My name is Verne. It's a very simple and straightforward name, pronounced exactly like Vern. But even so, people seem to struggle with it- I regularly get addressed as Verny, Verna, Verné (ver-NAY), etc. I guess this is because I look feminine, and they perceive the correct pronunciation as masculine. (But I don't care. I love my name nonetheless. And anyway, older folks tell me it's unisex.)
Vern Tessio was one of the main kids from the film Stand By Me. He was played by a young Jerry O'Connell.
This name seems gender neutral to me, which is why I took it for my own. I spell it with an 'e' on the end, however. It's the soul of spring, and conjures images of rich green foliage flourishing in misty sunlit woods. And yes, I did get it from Jules Verne. I am a poet myself; should not I have the name of a writer? Okay, I'll stop with the pretentious commenting now, lol.
My name is Veronica. My friends and family use Vern as my nickname because they hate the nickname Ronnie.
Vern Gosdin, a famous country singer in the 1970s and 1980s.
Unfortunately, it seems like this name has been dragged into the "redneck" stereotype by popular entertainment. It just reminds me of the characters on "Mama's Family" or a one-liner from Jeff Foxworthy.
Can also be spelled Verne, a famous bearer of this spelling is dwarf actor Verne Troyer.
This is the name of Ernest P. Worrell's unseen friend.

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