I LOVE THIS NAME I also love Thalia Grace from Percy Jackson she's definitely one of my favourite characters I do prefer it to be pronounced Tah lee uh. If I ever have a daughter this will definitely be her name or middle name there's a few other spellings that I think would make the name more unique Thaila Tahlia Thalea It's also not that common so I'm guessing there won't be more than 1 or 2 in a classroom but not so uncommon that people won't be able to pronounce it from never seeing it.
I love this name, although I do prefer it spelt Talia. There is a middle name that I think fits perfectly with Thalia and that is Eden. I find the name Thalia Eden so sweet and pretty! π·.
Very pretty but it also sounds just like the Russian word for waist.
β Anonymous User 2/4/2023
I knew two girls in middle school who had this name yet, they didn't pronounce it the same way. One went by Tha-Lee-ah and the other went by Tah-Lee-ah (guessing cause she was Spanish and that's how her mom said it). Never met another person with this name after I switched schools. It's a rare name for sure.
β Anonymous User 9/7/2022
Love this name. Only like it pronounced Thay-Lee-uh.
I adore this name, its origin, sound and meaning: βto blossomβ. In French, we have a lot of words of Greek origin starting with TH, and they are all pronounced with a silent H. So for a French person, the natural pronunciation would be βTAH-lee-aβ, with emphasis on the first syllable.
Thalia is one of those names that travels throughout world languages very well as there is a number of legitimate world regional pronunciations such as: Tah-LEE-ah TAH-lee-ah THAH-lee-ah Thah-LEE-ah TAHL-ya THAL-ya THAY-lee-Ι Thay-LEE-ah ThΙ-LIE-Ι.
In German it's pronounced tah-LEE-ah and there's a well-known book store chain by this name.Some Germans pronounce it TAH-lee-ah, but because of the book stores the tah-LEE-ah pronunciation is more well established.I still think it is usable in Germany because I like an association with books.
β Anonymous User 6/5/2021
I would love this name so much if it wasn't for the pronunciation issues.I guess that most people say TAH-lee-ah. But tah-LEE-ah is also common.Then people could say THAH-lee-ah, thah-LEE-ah, THAY-lee-ah, thay-LEE-ah and not to mention TAHL-ya and THAL-ya.It's just so confusing.The problem is that most of the pronunciations aren't even wrong because it just depends whether you pronounce it in ancient Greek or modern Greek or English or, for example, German.So even though the meaning is great and it's classic these issues would keep me from using it. If it was my #1 favorite I would still consider it but it is further down and just too complicated. It would also get misspelled all the time.
β Anonymous User 6/5/2021
I ADORE the Tahl-EE-uh pronunciation, not too big on the phonetic pronunciation.
It's beautiful but there will be so many pronunciation issues.I have heard it as tha-LIE-ah, THAY-lee-ah, TAH-lee-ah, tah-LEE-ah, TAHL-ya, THAL-ya etc. Etc. (in some countries TH is pronounced like T).It is gorgeous but all these pronunciation issues would keep me from using it.
β Anonymous User 3/3/2021
β Anonymous User 2/1/2021
What about Thalia Grace from Percy Jackson? She is super awesome, I donβt think she would really go with flowers, she is a hunter of Artemis after all.
Okay, who likes Percy Jackson? If you donβt how dare you?! (please donβt be offended!) But, Thalia Grace is a character and itβs pronounced Talia.
β Anonymous User 7/6/2020
A beautiful name in my opinion, and I instinctively pronounce it thal-yuh or tha-lee-uh, though I have no idea if either of those are "correct".
I would use this name potentially if it didn't make me think so much of Thallium. And they're related, which makes it a bit worse. I still love this name.
β Anonymous User 5/27/2020
My cousinβs name is Thalia, though it is spelled Thaleia (I like the former spelling better). We pronounce it THAY-lee-uh.
Thalia, was the Muse of comedy and idyllic poetry. Her name means "joyous or flourishing". Thalia is usually portrayed as a young woman with a joyous air wearing a crown of ivy, boots, and carrying a comic mask in her hand.
