Canadian singer and dancer Tate McRae (born 2003) is a famous female bearer of the name. I predict that it will take off as a feminine name in the coming years.
It's a meh name, short and uninspired, but it could work as a diminutive of Nathan and Nathaniel by first letter swap logic.
Tate Adams is the name of Nate's son in the Yokai Watch series.
Tate Walker is a character from the novel Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens.
In Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Omega Ruby, & Alpha Sapphire, Tate is one of two Gym Leaders of Mossdeep City. Along with his identical twin sister, Liza, he uses Psychic-type Pokémon.
Tate Farris, known professionally as Baby Tate (formerly known as Yung Baby Tate), is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer. The daughter of singer Dionne Farris, she released her debut project, ROYGBIV, in 2015. She has since garnered significant attention for the successful viral single "I Am" featuring Flo Milli and the EP After the Rain, among others. Her song "Beckham" was featured in the pilot episode of Euphoria in 2019. In 2021, she signed a record deal with Warner Records and released her major label debut single, "Pedi", on October 29, 2021.
Tate McRae is a famous girl singer making the name both male and female, though, I wouldn't use it as a name for either.
Andrew Tate ruined this name.
The Tate brothers (Andrew and Tristian) who are successful Businessmen and ex Kick boxers.
It’s not awful. Short, simple, and attractive.
When I first heard of the Tate gallery, I thought the name actually sounded nice and could be a real name for a person. It turns out it is a real name, and I think it sounds great on both boys and girls. I also like this name because of the singer Tate McRae.
It's quite nice, actually. It's a very unique name.
You know what's weird? This is probably a stretch, but as soon as I heard the name years ago, I thought it was a short form of Tatum. I was surprised to see it as a first name.

Even if it didn't come from Tatum, it could still be a proper diminutive.
Tate can also be used for a girl, like Tate McRae.
Simple and straightforward. I like it.
Tate’s is a brand of cookies.
Brother Tate, the official villain from gen:LOCK.
Boy name and surname.
I’m a girl born in the 90s with the name Taite. (Pronounced same as Tate) I’ve always loved my name and the meaning behind it. I think it makes me unique and the meaning fits my personality. Also my friends grew up calling me Taiters which I always found kinda sweet. Nowadays, people always call me just Taite. I’ve done very well and will be attending grad school this fall. I don’t feel that having a unique name has inhibited me in any form. My parents did give me a common 90s female middle name in the event I didn’t like my first name and always told me I could change it. :)
This would be my name if I was a boy. I think it's too hard to say the T at the end.
My name is Tayte. I'm a girl and I love my name:)
I love the name Tate! I think of it as a girl's name because I know a girl with that name.
I have a friend whose son is named Tate... My two year old can't say that, she calls him something that sounds like TAINT. She has ruined the name for me. All I can imagine is a group of mean kids calling him that.
Tate Langdon is a character on the first season of the TV series American Horror Story.
I personally really like this name in all of its simplicity. It sounds strong, but also wholesome, and while some view it as a childish name, I on the contrary think it would age well. It's not an extremely popular name, but it sounds like it could be.
Tate is derived from the Norwegian Tait. Middle English version is Taten.
British singers Emma Bunton and Jade Jones have a son named Tate, who was born a few weeks ago.
Logically, this should be listed as a unisex name. Tate can be a nickname for the feminine Tatum, so is occasionally used as a given name for girls.
From middle English meaning 'cheerful'.
I very much like this name for either a boy or a girl. I'm actually considering naming one of my girls Tate in the future. I first read the name in a novel and the character was a girl.
Tate can also be a last name. There was a guy that used to play college football named Terry Tate. He does funny commercials for Reebok now.
In the book Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta, Tate Markham is the name of one of the characters.
My sister's name has the same pronunciation but it is spelt Tayte. So my opinion is that Tate (Or Tayte) could be used as a girls or a boys name.
Using Tate is like you've given up or something. "Tate?" I ask. "That's all they could come up with?"
It sounds dull, stupid, rather too much like taint and like there was absolutely no effort put into the naming process.
Despite sounding like Kate and Tatum, this name sounds quite masculine to me. I think this name is better as a surname, quite frankly. It's quite plain and minimalist, and it makes me think of little boys and tomboyish girls for some reason, not adults.
Such a great name. Boys names sound so great when expressed in one syllable. Tate is strong, unmistakable and can be envisioned as the artist of a finger painting or the name on an M. D.'s diploma. Just perfect. When we decided to have children, this was hands down going to be our son's name. Three daughters later there is still no Tate.
People say that it reminds them of "tater-tots". So, ask any seven year old "What's a tater-tot?", if they know, chances are they won't be deciding your young Tate's future while reviewing his application to Harvard.
As I understand it from my reference books (A Dictionary of English Surnames by Reaney & Wilson, for instance) technically it is the surname Tait that goes back to the Old Norse word for "cheerful", while Tate goes back to an Old English name, Tata, the original meaning of which is unknown. Since Tait and Tate are pronounced identically, I'm sure over the centuries there has been some confusion in spelling and some "Tate" families may originally have had medieval ancestors with the Old Norse name. But the origin does seem to be a bit more complicated that just "Old Norse" for "cheerful". [noted -ed]
I love this name. It's simple but not too common. I want to name my 2nd son this. My first is named Marlow which also comes from a surname and I think they sound good together. Both strong English names. I just hope he doesn't get called po-Tate-o!
Tate's a cool name. It could grow on me a lot.
Terry Tate is a famous football player that used to play for the Ohio State Buckeyes in the United States.
Terry Tate is actually a fictional football player created by Reebok during their 2002 ad campaign. He is best known as Terry Tate: Office Linebacker.
The actor Tate Donovan played Jimmy Cooper on The O.C. He also once dated Jennifer Aniston.
This name is the cutest! I love it for a boy!
I don't like the name, it reminds me of tater tots.
There is the Tate Gallery in London. I love it there.
This name is very cute and it has a good meaning. It is the perfect name for a little boy!

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