Tjaard is used as a masculine name in West Frisia (located in The Netherlands) and to a lesser extent in East Frisia (located in Germany).To get a slight idea about the frequency of this name, see the two links below (assuming you know where West Frisia and East Frisia are located in both countries): (West Frisia) (East Frisia)Note that in the link provided for West Frisia, the popularity rankings listed reflect The Netherlands as a whole, not the province of Friesland (i.e. West Frisia) only. However, some Frisian first names are so typically Frisian, that they are hardly used outside Friesland, so then it *is* possible to get a pretty good idea of how common they are in Friesland. The thing is, though, one would have to be a Dutchman knowledgeable about Frisian names, or a Frisian living in Friesland or elsewhere in The Netherlands, to gauge which Frisian name is hardly used outside Friesland (and thus whether its popularity rankings on the website of The Meertens Instituut mostly reflect those of Friesland). But fortunately, I can tell you that Tjaard is one of those typically Frisian names that is hardly used outside Friesland, so the popularity rankings listed for Tjaard will indeed give a fair idea of how common the name is in Friesland itself.
To get a slight idea about the frequency of this name, see the two links below (assuming you know where West Frisia and East Frisia are located in both countries): (West Frisia) (East Frisia)
Note that in the link provided for West Frisia, the popularity rankings listed reflect The Netherlands as a whole, not the province of Friesland (i.e. West Frisia) only. However, some Frisian first names are so typically Frisian, that they are hardly used outside Friesland, so then it *is* possible to get a pretty good idea of how common they are in Friesland. The thing is, though, one would have to be a Dutchman knowledgeable about Frisian names, or a Frisian living in Friesland or elsewhere in The Netherlands, to gauge which Frisian name is hardly used outside Friesland (and thus whether its popularity rankings on the website of The Meertens Instituut mostly reflect those of Friesland). But fortunately, I can tell you that Tjaard is one of those typically Frisian names that is hardly used outside Friesland, so the popularity rankings listed for Tjaard will indeed give a fair idea of how common the name is in Friesland itself.