I will settle this once and for all. Much to my frustration, my name has been pronounced incorrectly constantly throughout my life. As the description says, it is of Greek origin and I happen to be Greek. In Greek, as it says, it is spelt ΞάλΡια. In the Greek alphabet, the letter Ξ (theta) has the soft "th" sound. The way that it is spelt with the letter theta, the accent on the alpha and the "ee" sound made by "Ρι" indicates that the correct pronunciation of this name is "tha-lee-uh" (the emphasis is on the "tha"). NOT "Talia" or "Thail-ee-uh" etc... it has bothered me my entire life that no one has been able to get my name right as it is really quite a simple name. The initial mispronunciation is understandable and forgivable but I have had experiences where people just continuously forget how it is pronounced (especially with teachers!) and stubbornly continue to call me "Talia" no matter how many times I correct them. It is really hurtful that people don't bother to learn my name correctly a lot of the time.
My name is Thalia and I pronounce it TAH-lee-ah. When people see my name written and ask why the H is silent I tell them that it's just like the name Thomas. (Also my middle name is Grace so I'm Thalia Grace XD)
My name is Thalia. I am one fourth Greek, so my name would be pronounced "Thal-eeah".
β Anonymous User 4/30/2016
Being a Greek woman bearing the name Thalia myself, I can end the pronunciation debate. I can assure you one hundred percent that the name is pronounced "THAL-eeah" In Greek, the accent is placed on the first alpha meaning the emphasis should be heard when pronouncing that letter. Furthermore, the first letter in the name when it is spelled in Greek is theta, which ONLY makes the th sound. Although other cultures do use this name, it is of Greek origin and this is technically the one and only way to pronounce it although I suppose other cultures are welcome to modify it if they wish. I do have one request, PLEASE if you are planning on naming your daughter Talia do not spell it "Thalia". First of all th always makes the th sound in English (the h is NEVER silent!) and secondly, it just adds to the confusion about the pronunciation of the name. The Percy Jackson movie, for example, is completely wrong and it is agitating to see a supposedly Greek movie pronouncing the name wrong. You have no idea how irritating it was growing up as Thalia and consistently being called Talia to the point where it just might as well have been my name. It felt as though I was being stripped of my uniqueness (as Talia, although not a common name itself, is much more common than Thalia at the very least) and of my cultural background that I identified with. So please, whenever you see "Thalia" it is pronounced with the th sound, and Talia should ONLY be spelled just like it sounds. Thank you.
Thalia can be pronounced THAlia or ThaLEEa. I have it from two separate Greek women that it is pronounced the first way, but of course that's not to say you can't pronounce it the second way. It is a beautiful name, and I know of someone called Thalia Grace, which is even sweeter, because apart from acknowledging its classical roots (Thalia is one of the three "Graces") it also gives regard to the Christian reference of Grace.
The pronunciation of Tah-lee-uh is so... much better than Tha-lee-uh or whatever.
β Anonymous User 9/18/2015
Thalia is a character in the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. In a deleted scene in the first movie, it is pronounced Tha-lia. It is pronounced Ta-lia in the Sea of Monsters. In The Next Step, IT IS THE SAME PRONUNCIATION as Sea of Monsters.
In the Percy Jackson movie they pronounce it as TAH-lia.
β Anonymous User 4/9/2015
Since I'm actually Greek (fine, Greek American, but Greek was my first language and I've spent a lot of time in Greece), I can end this pronunciation debate. Obviously, depending on what language you speak, you'll pronounce this name differently, but the correct Modern Greek pronunciation of this name is THA-lia. It is not TAH-lia (Ξ, the Greek letter theta, makes a th sound. Always), and if you want that pronunciation, there's the perfectly nice name Talia, which is pronounced that way. It is not tha-LYE-uh, because in Greek, the accent falls on the first alpha (ΞάλΡια), so the first syllable is the emphasized one. It's also not pronounced THA-ley-uh, as the Ρι in the name (epsilon iota), is a diphthong, which means it just makes a regular ee sound. Pronounce this name how you like in English- THA-lia, TAH-lia (although I hate this pronunciation because the name Talia makes more sense for it), THAYL-ya, tha-LYE-uh, or THA-ley-uh- you're not wrong, really, but the proper Greek pronunciation is THA-lia.
