Vera Bitanji (born in 1969) is an Albanian athlete and triple jumper. She represented Albania in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta competing in the women's triple jump.
More than one meaning:
Also verë-a f. in Albanian means wine.
Either from the Latin Vera (summer) or just taken from Serbian - Serbian name Vera (meaning faith). It may be coincidental that it is similar to the Albanian word for summer.
I love all versions of this name. It's plain awesome.
Most probably the mentioned Albanian word for "summer" begins with "ver" because the Latin root of the "summer" and the beginning of the "summer", i.e. the "spring", is "ver", let's take, for example, the Spanish words "verano" (means "summer" as a noun), "primavera" (means "spring" as a noun, "primero" means "first"), "veraniego" (means "summer" as an adjective), etc; the English word "vernal" meaning "spring" as a an adjective.

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