Hoàng Tuyết Loan Châu (b. 1975) is a Vietnamese Paralympic powerlifter who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
A name as pure and serene as freshly-fallen snow... the quiet beauty and tranquility of winter's chilled embrace. Like snowflakes dancing on the crisp air, Tuyet shimmers with the otherworldly magic of a winter wonderland. Pristine landscapes blanketed in white, where every exhale carried by the breeze is a unique masterpiece... Tuyet symbolizes the purity of heart and the resilience of spirit, an ode to the timeless beauty of nature and the stillness and reflection that winter brings.
Toa Tuyet the tyrannical toa of water from Bionicle. She is such a mysterious and intriguing character in the Bionicle story.
Tuyết is also used as a masculine name in Vietnamese. However, it's more common for females. So, I think that the "Gender" of this name should be changed from "Feminine" to "Feminine & Masculine".Source:
This is the birth name of Vietnamese Vpop singer Minh Tuyet.
6 baby girls in the USA (2009) were given Tuyet possibly because of Vietnamese descent.
I'm Vietnamese and my name is Tuyet, besides I'm also English.
But my nickname is snow. That meaning is correct.
It's sorta hard to describe how to pronounce it. But it's sorta like a soft 'th' sound at the beginning. And at the end, it's almost (but not quite) a 'k' sound. Kind of like thweek.
So far the info given here is wrong. This is the word for "snow" in Vietnamese. Just check any Vietnamese dictionary. It does NOT mean "Snow White" which is a European fairy tale not known in Asia.The pronunciation sounds like Twee, with an acute accent over the e and a silent t. It's very dificult to pronounce unless you're Vietnamese. [noted -ed]
Tuyet is pronounced TOO-it. I know a woman with this name, and that's the only reason I know how to say it.

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