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Gender Masculine & Feminine
Pronounced Pron. /ˈylɡeɾ/(Turkish)  [key·simplify]
Other Forms FormsÜlgen, Ülken, Ülker

Meaning & History

Derived from "Ülker", the Pleiades; and "Ülgen", a Turkic creator-deity from Tengrism, an ethnic Turkic, Yeniseian, Mongolic religion.

Ülgen symbolizes goodness, welfare, and abundance; furthermore, he is the creator of earth, heaven and all living beings. He controls the atmospheric events and movements of stars. He was regarded as the patron god of shamans and the source of their knowledge.
It is believed that Ülgen has been created from Kayra (Tengere Kayra Khan). He is the highest deity after Tengri in the pantheon. Often, Ülgen is compared with Tengri and at times they are thought to be on par, or even the same. In some sayings, the name/function of Ülgen may be (partially) interchangeable with that of Tengri.

His symbol is the Pleiades, "Ülker" in Turkish, a name most likely derived from Ülgen itself.

This modern spelling is a mix of Ülgen and Ülker, and the name itself bears both meanings; the Pleiades and the name of the deity.
Added 11/21/2023 by anonymous

See Also

User submission Ulger