Surprisingly beautiful. I can't say I hold many archaic names near and dear to my heart, but this is one of the rare ones that I adore.
I, surprisingly, like this name. I'd probably use it for a character if it hadn't died out several centuries ago.
I imagine this was given to at least one child whose parents really wanted them to stop crying in the middle of the night.
The Betsy, Tacy, Tib books. I think Tacy was short for Anastasia.
Also, Tacey meaning
The origin of Tacey is from England and the meaning is “fruitful” that’s why it is pronounced TEY-see and not like the Latin word, that would be something like Ta-ceh (in that case the meaning would be silence or calm, nothing bad by the way) but in America is pronounced TAY-see so that’s why we know it’s from England. That’s the form that we have adopted in USA.
I personally think it is a precious name, with an easy roll off sound and a beautiful meaning. It’s cute, special, and very unique. I believe it’s related to the name Stacey. Love it!
I'm surprised this name is really old- it sounds infantile to me. Plus, the meaning is terrible! I wonder if this name stemmed from misogynist beliefs.
This could be used as a nickname for Tacita.
If the name is pronounced like how the Latin word "Tacey" was, the name would be pronounced like "Tah-Keh," not like Lacey with a T.
I kind of like the sound of it, but not the meaning.
I think this is actually a really cute name. It sounds so much better than Tracy or Stacey. The meaning and history don't bother me.
'Tace, Tacey, and Tacye were fairly common female names among the Quakers. This wasn't a sexist command for women to keep quiet (actually the Quakers were quite egalitarian for their time); rather, it reflects the Quaker doctrine that the divine inner voice can be heard through silent contemplation. Examples of the name "Tace" can be found as early as the 1600s in England and Wales.'
I'm glad this name is archaic. It's sexist and moronic, based on the Biblical Paul's misogynistic beliefs. I pity to think that some parents may have used this name, perhaps thinking it's a variant of Stacey, unaware of its meaning and history.
I can see why this name died out. It's an ugly name that came from the misogynist belief that women were supposed to be silent in church.
I don't love this name, but I do like it. I think it's cute.
The Puritans introduced this misogynistic name from St Paul's exhortation to women to "keep silent" in the churches!
I love this name! "Tace" is a great nickname and it just rolls off the tongue. I think it's a pretty, feminine and original name - much more interesting than Tracy.
Looks like someone misspelled Stacey, and sounds like someone with a severe lisp trying to pronounce Stacey. This name sounds very girly and infantile, and it's not pretty. The origin of the name rather makes me wonder if this was created as a ''virtue'' name to propagandize the idea that women should remain silent.
I think this name is actually a bit funny for some reason. I don't dislike it, actually.
I don't like this name, it sounds like tasty.
I don't like this name, I think it's actually very ugly.
Tacy was the nickname of the character Anastasia in Maude Hart Lovelace's children's book series 'Betsy, Tacy & Tib'.
Haha, when little kid's can't pronounce my name, Tracy, they say "Tacey".

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