In the Elder Scrolls games Thane is an honorary title presented by the jarl of a hold to individuals of high esteem.
― Anonymous User 8/29/2015
Sere Thane Krios is an alien assassin of the Drell species in the Bioware video game series, Mass Effect. He is a romance option for female Shepherd characters. His is portrayed as highly religious and a very private man, skilled with both guns and biotics (genetic super-powers).
― Anonymous User 2/10/2011
Thane is a small character in character in Christopher Paolini's books.
I have loved this name ever since I read 'Roses for Mama' by Janette Oke. That is actually where I first heard the name, and then I met someone whose little brother has the name!
― Anonymous User 2/11/2007
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