'Victoria' daily more than my actual name XD.
There's a song by the Canadian rock band Billy Talent called "Saint Veronika" which in turn was based on the book "Veronika Chooses to Die" by Paulo Coelho.
If I could have had a chance to choose my name, it would be Veronika. But since my name is Nika I decided that my first daughter will be Veronika Tia. My grandma's sister is Veronika but we all call her 'Veronka'(she's old lady). I personally don't like the nickname 'Veronka', it makes ME feel old. I like more 'Verona'- like that town in Italy from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet- or 'Rona','Roni','Ronja','Veroni','Veronja' and 'Verena'. But I would use those names only as nicknames or maybe as middle names.
Also my chief female scout guide is Veronika. And I also figured it out that Veronika is made out of Slavic word 'vera' means 'religion, belief' and Greek goddess Nike ('nike'-'victory'). So it means 'Victory of religion/belief'. I hope this information is somehow useful.
My mother named me Veronika (she's from Germany), and growing up, I honestly wished I had a more common name, like Lisa or Jenny. I felt strangely alone having one of the more exotic names in school, with the "K" spelling only adding to the mystique. My entire life, I've only met only 3 other Veronicas, and none with a "K". At home I was called Ronnie (my dad read the Archie comics growing up), and in high school, friends tried out different names like "Nika" and "Vero" (I hated those and never responded). For a while in college, my coworkers called me "Vernie" (horrible, but funny), and at one of my early post-college jobs, elderly customers on the phone heard my name as "Rhonda", and that stuck for a bit. As I got older, I decided I not only liked my name, but I loved the spelling. I've found when someone learns my name before meeting me, there's a tendency to assume I'm glamorous, smart, and sexy. While I won't deny these qualities, I am more nerd than sexpot.
In Czech and Hungarian, at least, the name would be accented on the first syllable (as is everything else in these languages, though in Czech there is some dialectal variation). In Hungarian the pronunciation would be (approximately) VAR-o-nee-ka. I knew a Hungarian-born woman with this name. She said the usual nickname was Veron (pronounced VAR-on).
The name Veronika is from these words: "Vere iko nika". Which means: "Brings the true image". Veronika also comes from name Verenika which means victory. It is very popular name in the Czech and Slovak Republics.
Although "Veronika" is the, so to speak, official Swedish way of spelling this name, only about 1/7 of the Swedish women named so spell it with a "k". Most common is to spell it with a "c" just as in English.
Veronika Guirenko (b. 1998) is an Israeli Paralympic swimmer who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.