Thanos was the stage name of the rapper in the second season of the Korean Netflix series “Squid Game”.
For all those that say "UGH WHY WOULD U NAME UR CHILD AFTER A PURPLE PSYCHOPATH' well before you try to play it smart and make fun of the parents who named their child like that do some research, because Thanos is a Greek name and that's where they got the name for Thanos from, from the us Greeks yes. Literally just by typing "Thanos" on your search bar it clearly says the name is Greek.
This name is pretty sexy and all but why would you name your child after a purple psychopath who committed mass genocide?
And Thanos snapped his fingers and his parents realized their mistake.
Usage: Greek, Popular CulturePronounced: DHAN-os (English), THAN-os (English)In Popular Culture, this is the name of a major character from the Marvel comics and in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Infinity Saga, being one of its most powerful supervillains.
John Thanos was a serial killer, put to death by lethal injection in May of 1994. He was the first person executed in the state of Maryland since the death penalty had been reinstated in 1976.
This name originates from the Indus River Valley God named Thanos Payam.
I'd feel so bad for any children named this. Everyone would be afraid of your child, especially if they snap their fingers...
"You should have aimed for the head". Avengers, Infinity War
Thanos is a major character from the Marvel comics, being one of its most powerful super villains. He was portrayed by Josh Brolin in most of his appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films.
Thanos is the Greek god of death!
No, that's Thanatos.This is the name of a Marvel Comics character known for his fascination and somewhat obsessive infatuation for that universe's personification of death (said personification is female).

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