Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 達之, 達行, 龍雪, 龍之, 立之, 建之, 辰之, 竜之, 龍幸, etc.(Japanese Kanji)

Meaning & History

From Japanese 達 (tatsu) meaning "reach, arrive, attain", 龍 or 竜 (tatsu) meaning "dragon", 立 (tatsu) meaning "stand up, rise", 建 (tatsu) meaning "build", or 辰 (tatsu) referring to the fifth sign of the Chinese zodiac combined with 之 (yuki), a possessive marker, 行 (yuki) meaning "row, line", 雪 (yuki) meaning "snow", or 幸 (yuki) meaning "happiness, good luck". Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Added 9/17/2020 by HL