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Tanta 1
Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

used by J.R.R. Tolkien for the Hobbit Tanta Hornblower, the great-grandmother of Frodo Baggins.
Added 5/12/2011 by anonymous

Gender Feminine
Usage Inca

Meaning & History

"Beautiful beyond exaggeration," is how one Spanish chronicler described Tanta Carhua. Carhua was a ten-year old Inca child whose father offered her to the Inca Emperor as a Capacocha sacrifice. The honour of sacrifice was bestowed not only on the family, but was forever immortalized in the child. It is believed that the sacrificial children had to be perfect, without so much as a blemish or irregularity in their physical beauty.
Added 12/7/2022 by hermeline
Edited 12/7/2022 by hermeline

See Also

User submission Tanța