I like sunshine, daisies, butterflies, sugar and long walks on the beach. If I were sixty and desperate. Seeing as I'm neither, no use in lying. I'm lazier than lazy and less active than dust bunnies. At least at home. At school, I'm usually in for the sports and the throwing of foods or whatever, but at home I glue myself to the couch for a about six straight hours and stare off into cyber space. Ok, so maybe I'm not THAT lazy. In addition to getting up to get some food, I like to box with my dad (we both mutually suck lollipop balls), chase my dog around the house, wrestle with my dog, or throw my cat into ceiling fans. I like to read and I like to write. My favourite kind of book would be something that mixes shrewd humour with even shrewder fantasy, like the things Neil Gaiman did in Fragile Things. The book basically screwed up the way I look at Narnia for evermore, but it was still a good book. Oh! and Bret Easton Ellis is an AMAZING writer. I talk a lot :)