I love this name. I'm on the fence about its usage for a human, though. I think it's great for a character, like a dragon. I named one of my horses in BoTW this.
― Anonymous User 1/20/2023
The use of Tempest as a female name goes back to the 1854 novel "Tempest and Sunshine" by Mary Jane Holmes. In the novel Tempest is a nickname for the character Julia, who is called Tempest because of her stormy and volatile personality. Sunshine is a nickname for her sister Fanny, who always has a sunny and pleasant disposition. There are examples in the 19th century USA of girls named both Tempest and Sunshine because of this novel, which was a bestseller reprinted for many decades after its original publication.
Honestly, I am in L O V E with this name. I am still deciding if I would actually name my daughter this. Like, I feel like my parents wouldn't approve of me naming my daughter Tempest. Still, I freaking love the name.
― Anonymous User 8/2/2020
I think it's alright, but I wouldn't use it on my little girl.
Hi, I’m 20 and my name is Tempest Rianna. Growing up I hated my name and got picked on for it so much. It’s amazing seeing all these positive comments about it.
Tempest is a pretty cool name, but I can understand why some people don't like it. It sounds like a fantasy name like Rowan or Snow. I don't really understand why people seem to think that naming your child Tempest will make them a brat. I myself don't get "brat" out of the name, but even if I did, how would naming your child Tempest change their attitude? Every kid has a bit of attitude, they just have different ways of expressing it. Whether you name your kid Lucy or Tempest isn't going to change anything. (Lucy's a great name, but I'd rather my name be Tempest)
Tempest is my favourite name recently, not sure why just like different names and like the sound of it. The meaning of it doesn't bother me, love this name, isn't boring and is feminine but not overly girly. Lana is another name I like for the same reasons. If I had another daughter, Tempest would be her chosen name.
I was born in 1964 my parents named me Tempest Star, however I only go by Star. Roll call at school was embarrassing for me, as a child teachers always said "Tempest Star Smith"... oy! All the kid's were like "what"? Tempest sounded too different, too mature. Thank you to all of you who left such beautiful and kind remarks regarding the name, I have new found interest and appreciation for the name Tempest.
My daughter's name is Tempest, she is 14 and not a brat at all. She only threw about 2 tantrums in her life. We call her Tempe for short. I love her name and her personality.
― Anonymous User 3/14/2018
It's a really pretty girl name, and so is Temple. Tempie is also a nice nickname.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2017
I think that this name has the bad connotation with it because it isn't the "norm". I mean, the definition alone makes it seem like the kid would naturally be a storm. Hahaha. But I look at the names that I see people come up with for their kids now like Denver, Fern, or some other random word that has already been used for something else, and then I realize I am thankful that I am named Tempest. My parents got it out of a book of 10 rarest baby names. I will admit, it is a weird name. And yes, I was a bratty child. But so is EVERY child, in their own way. I mean, can you honestly tell me that you know a single child that doesn't drive their parents crazy at some point in their lives. Most likely not. Who knows, I just know I'm blessed with the name that everyone talks about. :)
― Anonymous User 6/4/2016
I've noticed a few complaints about this name seeming snooty or used to try to put on airs because it is a term coined by Shakespeare. I think it would be good to remember just what an impact old William had on the English language! He coined over 1, 700 words! Ranging from "bamboozle," to my own given name, "Jessica," which I'm sure no one would bother to call over-literary or snotty. While I do not not at all mind a good literary name, and no concern to me whether or not others know the origin, Tempest is a lovely name by a man who created a great many lovely words we use every day. It is spirited and antiquarian - you can't beat that!
What the... This doesn't even sound like a name! Word names like Grace and Ruby are fine with me, but this is going too far! My guess would be that parents who name their daughters "Tempest" are probably trying to sound a lot smarter than they actually are by naming their child after a Shakespeare play.
― Anonymous User 2/3/2013
It sounds like a stuck-up name that literary snobs would use. Kinda New Age-y as well.
What if someone named a girl Tempest Katrina Lastname? Eeek! Anyway, I think this would be best as a middle name, or as a nickname for Temperance/Temperence.
I lovelovelove this name! It is extremely feminine and very strong. It has a beautiful sound to it--and is incredibly unique! I think of a Tempest as a sarcastic and witty redhead that dresses in frilly Lolita dresses, but isn't seen as a "girly girl."
What a horrible name. It sounds like the name of a child from hell who screams and roars and throws things in a fit of rage ever so often. Actually, this doesn't sound like a name to begin with, and it certainly doesn't sound feminine.
I think that the name Tempest is beautiful. I love different names, and I think that Tempest is great. It's a beautiful name, and I like its simple meaning.
I love, love, love this name. I actually got it off someone on the LiveJournal site who had a beautiful daughter named this, and so now it is one of my favourites. :)