I am so confused on how to pronounce this name. Tall-ee-ya is probably the correct pronunciation, but I just don't like it that way. I prefer it pronounced Th-a-lee-uh, but I don't want to be pronouncing it wrong.
I was first introduced to this name in the Percy Jackson series, and I just assumed it would be pronounced THAH-lee-uh. I've never thought it might be pronounced differently, but it obviously is. I still really like the name, and the meaning is great.
I like this name when pronounced tall-ya. When it's pronounced thall-ee-ah it sounds like the person pronouncing it has a really bad lisp... for that reason I MUCH prefer it pronounced tall-ya.
β Anonymous User 10/8/2012
This name is used in various countries, so the pronunciation shifts depending on the language of the bearer. In English is has three different general pronunciations, thuh-LIE-ah, from the 16th-century English, THAY-lee-ah and then TAHL-ee-ah. Yes, in Spanish it may be pronounced (tuh-LEE-ah) or whatever, but that is not the only correct way to say it. The name is originally Greek so if we are going to go by who had the name first then the correct pronunciation should be Greek. Until then, accept the fact that the name is used all over the world and that it is going to be pronounced differently depending on where you are at.
β Anonymous User 8/8/2012
There are two pronunciations of Thalia. I personally like it when you say it like tall-yuh.
Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus in the Percy Jackson series. She supposedly has short black hair, intense blue eyes, carries the spear Aegis, and was turned into a pine tree by her father to keep her from dying. Her brother is Jason Grace from the Heroes of Olympus series.
Thalia Grace carried a shield Aegis, not a spear. It's a shield with the face of the Gorgon Medusa engraved in it. I believe it was copied from Zeus's own shield.
It can differ from country to country; when I first saw this name I thought with it being Greek, was pronounced TAL-lee-ah, but when I went to a thesaurus it was actually pronounced thu-LIE-uh.I like this name a lot, I think it's pretty!
I believe it technically is pronounced Tha-LIE-uh, based on the Greek Muse. Having said that, I love the idea of this name. It's beautiful to look at and to see written out and to hear. However, I do think Tha-lie-a can become a bit of a mouthful and as much as I love it, I could not foresee myself calling a girl this all the time. When said fast, it loses a lot of its charm.
I shan't add to the pronunciation debate, but I'd rather say how lovely this name is. Thalia sounds like a very classy, albeit usable name. I have a story character named Talia, but that was a nickname for her real name - Natalia.
In Rick Riordan's book series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, one of the main characters is named Thalia, and she's a daughter of Zeus.
β Anonymous User 12/31/2007
Beautiful beautiful name. I love the background history of it. Such beautiful historical significance of a Greek Muse. How pretty. The name itself is pretty. I also like the related name Talia which is Hebrew for Dew of Heaven. But I really like Thalia. Thalia is Greek for blossoming. Pretty pretty name.
β Anonymous User 12/3/2007
Listen up non-Spanish people. My name is Thalia (I'm Puerto Rican) :) and in English it is pronounced th-uh-lee-uh (not very hard) in Spanish. Well you need an accent so I'm not going to tell you.
I have a friend with this name, and she pronounces it 'tah-LEE-uh'. She's Puerto Riccan or something.
β Anonymous User 8/2/2007
One of my favorite names. Simply beautiful and not so common. It sounds very classy for now. Love the meaning and all. I prefer the pronunciation tha-LEE-eah than tha-LIE-eah though.
"Ariadna Thalia Sodi Miranda" is the name of the Mexican singer and actress known as "Thalia", who became famous for the Mexican serial "Rosalinda" and the song "Rosalinda" to this film, which she performed.
Well someone made a comment that there are 2 ways to pronounce it. Well my name is Thalia and I can assure you there is only one way. It's just Thalia. It's a Greek name so it should be pronounced the normal way.
β Anonymous User 1/31/2006
This is my new favorite name. It has such a pretty sound and I love what it means.
If I ever have a daughter this will definitely be her name or middle name there's a few other spellings that I think would make the name more unique
It's also not that common so I'm guessing there won't be more than 1 or 2 in a classroom but not so uncommon that people won't be able to pronounce it from never seeing it.