This is actually my surname and I've seen some named Velia as well from other countries and I totally think it's pretty & beautiful!
― Anonymous User 2/26/2025, edited 2/26/2025
One of my best friends, Miss V, has this name and I love it and her. It's a very pretty name for a delightful, show stopping, stunning, desirable, courageous, confident girl. Please name your daughter this.
Princess Velia Osman-Oglu, born as Velia Abdel-Huda, and more commonly referred to as Princess Lulie (26 January 1916 – 29 November 2012) was an art historian and socialite. She was also notable for being the first Muslim woman to study at the University of Oxford. During the Second World War she was recruited by the British Information Service and was posted to Cairo and then Palestine where she was engaged with the Palestinian cause and began a lifelong friendship with Freya Stark. Abdel-Huda remained fervently pro-Palestinian throughout her life and considered the Palestinian people betrayed by the British.
Velia Martínez Febles (born on June 14, 1920 in Tampa, Florida - May 22, 1993 in Miami, Florida) was a well-known actress, singer and former nightclub dancer.
Never call your child this and take them to Samoa. They have a similar word Valaea that means idiot or arsehole. An insult. So if you tell them your name is Velia they will most probably laugh.
Velia is the modern name of the ancient Italian town of Elea, which is well known for being the home of the philosopher Parmenides and his student Zeno of Elea, who was famous for his paradoxes.Velia is also considered a shortened form of the name Juvelia, related to Latin juven(is) or iuvenis, meaning "young" or "youthful".
― Anonymous User 8/29/2009
If the meaning is "concealed", then logically it's related to the English word "veil", and could refer to the Christian concept of a "heavenly veil" separating us from the life before this one; that is, when we are born, we pass through the veil and lose all memory of our previous existence.I think it's a lovely, complex name for a wonderful girl.
― Anonymous User 8/28/2008
Pronounced vel-yah.
― Anonymous User 6/5/2008
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