Trey Azagthoth, guitarist for death metal band Morbid Angel.
Thomas "Trey" Kennedy III, born in 1992, is a stand up comic best known for his YouTube and TikTok content.
This is my older brother's name, he's a third, named after my dad who was named after my grandpa. Good nickname.
Trey is the name of Micheal Jordan's brother and he is an hand egg player.
This is my favorite male name. So underrated.
I really like the name Trey; it’s a very cool name! Trey is easily one of my favorite names.
Personally as a Trey, never been a fan of the name, but I am grateful it's spelled Trey with the e not Tray, Trae, or Trai, those are blah, but I'm stuck with Trey now.
I've always thought Trey was a really cool name. Still do. I also don't think you'd have to be a lll or third child to bear this name, of course. I think it could work for anyone ;)
No hate if your name is Trey, but one of my friends is considering naming her son this, and their last name is Troy. His full name would be Trey Troy and I know that he would be relentlessly bullied for it. I'm currently trying to make her reconsider but to no avail. So make sure if you're choosing the name Trey that it goes with your last name and won't result in your child getting endlessly bullied for it for the rest of their life.
Nothing about it really makes sense.
This name is cool. Not my favorite, and I wouldn't name my child this, but I don't hate it. I prefer it more as a nickname than a full/legal name, but that's just me :)
My brother-in-law's nickname is Trey because he's the third with the same name in his family.
My wife and I picked Trey for our third child. Kinda obvious. Plus our other two kids had "T's" for their first names so it worked great. I love the name Trey. It fits him perfectly.
This name sounds quite random to me.
My son is Robert III and we call him Trey/Tre exclusively - although people get confused since his legal name is Robert and they don't necessarily understand that the third is Trey. He is a very active, fun, rambunctious boy, suits him well.
Trey MacDougal was a character on the show Sex and the City in the early 2000s.
This name sounds like the name of a dumb frat boy.
I am a woman and I go by Trey and I love it. My real name is Teresa but it's always been my nickname.
I really like the sound of the name Trey! It sounds so cool! :D.
I like this name, but it reminds me too much of the English word "tray".
Used to be a guilty pleasure name of mine. Now I'm not too sure what to think of it. It's not horrible or anything.
I named my third son Trey. He is funny, smart, and athletic. I just do not like how popular it has become. At least no one should have his middle name, Grayhawk.
This is a nickname for boys who carry the third generation of a name, i.e John Smith III can go by Trey (literally "number 3").
I kind of like the name. It's unique, different, and I only know of one person who has the name.
I love this name! I prefer the spelling "Tre" than "Trey" though. I think it sounds great and it's easy to pronounce. The spelling with the "Y" on the end makes it seem like a lunch tray or something. I really love this name and I would totally name my child this.
I was a bit taken aback when I started hearing this name on humans, since I had only ever heard it used as a dogs' name before. Knowing that this used to be one of the two most popular names for Collies, I just can't take it seriously on a man or boy. At least some other names that are popular for dogs, like Bailey, don't seem so totally out of place on a human.
I go by Trey. I waited for three generations for that name! Ha! Anyways, jesting aside, Trey is a very cool name, playful and frivolous, and it's a joy to have two names. However, I know of at least two Trey's that have been named so that weren't the third. Personally, if the name means three, then you shouldn't name the firstborn Trey.
Will Smith's eldest son bears this name as his nickname.
This reminds me of at least two very annoying people, one being a former MTV Europe host, and the other one being Trey Parker, the other guy who created South Park. This sounds like the name of jerks to me.
Never say anything like that about an name. NOBODY chooses their name. And certain names do not have certain personalities. I know somebody (My bro) who has the name Trey HERE IS A SHOCKER- he is kind and smart and funny!
Trey Atwood was a character on the popular FOX teen drama the O.C., played by Logan Marshall-Green.
My son's middle name is Trey and this is the name he goes by always. I love this name and so does my son. I began calling him Trey Bear when he was just a small tike (because he was snuggly and reminded me of a teddy bear). Great name for a boy!
I like this name, but I would rather use it as a middle name than a first name. It makes me think of a tray and I would not get used to it.
Trey is a nice name. Good name for big, strong boys. My baby cousin is named Trey and he is so energetic and comedic.
One of the creators/directors of South Park's name is "Tre". Same pronunciation.
The name of the co-creater of South Park is Trey, not Tre, as another poster has it. (His "real" name is Randolph.)
Don't name your son Trey unless you want him to own your soul. Trey is like the ultimate rockstar name.
This is my younger brother's name. It is a nickname for Richard. I like it, it's so cute, and my little brother is such a cutie.
Every Trey I have ever met plays some kind of instrument.
Tres (same pron.) means "very" in French. Tres Cool = very cool.
Can also be spelt: Tre. This spelling is used for Tre Cool, the drummer of popular American rock band, Green Day.

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