My little four-year-old grand-nephew was named Tino after his father, Valentino. I really wished he was named Valentino, too. I think Tino is too flimsy for a birth name. Unfortunately, I had no say in the matter.
Sometimes used for Constantine by people of Greek descent. (My uncle and I were among them, though I have long used only my full name except with my family and anyone I meet through them.)
Tino di Camaino (c. 1280 – c. 1337) was an Italian sculptor.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2011
Hehe if you watch The Weekenders, then you know this is the name of the blond, sarcastic comedian Tino Tonitini, voiced by Jason Mardsen. Best show ever. Now whenever I hear this name, I think of a guy who makes people laugh. Plus I think it's kind of a cute pet name for an Italian friend or something (if they don't mind it).