This is one of my favorite names— I would seriously consider bestowing it on a child. The sounds are lovely; the aura is majestic; and the meaning is rich. Tassie would be an adorable nickname.
I like this name. It sounds so much better than the sexist-sounding Tacey despite having the same meaning.
A rare name. Often mispronounced by people with a hard 'c.'
TAH-kee-tah is not a mispronunciation. It is the proper Latin pronunciation. In Latin, C always has the sound of K.
I don't really like this because it sounds too much like tacito, the food.
The name Tacita is actually the full name for Tacy because Tacy is the nickname to it. My impression on the comment of the artist is very interesting because that is actually my name except a tad different.
There is a contemporary British artist called Tacita Dean.

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